- 中文名稱:地震工程與工程振動(英文版)
- 外文名稱:Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
- 主辦單位:中國地震局工程力學研究所
- 出版周期:季刊
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration期刊簡介 編輯 出版地:黑龍江省哈爾濱市語言種類:英文國際標準刊號:1671-3664國內統一刊號:23-1496/P...
《地震工程與工程振動》(Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration)創刊於1981年,是由中國地震局主管,中國力學學會、中國地震局工程力學研究所主辦的學術性期刊...
《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》是由中國地震局工程力學研究所主辦,美國多學科地震工程研究所中心(MCEER)協辦的英文類學術期刊,1992、1996年分別獲...
《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》、《Earthquake science》、《地震工程與工程振動》、《岩土工程學報》和《振動與衝擊》審稿專家 [1] 巴振寧主要...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2011, 10(3): 325-337. (SCI&EI )Wen Ruizhi, Ren Yefei, Li Xiaojun, et al. Comparison of two great...
《Engineering Structures》 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》 《Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics》 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 《Structural...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2011, 10(4), 581-589(4)SU Xiao-hui, ZOU De-gao. A Novel Apaptive Coordinate Model and Its ...
《地震工程與工程振動》編委會主任、主編,《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》編委會主任,同濟大學土木工程防災國國家重點實驗室學術委員會主席,香港...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2007, 6(2): 159~169.[14] 薛素鐸,李雄彥,潘克君. 大跨空間結構隔震支座的套用研究. 建築結構學報. 31(s2...
On precise time integration method for non-proportional damped MDOF systems, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 2006,5(1):79-85....
Rapid repair of severely earthquake-damaged bridge piers with flexural-shear failure mode [J].Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2011, 10(4):...
8、Earthquake-induced collapse mechanism of two types of dangerous rock masses 期刊:Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration9、低滲透砂岩型鈾礦床爆破增...
Field Experiment of Subgrade Vibration Induced by Passing Train in a Seasonally Frozen Region of Daqing[J].Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration(SCI...
《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》研究領域(研究課題)涉及學科: 水工結構工程、海洋工程、地震工程、核電工程、電磁場與微波技術...
EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION, Vol.13, No.1, 13-21, 2014.(SCI&EI檢索)馮繼威、李山有、王振明,四川盆地地區地震動衰減關係,地震工程與...
14. Guo Xun (2002), etc., Estimation of damping ratio of soil sites using microtremor, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 1, No. ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration、Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration等國際期刊審稿人。中文名 郭安薪 民族 漢 職業 哈爾濱工業大學土木工程學院教授,...
Seismic spatial effects on long-span bridge response in non-stationary inhomogeneous random fields,Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2005, 4(1)...
山東省地震局等的項目評審專家,ASCE(Part A: Civil Engineering)、 EEEV等國內...Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2004, 3(2):147~155...
Empircial Models for Prediciting Lateral Spreading with Considering the Effect of Region Seismicity, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,Vol.11,No3...
3. 擔任20餘本sci雜誌審稿人,如:The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Journal of Vibration and...
Ye Jihong, Zhang Zhiqiang and Liu Xianming.A Simplified Multi-Support Response Spectrum Method. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2012, 11(2...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2009, 8(2): 231-239. (SCI)5. Zhou Y G and Chen Y M. “Influence of seismic cyclic loading history...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2011, 10(4), 581-589. (SCI)[24].孔憲京, 周揚, 鄒德高, 等. 高面板堆石壩面板應力分析及抗擠壓破壞措施...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 2013; 12(1): 33-386.Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Estimation error of the half-power bandwidth ...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2014.13(2):181-194.5.胡進軍,鄭旭,郝彥春,謝禮立.俯衝帶地震動特徵及其衰減規律探討.地球物理學報, 2017, ...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2017, 10.1007/s11803-017-0416-7. (SCI, EI)(4) Zhou H, Wagg DJ, Wang T. Velocity plus displacement...
Ruifang Yu , Xiyuan Zhou , Simplifications of CQC Method and CCQC Method,Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration, 2007,6(1): 67-76. (SCI:) 6...
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (EEEV), 3(2):171-180 (2004)地震工程與工程振動(英文版)。Lin J H, Wang J and Zhang Y H. Non-...