歌曲評價 整首歌工整的鼓點兒烘托出強烈的節奏,但它與一般表現都市人豐富多彩、熱情四射的電子舞曲相當不同。反覆變奏的旋律、幾乎不變的鼓點,似乎更襯托出了歌手略帶絕望的聲音,甚至有撕心裂肺的感覺。在鼓點下,樂曲推進的速度異常緩慢,觸動人們內心的則是主唱貌似單調平靜、實則揪人心肺的聲音。
Mell、DJ Novus 歌手開始說“自己熱愛生活,只是有時會感到迷惘”——自我安慰之詞更顯內心深藏的憂傷;再往下,歌手問了三個問題之後,苦悶之情表露無疑,尤其第三個問題“Where is home on the Milky way of stars”(在這銀河系的恆星上,何處是家園),使人感到“家”是如此遙不可及,隨後的段落反覆吟唱“so far away from home”把悲傷之情又向前推進了一步。
歌手唱到“I count on you.....”時,鼓點聲突然消失,隱藏的悲傷與渴望之情被一下子凸現出來——愛帶來了一線希望,也許通往“家”的路就在這裡。最後,歌曲在重複的主題“far away from home”中結束。
就歌詞而言,很顯然,歌曲作者所說的“家”不是指家鄉。實際上,“家”指的是心靈的歸宿,這首Far Away From Home描寫了人們一種無依無靠的精神狀態,含蓄地表現出都市人歡笑背後內心的無奈、精神的空虛與迷茫。儘管歌曲中隱藏的情感相當消極,但歌手並沒有絕望,因為有愛的存在。
愛是唯一的精神依靠,它帶來了希望,儘管有時也帶來痛苦。但一切努力都是值得的,因為愛“let us shine”(讓我們發光)。
樂隊成員 Novus、Mell 主唱:Mell(2001,2004-至今)
1981年8月4號出生於慕尼黑,全名是:Melanie Münch。
1984年5月14日出生於紐博格.巴伐利亞,全名是Verena Rehm。
2004年之後,Mell休產假歸來復出,繼續做樂隊主唱 到至今。後來 Verena在後台參加創作,其實Verena並沒有離開。她是自由歌手。
原名Markus Schaffarzyk。1976年11月7日出生,德國人。負責DJ及創作,是樂隊的靈魂。
榮譽 2003年 - 2005年,在德國舉辦的年度“Deutchscher Dance Award”(德國舞曲頒獎典禮)上,
Groove Coverage 以新人之姿入圍多項獎項——年度最佳舞曲團體、年度最佳舞曲、年度最佳舞曲專輯、最佳新進藝人!最終,該樂隊贏得評審團賞識,並奪得“年度最佳舞曲團體獎”和“最佳新進藝人獎”。
DJ Novus、Verena 在專輯“Covergirl”中,單曲“
God is a girl ”(上帝是女孩)以最快的速度登上了德國DJ榜單的第一名,並且問鼎2003年歐陸舞曲榜,成為該年度最強勁的“黑馬”;並且創造了在中國地區海外歌曲網路下載量最高、擁有超過數千萬次下載的紀錄,在中國網路下載量曾達到1000萬多次。另一熱門歌曲《
She 》僅在中國網路的下載量就達到600萬多次。《Far Away From Home》在中國網路下載量也達到600萬多次,同時還被評為全球最好聽500首歌之一。Groove Coverage還曾被譽為德國舞曲界的新風向標。
Groove Coverage 被德國媒體評為過去十年德國
最成功的個體藝術家 時,2011年圍繞
音樂媒體混音前10強 的DJ Novus 為中心的
舞動精靈 登上世界綜合實力榜第77名的位置並不是一件驚訝的事情。實力榜雲集了所有風格流派的藝術家,G.C還被稱為能和世界其他頂級藝術家平起平坐的樂隊。
Groove Coverage是德國最成功的舞曲藝術家之一。樂隊曾有12首單曲進入德國前50強,其中3首單曲更進入前10。4張獨立專輯發行量超過500萬張(僅在中國發行量就超過200萬張)。G.C立志成為德國最成功的舞曲音樂家。
經典單曲 Far Away From Home(2002-11-11)【遠離家鄉】
She (2004-07-26)【她】
Runaway (2004-11-22)【逃跑】
英文歌詞 Far Away From Home
I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....
I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
If we could make it through he darkest Night we'd have a brighter day.
the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.
I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
without you I'll be so far away from home
中英文對照 I'm loving living every single day,but sometimes I feel so....
I hope to find a little peace of mind.and I just want to know.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.
If we could make it through the darkest night,we'd have a brighter day.
The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I'll be so far away from home.
I count on you, no matter what they say,cause love can find its time.
I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.
In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.
In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.