End Of The Beginning(30 Seconds To Mars歌曲)

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《End Of The Beginning》是2002年30 Seconds To Mars發行的一首歌,所屬專輯是《30 Seconds To Mars》。


  • 外文名稱:End Of The Beginning
  • 所屬專輯:《30 Seconds To Mars》 
  • 發行時間:2002年8月27
  • 地區:美國


End Of The Beginning是美國知名搖滾樂隊30 Seconds To Mars於2002年8月27日推出的樂隊首張同名專輯《30 Seconds To Mars》的一首歌曲。


01. Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
02. Edge Of The Earth
03. Fallen
04. Oblivion
05. Buddha For Mary
06. Echelon
07. Welcome To The Universe
08. The Mission
09. End Of The Beginning
10. 93 Million Miles
11. Year Zero
12. Anarchy In Tokyo*


歡迎來到30 Seconds To Mars的世界,一同體驗他們所營造出來的音樂氛圍與旋律。
在同名的首張專輯中,集合大量工業聲響、Progressive Rock、Nu-Metal等元素,簇擁Space Rock的空間音場,Jared簡潔有力的聲音,令人驚訝於他不同演戲上奶油小生的印象。
專輯由搖滾樂傳奇的製作人Bob Ezrin及前Jane’s Addiction團員Brian Virtue擔綱製作。浩瀚無盈的Space Rock標準曲Capricorn [A brand New Name]、未來感十足的Edge Of The Earth,一如團名一般給人一種猶如置身未來太空電影般的聯想;Old School Progressive Rock的Fallen 、充滿工業影響的Oblivion及Metal氣力的93 Million Miles等,仿佛野心地召告世人一個未來世界的來臨。
也許地球太危險,那么就一同來體驗30 Seconds To Mars來自南加州的音樂快感!


End Of The Beginning
You dont know what its like
To be there when its over
If love was like a battlefield
Would you put me on your shoulder
But time dont mend broken hearts
And this ones getting colder
And the seasons fall apart
And I feel alone and older
I know youre alone
To leave me where Im standing
I dont wanna let you go
But in my heart now I know
That is only the beginning of the end
I dont know anymore
These days are never-ending
This love is like an open door
And Im tired just to be tender
I know youre alone
To leave me where Im standing
I dont wanna let you go
But in my heart now I know
That is only the beginning of the end
When I gave my heart to you
I better know what love could do
To all the pain it put me through
I dont wanna let you go
But in my heart now I know
That is only the beginning of the end
I dont wanna let you go
But in my heart now I know
That is only the beginning of the end


