The Little Bugler

The Little Bugler

《The Little Bugler》是Belle Grove Publishing Company出版的圖書,作者是William B. Styple


  • ISBN:9781883926113
  • 作者:William B. Styple
  • 出版社:Belle Grove Publishing Company
  • 出版時間:1998年6月
  • 定價:USD 21.95
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
It was a time of turbulence; the outbreak of the Civil War. He was a twelve-year-old boot-black from New York City. Caught up in the fervor of the moment and longing for soldierly adventure, young Gustav Schurmann enlists as a musician with the 40th New York, Company I. Little does he know of the excitement, danger, and hardship that await him. During the four years of his ...(展開全部) It was a time of turbulence; the outbreak of the Civil War. He was a twelve-year-old boot-black from New York City. Caught up in the fervor of the moment and longing for soldierly adventure, young Gustav Schurmann enlists as a musician with the 40th New York, Company I. Little does he know of the excitement, danger, and hardship that await him. During the four years of his military career, this drummer would quickly rise in the ranks and be promoted to division bugler. He would be appointed orderly to Major-Generals Philip Kearny, David Birney, George Stoneman, and Daniel Sickles. He would become fast friends with Tad Lincoln, the President's youngest son. And, he would learn first hand of the tragedies and devastation of war. Through it all, small but tough as he was, Gus would emerge as his own hero, proving his bravery and strength of character in ten battles, from Bull Run to Gettysburg. This is his story: an unforgettable tale of duty and loyalty to family, friends, and cause in a war that would forever change his life, and our nation.The Little Bugler: the True Story of a Twelve-Year-Old Boy in the Civil War relates more than the engaging saga of Gustav Schurmann, as it also explains Civil War and other military terminology in an easy-to-read manner. Additionally, a glossary is included for quick reference. Dozens of photos, images, and illustrations serve to further enhance the reader's appreciation of the characters in this story and the period in which they lived.

