The beauty of nature is beyond the mountain and hide inside the stone. The mission of EMG is to deliver the beauty of stone to people. EMG believed that heritage, innovation and sharing is the right way to create value. While the fusion of design, technology and stone is the direction that EMG has always held fast to.
- 中文名稱:EMG大石館
- 外文名稱:EMG
- 地理位置:廣州
- 氣候類型:亞熱帶季風氣候
- 主旨:傳遞石材美學
- 倡導:傳承、創新、分享
- 公司:廣州大石館文化創意股份有限公司

石材是人類沿用至今最古老的天然材料之一,大石館繼承前人在石材美學上的傳承,不斷地在世界範圍內尋找最美麗的天然石材。因循古人,大石館的足跡遍布世界各地,撒哈拉沙漠、埃及紅海、土耳其古火山、耶路撒冷、艾菲斯古城、北非和南美洲都是我們曾經駐足的地方,大石館先後掀開古堡灰、撒哈拉紫、沙漠風、珍珠貝、月亮古、清水雲、艾菲白木紋、水雲沙等100多種美麗的石材的神秘面紗。大石館所開發的石材已成為世界各地著名設計機構和設計師鐘愛的用材,其中包括雅布(Yabu)、威爾遜Wilson Associate、HBA、SOM、Giorgio Armani等。經典的石材包括威尼斯水城的名片-威尼斯銀白(Kirmenjak),有著2500年歷史的古羅馬Pula鬥獸場用石-賽維亞米黃(Valtura, Giorgio Armani),清水玉( Grey Onyx )等。
Stone is one of the oldest natural materials that mankind has continued to use till today. EMG has inherited the stone aesthetics from the predecessors, and has been looking for the most beautiful stone all over the world. Its footprints have covered the Sahara Desert, the Red Sea from Egypt, the ancient volcano from Turkey, Jerusalem, Efes Antique City, North Africa and South America. EMG had found more than 100 stone varieties such as Castle Grey, Sahara Grey, Desert Wind, Sina Pearl, Moon Valley, Grey Onyx, Efes White and Water Clouds etc. These stone varieties have been applied to the projects by the world class design firms and designers such as Yabu Pushelberg, Wilson Associate, HBA, SOM and Giorgio Armani etc. The most classical stone are Kirmenjak: the building material for Venice, the city on the water, Valtura: the stone for Pula Arena which has a history of 2500 years, and Grey Onyx: the stone that Giorgio Armani is in favor of.
Model Innovation
制約石材行業的發展有三大痛點,即天然石材缺乏統一標準、交易環節過多導致信息不透明和交易成本高,以及上下游企業協同性低的三大行業難點。大石館跳出傳統產業思維,開創性地提出打造“礦山-設計-工廠-客戶”四方信息共享及協作平台,致力於在多邊範圍統—標準,去中間化及信息透明化。經過多年的探索與實踐,大石館開創的“礦山定製平台協作模式”取得了成功的實踐和驗證,並發展出“礦山認證”、“七段流程四方協同管理體系”、“九宮格分類分級法”、“五個維度品種分析法”、“礦山定製供應模式”等創新工具及服務,開創了全新的多方產業協作模式,為石材行業的發展探索出全新的路徑。到目前為止,已先後有40多個礦山加入到礦山定製的協作平台上,每年為全球100多家設計公司,1000多個項目提供礦山定製的B2B石材解決方案。成功地為多個地標性項目提供了全新的礦山定製服務。其中包括中國首個阿瑪尼公寓(Armani Apartment),上海連卡佛商場,上海四季酒店公寓,凱悅酒店等標誌性項目。
There are 3 main restrictions for the development of stone industry: (1). Lack of common standards for natural stone; (2). Lack of transparency of information and high transaction cost due to the excessive bargain links; (3). Low cooperativeness between upstream and downstream firms. EMG thinks outside of box and comes up with the original idea of forging a platform of information sharing and cooperation between 4 parties: quarry, designer, factory and client, aiming at unifying standards within a wide range, omitting the intermediary and avoiding information opaque. After years of exploration and practice, EMG initiated quarry customization business mode which has been successfully implemented and approved, and developed the innovative tools and services such as quarry authentication, 7-segment flow and 4-party cooperation management system, Sudoku classification, 5-dimension varieties analysis and quarry customization stone supply mode, thus set up a brand new multi-industry cooperation mode and explored a new path for the development of stone industry. Till now, more than 40 quarries have joined EMG on the cooperative platform of quarry customization. EMG has provided B2B quarry customization stone supply solutions for more than 100 design firms and over 1000 projects all around the world, among them there are some landmark projects such as the 1st Armani Apartment in China, Lane Crawford Shanghai, Four Seasons Apartment Shanghai and Hyatt hotels etc.
