Esther Pascual

Esther Pascual,女,出生於西班牙巴塞隆納,博士,浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院研究員、博士生導師。


  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:認知語言學
  • 任職院校:浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院
  • 外文名:Esther Pascual




2003年獲阿姆斯特丹自由大學博士,目前是浙江大學“百人計畫”高級研究員和助理教授。她在荷蘭的大學學習和工作了14年,曾赴the University of California, 聖地亞哥,GhentUniversity, 比利時, the University of California, 伯克利, 以及Case Western Reserve University, 俄亥俄州進行訪問學習。Pascual 博士目前擔任“Language, Culture and Mind (語言,文化和心智)” 國際會議組織委員會的成員,也是Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics(西班牙認知語言學協會科學委員會)的常任委員。 同時,她還是同行評審的國際期刊Language Under Discussion的創始聯合主編,目前擔任International Association for Cognitive Semiotics
The Center for Cognitive Science準會員, 湖南師範大學. 主席: Prof. Mark Turner, 自2018年3月始.
European Network for Intercultural Education Activities(ENIEDA) 國際科學小組成員, 自2018年1月始.
Zhejiang Province Foreign Languages Association專家委員會成員, 自2016年10月始.
應邀加入:Expert Database of Outstanding Female Scientists and Scholars, 自2012年12月始.
European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue(ESTIDIA) 董事會創辦成員, 自2012年6月始.
Elected President (since July 2018) of theInternational Association for Cognitive Semiotics(IACS).
Co-founder and co-editor-in-chief ofLanguage Under Discussion, since June 2013.
Editorial Board member ofJournal of Linguistics, since January 2019.
Editorial board member ofVeredas – Journal of Linguistic Studies,since May 2012.
Agency for Management of University and Research Grants(AGAUR, 西班牙) 研究項目的永久評審;Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO, 荷蘭),Research Foundation-Flanders(FWO, 比利時),Research Council KU Leuven(比利時)等研究項目的特設評審員.
其他期刊的特設評審員:Text & Talk,Journal of Pragmatics,Review of Cognitive Linguistics,Pragmatics and Society,Language & Communication,Language and Cognition,Journal of Linguistics Folia Linguistica, Crossroads: A Journal of English Studies, eHumanista/IVITRA,Cambridge University Press, Mouton de Gruyter, John Benjamins,CSDL Publications, Nederlandse Taalkunde,Linguistics in The Netherlands,Anuari de Filologia,和Sprog.


1. 話語與認知,研究生課程,套用語言學系
2. 西班牙語言、文化與思維,研究生課程,套用語言學系
4. 西班牙口語訓練I,本科生課程,西班牙語所
5. 西班牙口語訓練II,本科生課程,西班牙語所
6. 西班牙口語訓練III,本科生課程,西班牙語所


