《Faces of Hope》是由Mitch Garvin執導,Ricardo Aguilar主演的一部短片。
- 外文名:Faces of Hope
- 導演:Mitch Garvin
- 製片人:Jonathan Wareham
- 主演:Ricardo Aguilar
製作人 | 導演 | 剪輯 |
Jonathan Wareham | Mitch Garvin | Mitch Garvin、Mitch Gavin |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Ricardo Aguilar |
《Faces of Hope》是由Mitch Garvin執導,Ricardo Aguilar主演的一部短片。
製作人 | 導演 | 剪輯 |
Jonathan Wareham | Mitch Garvin | Mitch Garvin、Mitch Gavin |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Ricardo Aguilar |
Look into the eyes of quiet despair And the faces tell a story that words never can And it falls to everyone of us to try and understand Out of kindness One act of grace makes the world we walk a better place Hope is an open window Love an open door To reach out for each other I...
the honor/glory of God in the face of Christ transforms our faces. To bring issues of face to the center of discipleship in the Thai context must surely mean understanding the shape of the prevalent Thai cultural model of face, the specific logic of face, and the specific dynamics of face...
Can love oh me of little faith Oh me of little peace This world won't let me be Spinning out of my control Troubled times troubled soul Help me fix my eyes on thee God help oh me of little peace Oh me of little love A lonely life in the middle of A sea of faces racing on I ...
《The Ember of Your Own》是Hellsaw演唱的歌曲。The Ember of Your Own - Hellsaw On days like these It returns Solitariness in their faces Emptiness and bewilderdness On days like these Nothing is moving Freedom lies in the wind Pains decay in temselves Do you feel the same breeze of hope?
Mine sure has been. Over the course of these eight years, I’ve seen the hopeful faces of young graduates and our newest military officers. I’ve mourned with grieving families searching for answers, and found grace in Charleston church. I’ve seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain...
The Many Faces of Love 愛的多面 Your Limitlessness 潛能無極限 Thats Good 人生處處有精彩 The Melody of Thanks 感激之曲 Being Grateful 懷有一顆感激的心 A Rose 玫瑰花 Moving Thoughts 人生絮語 The Message of the Sitar 錫塔琴的啟示 A Lottery Ticket 誠信乃快樂之源 Carrots, Eggs, Coffee and ...
4、Moon有嚴重的暴力傾向。他還出價懸賞要折斷Faces樂隊鍵盤手Ian "Mac" McLagan的手指頭(Ian後來成為Moon的妻子的男友,並在Moon死後娶了她)。5. Moon在他21歲生日宴會上,開著一輛凱迪拉克衝進了Holiday Inn酒店的泳池,然後又回到房間把馬桶炸了個粉碎,並因此將自己的門牙崩掉了一顆。6. 在一次交通事故中...
1965年 - 威廉·塔特爾(William Tuttle) - 為他在影片《勞博士的七張臉孔》(7 Faces of Dr. Lao)中展現的高超化妝技巧。1966年 - 鮑勃·霍普(Bob Hope) - 為他對電影產業巨大的貢獻。1967年 - 亞基馬·坎納特(Yakima Canutt) - 為表彰他作為特技演員所獲得的成就和創造了安全的設備以保護全球特技...
1、年度最佳唱片(Record Of The Year)《一千里》/凡尼莎-卡爾頓 (A Thousand Miles,by Vanessa Carlton)《沒有我》/阿姆 (Without Me,by Eminem)《不知何故》/諾拉-瓊斯 (Don't Know Why,by Norah Jones)《進退維谷》/奈利 (Dilemma,by Nelly Featuring Kelly Rowland)《你如何想起我》/尼克-貝克 (...
On the last train the faces are tired 想要起早發現已經過兩點 Want to get up early only to find it's 2pm 前置鏡頭裡毛孔像秋天 Skin flaws in the mirror 希望襪子早日找到另一半 Hope the left sock finds the right one 吃完藥期待可以睡得好 Hope my sleeping pills help me sleep tight 獲得...