Product Innovaton
除了保持與世界知名設計師的聯繫和合作外,大石館還經常舉辦各類型的國際設計展覽和活動。同時長期支持各類設計創新的項目,如威尼斯建築雙年展(Architectural Biennale)、與清華大學合作的DADA的數字建築(石材數字營造)、與英國駐華大使館合作的中英石材余廢料工業設計套用,與廣州美院合作的石材產品設計課程等。結合創意和技術,不斷探索石材的全新套用方案。在國際合作上,大石館與義大利石材學院、四川美院設計學院共同成立中意石材設計研究中心,推動石材設計和套用的創新。大石館已在室內設計套用、建築設計套用、家具設計套用等領域投入了大量資源,在設計人才和技術儲備上都達到國際一流的水平。
Beside the business mode innovation, EMG has been sustainably committed to the stone design and product innovation. EMG not only keeps good contact and cooperation with the well-known designers, but holds varied design exhibitions and events, and supports different design innovation projects such as Architectural Biennale, DADA digital architecture in collaboration with Tsinghua University ( digital constructing on stone),Upcycling Design Exhibition in collaboration with British Embassy Beijing and Stone Product Design Course in collaboration with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts etc. in order to combine innovation with technology and explore the brand new stone application schemes. On the international level, EMG set up the Sino-Italian Stone Design Innovation Research Center together with Italian Stone College and College of Design of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with the aim to promote the innovation of stone design and application. EMG has invested lots of resources in interior design application, architecture design application, furniture design application, and has achieved world-class level on design talents and technological reserve.
Since its foundation in 2010, EMG has held more than 300 exhibitions and events related with culture, art and design. By holding stone lectures, EMG has regularly spread the cutting-edge stone knowledge to more than 100 design institutes which includes Sheraton Hotel Management Group, HBA Singapore and Wilson Associates Singapore etc. EMG’s mission is to deliver the beauty of natural stone, inherit the wisdom of predecessors, combine new technology with innovative design, explore the possibilities of stone innovative application, bring the beauty of stone to life and let more people enjoy it. On August 18, 2016, EMG Cultural Creativity Holding Co., Ltd. was officially listed as a public company (Stock Name: 大石館, Stock Code: 838196). On this new stage, EMG will continue searching more beautiful stone, joint more innovative designs and technologies and devote to promote the innovation and development in the stone field.

Chronicle of Events
EMG was founded in 2010 ( original name: Guangzhou North Latitude 23 Stone Co., Ltd.)
08/01/2010: EMGdotART Guangzhou opened
07/05/2011:EMGdotART Beijing opened
09/2012: EMGdotART Shanghai opened
2013: EMGdotART Foundation was established in Venice, Italy ( the 1stculture and art foundation established by Chinese enterprise in Venice)
2013: Won Best Business Mode award by 21 Century Business Review
2013: Won China Culture Creativity Outstanding Contribution Award by Longteng Award
▲2014年義大利威尼斯Palazzo Zen(禪宮文化中心)開幕(成為威尼斯首個來自中國民間機構的永久文化藝術中心)
2014: Palazzo Zen opened in Venice, Italy (the 1stpermanent culture and art centerbyChinese civil institution in Venice)
02/2016: Shareholding reform and rename Guangzhou EMG Culture Creativity Limited Liability Company
08/2016: Officially listed on new three board, stock name:大石館, stock code: 839186