- 外文名:fervor
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['fɜːvə]
- 釋義:熱情;熱烈;熱心;熾熱
fervour,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“熱情(等於fervor)”。單詞用法 N-UNCOUNTFervour for something is a very strong feeling for or belief in it. 熱情; 熱誠 [正式]短語搭配 American Fervour 美國的熱情 Hol...
態度(Manner)、激情(Fervor)、用心(Intention);人才觀 為德才兼備者提供最優越的平台,與君瑞網路一路創新發展;公司價值觀 奉獻——沒有任何藉口,履行職責 明確自己的崗位職責,按時按量的完成公司賦予的任務,只找達成的原因,不...
《Barrio reconquistado》是阿根廷詩人博爾赫斯的詩集《布宜諾斯艾利斯的激情》(FERVOR DE BUENOS AIRES)中的一首詩,原文為西班牙文。詩詞原文 Nadie percibió la belleza de los habituales caminos hasta que pavoroso en clamor y do...
依附那種不怕死的幹勁將衛冕帶回家中,愛因斯坦相對論(1950年):E=M 短語搭配 insurmountable barrier 不可逾越的鴻溝 ; 不可逾越的障礙 Insurmountable Fervor 無法超越之熱 insurmountable difficulty 不可克服的困難 ...
締造經典、創建網路新生活!理念:誠信(Good faith)、立異(Innovation)、共贏(Altogether wins);精力:心情(Manner)、熱心(Fervor)、用心(Intention);人才觀:為德才兼備者供應最優勝的途徑,與天領網路一路立異展開;
精神:態度(Manner)、激情(Fervor)、用心(Intention)、耐心(Patient);企業精神 明創科技秉承“以創新為靈魂、以質量為身軀、以服務為生命”的經營理念、上至公司領導、下至普通員工、均身體力行、精耕細作、追求品質卓越完美、達成...
咒文 【註:此處為拉丁語】“Fervor, mei sanguis”(沸騰吧,我的血液)“Automatoportum defensio(自動防禦):AutonlatoporIunl quaerere(自動索敵):Dilectus incursio(自動攻擊)”“Scalp!”(斬)“ire:sanctio”(追蹤抹殺)
transform My Chemical Romance’s aggressive sound into string driven magic. Tracks such as "Honey,This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us","Helena" and "Hang 'Em High" resonate and shimmer with new fervor....
En tus ojos crece el fervor Viene el huracán Viene el temblor Soy una flecha directo al corazón Nadare, Nadare mar adentro Calmare la marea en tu cuerpo Soy un trueno en el silencio Te sumergues en mi ser luz ...
It was a time of turbulence; the outbreak of the Civil War. He was a twelve-year-old boot-black from New York City. Caught up in the fervor of the moment and longing for soldierly adventure, young Gustav ...
的超級威士忌,給您激情無限。Superb whisky gives off a rare fragrance and stirs up your fervor.超級威士忌散發出一種芬 馥 的香氣,讓您激情無限。Super whisky gives off a rare grangrance and stirs up your fervor.馥 瓊...
With fervor our dreams we planned a whole life long Now are scattered on the wind In the terms of endearment In the terms of the life that you love In the terms of the years that pass you by In the terms of ...
[openly and without sense of guilt;with fervor and assurance] 形容說話理直氣壯,不慌不忙 侃侃而談 朝,與下大夫言,侃侃如也。——《論語·鄉黨》引證詳解 亦作“偘偘”。1.剛直貌。唐 柳宗元 《柳常侍行狀》:“﹝ 柳渾 ...
Are of the same essence as the fervor of a saint It is senseless to fight against this infinite stream Behind this threshold life exhausts itself loses itself Rejoice for tonight it is an eerie birth that we celebrate ...
That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known To which time will but make thee more dear No the heart which has truly loved never forgets But as truly loves on to the close As the sunflower turns on her ...
Con grande fervor Mañ ana o pasado Yo voy a tu casa Tu mama te ordena Una silla para mi Tu mi chiquita Finje no mirarme Ponte muy contenta Porque estoy aqui Trigueñ ita hermosa Cuando tomo vino Siento tantas ...
The further it gets from its original revolutionary fervor, the more slavishly it clings to all its constitutive principles, which it sees as the only certainty in an uncertain world.它越是背離那最初的革命狂熱,它就越是...