Explorations in Media Ecology

Explorations in Media Ecology

《Explorations in Media Ecology》是緬因大學編輯的書籍。《媒體生態學探索》旨在探討在跨領域、哲學性和歷史性的背景之下媒體、意識和文化之間的關係,以審視我們這個科技性的社會


  • 中文名稱:媒體生態學探索
  • 外文名稱:Explorations in Media Ecology
  • 類別:科學
  • 編輯單位緬因大學 
  • 定價:$ 21
Explorations in Media Ecology(EME) is the Journal of theMedia Ecology Association.
Explorations in Media EcologyExplorations in Media Ecology
EME explores the relationships between media, technology, symbolic form, communication, consciousness, and culture. Its scope is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. Media ecology provides a rich philosophical, historical and practical context for studying our increasingly technological and mediated society and culture with an emphasis on historical context.
Media ecology scholarship emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding media, communication, and technology, with special emphasis on the ways in which we have been and continue to be shaped and influenced by our inventions and innovation. The Media ecology approach is predicated on understanding that media, symbols, and technologies play a leading role in human affairs, and function as largely invisible environments affecting the way we think, feel, act, and organize ourselves collectively.
This journal is double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity.


