《Elements of Style》是一本圖書,作者是Wasserstein, Wendy。
- 中文名:風格元素
- 外文名:Elements of Style
- 作者:Wasserstein, Wendy
- 題材:小說
- 語言:英語
- 出版時間:2006年4月
- ISBN:9780739333662
- 裝幀:平裝
《Elements of Style》是一本圖書,作者是Wasserstein, Wendy。
《The Elements of Style 寫作風格之要素》是商務印書館(香港)有限公司出版的圖書,作者是[美]威廉·史壯克(William Strunk Jr.)內容簡介 不要再濫用”not only…but also”的句式了! 寫作不但要懂得寫,還要寫出風格! 八大規則...
《The Elements of Style》是Coyote Canyon Press出版的圖書,作者是William Strunk 內容簡介 This book is the classic reference text for clear writing and is generally considered a must-have for any student or writer. In this...
《the elements of style》是Penguin Books出版的圖書,作者是 William Strunk Jr. / E.B. White。該書於2007年出版。內容簡介 僅式的手工以往任何時候都出現在暢銷書排行榜,數以百萬計的讀者的基本原則,用簡單的英語解釋。這本書...
《英文寫作聖經《The Elements of Style》》是2018年野人出版社出版的圖書,作者是威廉.史壯克(William Strunk Jr.)。內容簡介 恐怖小說大師Stephen King史蒂芬‧金、奉為權威典範的英文寫作聖經!經典兒童名著《夏洛特的網》作者E. ...
《世界建築細部風格設計百科》是2017年遼寧科學技術出版社出版的圖書,作者是史蒂芬·科羅維。內容簡介 本書《世界建築細部設計風格百科》(修訂版),(The Elements of Style:An Encyclopedia of Domestic Architectural Detail,Fourth ...
《Manual of Style》是www.bnpublishing.com出版的圖書,作者是William Strunk Jr.內容簡介 The Chicago Manual of Style and The Elements of Style by William Strunk jr. The Chicago Manual of Style by University of Chicago ...
The Elements of Typographical Style 《The Elements of Typographical Style》是Hartley & Marks Publishers; 2nd edition (2002)出版的圖書,作者是Robert Bringhurst。
混合音樂:為了吸引更多的聽眾對音樂風格所作的調整,如把兩種或兩種以上的風格交融在一起 The adaptation of a musical style, as by blending elements of two or more styles or categories, in order to appeal to a wider ...
本書的撰寫對象為邏輯思考的初學者,並與史壯與懷特(Strunk and White)合著的《寫作要素》(The Elements of Style)並列經典之作,提供許多簡明易懂又價值非凡的建議。 麥肯納利教授認為,邏輯思考這門學問會對我們的生活持續發揮...
Let‘s get back to the elements of style Let‘s get back to simple skin on skin Let‘s get back yeah to the fundamental things You can sit in your room and worry You can contemplate the end Burn down the house...
當她在書店裡偶然閱讀了英文寫作寶典書——暢銷世界近百年的《風格的要素》(Elements of Style)之後,竟然想到要為它畫插圖,插圖版《風格的要素》讓麥拉·考曼再次成名,並成為西方知識界爭相收藏的書籍。麥拉·考曼還是一位以睿智、...
handbook, The Elements of Style, McInerny’s primer offers valuable counsel on making a clear and effective point. He calls attention to the tremendous importance that language holds in the crafting and presentation of an...
2.3Reading:ManipulationoftheCrowd:HowTrustworthyAreOnlineRatings 37 2.4Writing:ElementaryRulesofUsagefromtheElementsofStyle(PartⅡ) 39 2.5InsideAcademics:TipsforWritingaCoverLetter 46 Unit3 48 3.1Listening:SelectedfromScience...
s finest and most distinguished architects. It illustrates how they rise to the challenge of designing a space to live in - from dealing with the varying conditions imposed by location to combining elements of style and ...
You gotta take care of your facial hair Otherwise it gets scruffy and bare The elements of style for the beard owner The essential manual for owners of beards Trim it cut it comb it style it Clean it and scent ...
《英語章法:從句子到文章》是作者逐句翻譯了公版英語寫作SJ The Elements of Style的英文原作,對原書結構做了調整,分為三個板塊,分別介紹英語詞句的運用與組合規則,格式與用詞規範以及對個人寫作風格形成的初步探討。The Elements of...
Eye of the Story but never before published in a stand- alone volume, On Writing is a handbook every fiction writer, whether novice or master, should keep within arm’s reach. Like The Elements of Style ,...
2011.13. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, Routledge,2006.14.The Elements of Style(Fourth Edition), Longman, 1999.15.Writing Scientific Research Articles(Second Edition), Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.
「這是一本為數字時代而作的《The Elements of Style》。」──賽斯·高汀(Seth Godin),《紫牛》、《部落》作者。(按:《The Elements of Style》為威廉·斯特倫克與 E.B. 懷特合著之英文寫作指南,被視為有關英文寫作的聖經...
White寫的The Elements of Style(Allyn & Bacon,2000),它一點也不象國中教科書。 測試工程師必須把產品測試的技術寫成檔案。測試計畫提供指導並把測試設計轉化為設定、實現測試和評估結果的步驟指導。具有一般軟體和產品特性不同層次經驗...
The Total Cost of Owning a Mess The Grand Redesign in the Sky Attitude The Primal Conundrum The Art of Clean Code?What Is Clean Code?Schools of Thought We Are Authors The Boy Scout Rule Prequel and Principles Conclusi...
Elements of Fiction: Flashback and Foreshadowing Text for Reading Interpretation and Discussion Unit seven james joyce:araby Key Words Elements of Fiction: Style, Tone and Irony Text for Reading Interpretation and Discussion Un...