In the rippling waves of River Cam.那樹蔭下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻間,沉澱著彩虹似的夢。O', under the shades is the pool,It's the rainbow from the sky,Not springwater which is so cool.Shattered among the duckweeds,Are my rainbow-like dreams.尋夢?撐一支長篙,向青草更青處...
Unfamiliar Faces 1. Mr. Pitiful 2. Lilacs 3. Never Looking Back 4. Emergency Call 5. Vienna 6. Unfamiliar Faces 7. Cigarette Eyes 8. Downfall 9. Trying To Lose My Mind 10. Bound 11. Heart Of Stone 12. Miss Magnolia Songs We Sing 01. Yellow Taxi 02. Astair 03. Oh Dear 04. ...
02. The story of light - William Orbit (strange Cargo)03. Smokebelch II - Sabres of Paradise 04. Music for a found harmonlum - Penguin Cafe Orchestra 05. Sundance - Sun Electric 06. Fanfare of life - Leftfield 07. The hypnotist - Sisterlove 08. Second hand - Underworld 09. Crazy men...
01. Hope 4:10 02. Faces 3:07 03. Sway Your Head 3:15 04. Perfect Time 3:57 05. Julie 3:09 06. Water's Edge 2:31 07. LTFP 4:09 08. In The Blue 4:04 09. On Your Way 3:47 10. Upon Waking She Found Herself A Cougar 3:48 11. Please Shine 4:34 12. Glass Windows 4...
1965年 - 威廉·塔特爾(William Tuttle) - 為他在影片《勞博士的七張臉孔》(7 Faces of Dr. Lao)中展現的高超化妝技巧。1966年 - 鮑勃·霍普(Bob Hope) - 為他對電影產業巨大的貢獻。1967年 - 亞基馬·坎納特(Yakima Canutt) - 為表彰他作為特技演員所獲得的成就和創造了安全的設備以保護全球特技...
5 Love Has Many Faces 風流怨婦(1965年)風流怨婦(台)6 The Naked Kiss 赤裸之吻(1964年)赤裸之吻(港)/裸吻 7 Flower Drum Song 花鼓歌(1961年)花鼓歌(中)/花鼓歌(台)/花鼓歌(港)8 Bachelor in Paradise 王老五天堂(1961年)王老五天堂(台)/天國的男子漢(港)/天國的單身漢(其他)9 ...
An ocean of memories 像一片浩瀚無邊的記憶海洋 Pictures of faces and places 見過的人 到過的地方 And all of the things 全部的這些 That make us feel like we have it all 讓我們感到我們擁有一切 All of the times 所有的時光 That make us realize 讓我們真切感受到 We have it all 我們擁有一切...
Raise my hope and ease the fear 你給我希望 減輕我的恐懼 I’ll be there to back you up 我會在這裡支持你 A lightning strike on killing fields 閃電落在死亡的土地上 The soil is soaked with blood A deafening burst 土壤浸潤了鮮血 The smell of death and faces blurred with mud 死亡的味道混合...
Never Lose Hope 永遠不要丟掉希望 Standard of Care 規範的治療方法 The Gift of Life 生命的禮物 Chapter 4 Silver Linings 黑暗中的一線光明 The Unexpected Detour 意外繞道 The Comfortable Living Checklist 舒適生活表 A Tree Fell Through It 倒下的大樹 The Light at the End of the Tunnel 隧道盡頭的光...
As we walked into the room, there were faces 當我們走進房間 Saring, glaring, tearing through me 許多張臉轉向我 有人驚恐 有人怒視 有人哭泣 Someone said welcome to your doom 突然一個聲音傳來 : 歡迎來到你的末日 Then they smiled with eyes that looked as if they knew me 那一張張臉開始...
days of unity and peace forever through the years we'll hear the cheers joy and laughter everywhere we're together here to share forever friends you'll meet all races,see faces you've never seen people from parts of the world where you've never been and you'll feel it in your heart ...
brightly blaze //那些如烈焰般綻放的花兒 swirling clouds in violet haze //那些在 紫羅蘭的 薄霧中旋轉的 雲朵 reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue //都在 文森特瓷器一樣湛藍的眸子裡 Colors changing hue //變幻著色彩 morning fields of amber grain //清晨 琥珀色的原野 weathered faces ...