周燕國,男,博士,副教授,碩導、副博士生導師,主要從事土動力學與岩土地震工程、岩土工程防災減災方向的教學與科研工作。主持國家自然科學基金(No. 50908207)、中國博士後科學基金(一等)和中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目。主參國家自然科學基金2項、973計畫1項,主持橫向課題2項。已發表學術論文25篇,其中被SCI、EI檢索17篇。申請國家專利2項,並獲國家科技進步二等獎1項、省部級科技進步一等獎2項。博士論文《土結構性的剪下波速表征及對動力特性的影響》獲評2010年全國優秀博士學位論文。入選浙江省新世紀151人才工程第二層次培養人員。曾獲中國地震局黑龍江恢先地震工程學基金、湯氏教育基金會、浙江大學創優博論文資助、浙江大學“紫金計畫”等獎勵和資助。擔任ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering特約審稿人,GEER Association 會員。浙江大學副教授周燕國
1. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M and Yasuhiro Shamoto. “Verification of the soil-type specific correlation between liquefaction resistance and shear-wave velocity of sand by dynamic centrifuge test”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2010, 136(1): 165-177. (SCI & EI)
2. Zhou Y G and Chen Y M. “Laboratory investigation on assessing liquefaction resistance of sandy soils by shear wave velocity”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2007, 133(8): 959-972. (SCI & EI)
3. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, Shamoto Y & Hotta H. “Centrifuge model test on earthquake-induced differential settlement of foundation on cohesive ground”, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(7): 2138-2146. (SCI)
4. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M and Ling D S. “Shear wave velocity-based liquefaction evaluation in the great Wenchuan Earthquake: a preliminary case study”. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2009, 8(2): 231-239. (SCI)
5. Zhou Y G and Chen Y M. “Influence of seismic cyclic loading history on small strain shear modulus of saturated sands”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2005, 25(5): 341-353. (SCI & EI)
6. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, and Ding H J. “Analytical solutions to piezoelectric bimorphs based on improved FSDT beam model”, Smart Structures and Systems. 2005, 1(3): 309-324. (SCI)
7. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, and Ding H J. “Analytical modeling of sandwich beam for piezoelectric bender elements”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 2007, 28(12):1581-1586. (SCI)
8. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, Asaka Y and Abe T. “Surface-mounted bender elements for measuring horizontal shear wave velocity of soils”, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2008, 9(11):1490-1496. (SCI & EI)
9. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, Ding H J and Chen W Q. “Modeling of sensor function for piezoelectric bender elements”, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2008, 9(1):1-7. (SCI & EI收錄)
1.陳雲敏,周燕國.“砂土液化剪下波速判別法研究進展”(Invited Lecture). The 5th Cross-strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (SGE-5), Hong Kong, China, July 13-15,2011, pp.208-216.
2. Yan-guo ZHOU, Tian LIANG, Dao-sheng LING, Yun-min CHEN. “Liquefaction performance case histories in Christchurch area during the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes from cone penetration test and shear wave velocity”. Second International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina , Italy, May 28-30, 2012.
3. Yan-Guo ZHOU, Yong-Gang LI, Dao-Sheng LING, Yun-Min CHEN. “Attenuation of seismic wave energy and liquefaction limit during the great Wenchuan earthquake”, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 24-28, 2012.
4. Zhou, Y. G., Chen, Y. M., and Shamoto Y. et al.. "Free type bender elements for characterizing soil in centrifuge model test", 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. Sarah Springman, Jan Laue & Linda Seward (Editors). Zurich, Switzerland, 2009, pp.417-422.
5. Chen, Y. M., Kong, L. G., Zhou, Y. G., et al. "Development of a large geotechnical centrifuge at Zhejiang University", 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. Sarah Springman, Jan Laue & Linda Seward (Editors). Zurich, Switzerland, 2009, pp.223-228.
6. Chen Y M, and Zhou Y G, “Technique standardization of bender elements and international parallel test”. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, No.150, 2006: 90-97.
7. Zhou Y G, Chen Y M, and Chen R P, “Evaluation of ground improvement for liquefiable deposits using shear wave velocity”. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, No.188, 2009: 150-159.