主要研究個人提出的“虛擬互動(fictive interaction)”概念,並在索引期刊上發表了大量關於該主題的文章,如Cognitive LinguisticsReview of Cognitive LinguisticsText & Talk,Pragmatics & Cognition,以及她2014年的專著Fictive Interaction與2016年與他人合著的The Conversation Frame,均由John Benjamins出版。
Pascual博士已獲得來自Fulbright foundation(富布賴特基金會)和Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(荷蘭科學研究組織)的多項研究經費,以研究虛擬式互動現象。
Pascual, E.& S. Sandler (Eds.). 2016.The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Pascual, E.2014.Fictive Interaction: The Conversation Frame in Thought, Language, and Discourse. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Pascual, E.2002.Imaginary Trialogues: Conceptual Blending and Fictive Interaction in Criminal Courts. Utrecht: LOT.
期刊論文(SSCI, 和 A&HCI)
Xiang, M.,E. Pascual& B. Ma.待刊. Who’s speaking for whom?: Rhetorical questions as intersubjective mixed viewpoint constructions in an early Daoist text.Journal of Historical Pragmatics.
Fonseca, P.,E. Pascual& T. Oakley. 待刊. “Hi, Mr. President!”: Fictive interaction blends as a unifying rhetorical strategy in satire.Review ofCognitive Linguistics.
Sandler, S. &E. Pascual. 2019 (受邀).‘In the beginning there was conversation’: Fictive speech in the Hebrew Bible. Special issue.Pragmatics29(2): 250–276. [url]
Pascual, E.& E. Królak. 2018. The ‘listen to characters thinking’ novel: Fictive interaction as narrative strategy in literary bestsellers and their Spanish and Polish translations.Review of Cognitive Linguistics16(2): 399-430. [url]
Pascual, E., A. Dornelas, & T. Oakley. 2017. When ‘Goal!” means ‘soccer’: Verbatim fictive speech as communicative strategy by children with autism and two control groups.Pragmatics & Cognition24(3): 315–345.[url]
Xiang, M., &E. Pascual. 2016. Debate with Zhuangzi: Fictive interaction blends in ancient Chinese philosophy.Pragmatics26(1): 137-162. [url]
Pascual, E., E. Królak & Th.A.J.M. Janssen. 2013. Direct speech compounds: Evoking socio-cultural scenarios through fictive interaction.Cognitive Linguistics24(2): 345-366.[url]
Pascual, E.2008. Text for context, trial for trialogue: An ethnographic study of a fictive interaction blend.Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics6: 50-82.[url]
Coulson, S. &E. Pascual. 2006. For the sake of argument: Mourning the unborn and reviving the dead through conceptual blending.Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics4: 153-181. [url]
Pascual, E.2006a. Fictive interaction within the sentence: A communicative type of fictivity in grammar.Cognitive Linguistics17(2): 245-267.[url]
Pascual, E.2006b. Questions in legal monologues: Fictive interaction as argumentative strategy in a murder trial.Text & Talk26(3): 383-402. [url]
Pascual, E.2010 (受邀). El concepto de interacción ficticia en espanhol: De la conversación a la gramática [Fictive interaction in Spanish: From conversation to grammar].Dialogía: Revista de Lingüística, Literatura y Cultura5: 64-98.
Foolen, A., I. van Alphen, E. Hoekstra, H. Lammers, H. Mazeland &E. Pascual.2006. Het quotatieve van: Vorm, functie en sociolinguistische variatie [The quotative van ‘like’: Form, function and sociolinguistic variation].Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 76(2): 137-149.
Pascual, E. & Th.A.J.M. Janssen. 2004. Zinnen in samenstellingen: presentaties van fictieve verbale interactie [Sentences in compounds: Instances of fictive verbal interaction].Nederlandse Taalkunde 9(4): 285-310.
Pascual, E.& S. Sandler.2016. Fictive interaction and the conversation frame: An overview. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (Eds.).The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 3-22.
Brandt, L. &E. Pascual.2016. ‘Say hello to this ad’:The persuasive rhetoric of fictive interaction inmarketing. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (Eds.).The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 303-322.
Dornelas, A., &E. Pascual.2016. Echolalia as communicative strategy: Fictive interaction in the speech of children with autism. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (Eds.).The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 343-361.
Jarque, M.J. &E. Pascual(受邀).[2016] 2017 (2ed.). Mixed viewpoints in factual and fictive discourse in Catalan Sign Language narratives.In B. Dancygier, L. W.-l. Lu & A. Verhagen (Eds.).Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning: Form and Use of Viewpoint Tools across Languages and Modalities.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 259-280.
Pascual, E.2009. “I was in that room!”: Conceptual integration of content and context in a writer’s vs. a prosecutor’s description of a murder. In V. Evans & S. Pourcel (Eds.).New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 499-516.
Pascual, E.2008. Fictive interaction blends in everyday life and courtroom settings. In A. Hougaard & T. Oakley (Eds.).Mental Spaces in Discourse and Interaction.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 79-107.
Liang, Y. &E. Pascual. 2019. Mixed Metaphors: Their Use and Abuse by Karen Sullivan.Metaphor and Symbol34(2): 139-140. [url]
Abrantes, A.M. &E. Pascual. 2019 (受邀). Talk this dance: On the conceptualisation of dance as fictive conversation. In R. Kemp&B. McConachie (Eds.).The Routledge Companion to Theatre, Performance, and Cognitive Science.Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group Ltd., 255-263. [url]
Xie, F. &E. Pascual. 2018. Letitia R. Naigles (Ed.), Innovative investigations of language in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. Pp. 253. ISBN 978-311-040-978-9 (Hb), 311-040-978-X (E-Book).Language and Cognition10(4): 711–720. [url]
Oakley, T. &E. Pascual.2017(受邀).Conceptual blending theory.In B. Dancygier (Ed.).Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 423-448. [url]
Pascual, E.& T. Oakley.2017(受邀).Fictive interaction.In B. Dancygier (Ed.).Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 347-360.[url]
Pascual, E.[2012] 2016, 2nd edition (受邀). Espacios mentales e integración conceptual [Mental spaces and conceptual integration]. In I. Ibarretxe-Antunhano & J. Valenzuela (Eds.).Lingüística Cognitiva[Cognitive Linguistics]. Barcelona: Anthropos, 147-166.
Pascual, E.2004 (受邀). Ph.D. abstract: “Imaginary Trialogues: Conceptual Blending and Fictive Interaction in Criminal Courts”.The International Journal of Speech Language and the Law: Forensic Linguistics11(1): 169-172.[url]
國家社科基金重點項目——“漢語自閉症兒童和正常兒童的多模態指稱策略對比研究”,項目編號:17AYY009. 項目負責人:馬博森教授, 2017-.
浙江大學'雙腦計畫'交叉創新項目--'自閉症兒童交際行為智慧型分析',項目編號:106000*194231902. 項目負責人:馬博森教授, 2018-.
“Fictive interaction as linguistic construction and communicative strategy” (411836),‘Hundred Talents’ program, Humanities and Social Science, senior researcher position. Zhejiang University, P.R. China, 2015-. Principal Investigator.
“The Conversation Frame: Linguistic Forms and Communicative Functions in Discourse” (276.70.019),Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO), Vidi (‘Innovational Research Incentives Scheme’). University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2010-2015. Principal Investigator.
“Epistemic Strategies in Discourse, Interaction and Communication” (FFI2008-00070/FISO),Spanish Ministry of Education and Science(MEC). P.I: Prof. T.A. van Dijk, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, 2009-2012. Expert committee member.
“Intertextuality in Judicial Settings” (PR-05-01), Free Competition fellowship,Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO). P.I.s: Prof. W. Spooren and Dr. M.L. Komter, VU University, The Netherlands, 2007-2011. Expert committee member.
“Speech Representation as Re-contextualization: A Comparative Study of Reported and Constructed Questions in Dutch and American Criminal Trials” (275-70-012), Veni (‘Innovational Research Incentives Scheme’),Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO). VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005-2008. Principal Investigator.
“An Ethnographic Investigation into Interaction and Language Use in Criminal Trials before the Flemish Jury” (R33-302). Travel grant,Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO). University of Gent, Belgium. Nov-Dec 2004. Principal Investigator.
“A Comparative Study of Fictive Interaction Clauses in Dutch and English” (S 20-3), Talent fellowship,Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO). University of Gent, Belgium, and UC San Diego, U.S.A. Nov 2003-Nov 2004. Principal Investigator.
“An Ethnographic Study of Discourse Processes in Court” (020033S),Fulbright foundation. Supervisors: Emeritus Prof. A.V. Cicourel and Prof. G. Fauconnier, UC San Diego, U.S.A., 2000-2002. Principal Investigator.
“Quantitative Database on European Judicial Systems” (98/GR/166),Grotius program, European Commission. P.I.s: Prof. J. Baldwin (U. Birmingham), Prof. E.R. Blankenburg (VU University Amsterdam), Prof. P. Casanovas (UA Barcelona), Dr. A. Garapon (judge/Institut des Hautes études sur la Justice), Prof. G. di Federico (U. Bologna), Prof. J.J. Toharia (UA Madrid), 1998-2000. Junior researcher.
“Identifying Socio-Cognitive Markers in Language” (UMR 5475).CNRS(FRE2208) andII Pla de Recerca de Catalunya(PICS), P.I.: Prof. P-Y. Raccah (Paris, France), and Prof. P. Casanovas (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). 1998-2000. Junior researcher.
“Comparative Research on Waste Management in the United Kingdom and Spain” (ENV4.CT96-0239).General Directorate on Science, Research and Technology XII, European Union. Principal investigator: Prof. E. Laranha (UC Madrid, Spain), external supervisor: Prof. A.V. Cicourel (UC San Diego, U.S.A.), Apr. 1997-Dec. 1999. Junior researcher.
“Videotapes in the Courts of Justice: Analysis of ethnographic data” (PB96-0737),Spanish Ministry of Education(MEC), P.I.: Prof. P. Casanovas. UA Barcelona, Spain.1996-1999. Junior researcher.
“Analysis of ethnographic data on the practice of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Spain” (PB94-0737),Spanish Ministry of Education and Science(MEC). P.I.: Prof. P. Casanovas. UAB, Spain, Sept. 1996-Dec. 1997. Junior researcher.


