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dune,英語單詞,釋義為n. (風吹積成的)沙丘


  • 外文名:Dune
  • 釋義:(風吹積成的)沙丘


  • 1My grip on the control bar was painfully tight as I ran down the lip of the dune.當我沿著沙丘的邊緣向下快速奔跑時,我的雙手緊緊抓住控制桿,甚至讓我感到了疼痛。
  • 2Between the shore and the inland edge of the dune field, sand alternates with the vegetated ground.在海岸與內陸沙丘地帶的邊緣之間,沙地與覆蓋植被的地表交相輝映。
  • 3My LED headlamp lit the white sand dune.我的LED照明燈點燃了白色的沙丘。
  • 4A dune field covers some of the ground.地面部分地區被沙丘覆蓋。
  • 5Climb a mountain. Ride in a dune buggy.登一座山,在沙漠裡兜風,赤著腳漫步在草地上。
  • 6Two hikers climb Dune 45 at Sossusvlei, Namibia.在納米比亞的索蘇斯鹽沼,兩個遠足旅客攀登沙丘45。
  • 7Enjoying a "dune dinner" outside of Dubai will prove you wrong.只要享用過一頓杜拜郊外的“沙丘晚餐”,就能證明你的想法不對。
  • 8I see fog suspended at dune peaks, button beetles, and birds.我看到浮在沙峰上的霧,鈕扣甲蟲和鳥兒。
  • 9Now it is a tourist playground. Led by train staff, we climb a massive dune.現在這裡卻是遊客遊玩的地方,在列車員的帶領之下,我們爬上了一個巨大的沙丘。
  • 10When the dune dries in a day or so the wind will begin to reshape it once again.經過一天左右的風吹和日曬,沙丘乾燥起來,那時的風就會把它的形狀重塑一次。
  • 11When the dune dries in a day or so, the wind will begin to reshape it once again.一天左右,沙丘乾透後,風將再次重新塑造沙地的形狀。
  • 12In his novel "dune", Frank Herbert imagined a planet covered largely by sand dunes.在小說《沙丘》中,作者Frank Herbert構想了一個主要被沙丘覆蓋的星球。
  • 13The towering ridge of a sand dune in the Arabian Desert points to the afternoon sun.阿拉伯沙漠上一座高聳的沙丘脊指向著午後的落日。
  • 14Sandra Vernon, a 47-year-old mother of three in my class on the dune, egged me on.桑德拉·弗農是一位和我一起在山丘上學習的學員,她已經47歲了,有3個孩子。
  • 15The sand dune is the highest point in a flat landscape, so it offers spectacular views.沙丘是平地上的制高點,所以上面景觀很好。
  • 16They have written about it in fiction, from Rider Haggard's "She" to Frank Herbert's "Dune".從瑞德•哈葛德的《她》到弗蘭克·赫伯特的《沙丘》,人們在科幻小說中也多有描述。
  • 17They have written about it in fiction, from Rider Haggard's “She” to Frank Herbert's “Dune”.從瑞德•哈葛德的《她》到弗蘭克•赫伯特的《沙丘》,人們在科幻小說中也多有描述。
  • 18All of the sand dunes, however, form part of a larger dune field nearly encircling the lake.所有沙丘形成了一個更大的沙丘,幾乎包圍了整個湖泊。
  • 19Dawn is ideal dune-viewing time: stay inside the park boundaries for those early starts.黎明時最理想的沙丘觀賞時間:留在公園邊界線內,等待早起的星星吧。
  • 20Dune number 45, which is famous because its closest to the street can be climbed: just try it!沙丘45號非常出名,因為它是可以攀爬的沙丘中距離道路最近的一個:趕緊試試吧!
  • 21Wind and rain lash the face of Red Canyon, an ancient dune complex on the island's eastern flank.風雨沖刷著紅峽谷的表面——在島的西側形成的古老沙丘。
  • 22Between the shore and the inland edge of the dune field, sand alternates with vegetated ground.在海岸與內陸沙丘地帶的邊緣之間,沙地與覆蓋植被的地表交相輝映。
  • 23After I climbed on to the sand dune in the light rain and gusty wind, the rain stopped and sun peeked out.在細雨和颳風中,我爬上了沙丘,之後,雨停了,而且太陽悄悄地露出來了。
  • 24In one instance, scientists found that hundreds of cubic yards of sand had avalanched down the face of a dune.在一個實例中,科學家們發現大量立方碼的沙粒從沙丘的表面崩落。
  • 25In the southeast, just beyond the edge of the dune field, the land appears as a patchwork of brown and green.在東南面,越過沙丘地帶的邊緣不遠處,土地好似打上了棕色和綠色的補丁。
  • 26Glow from the distant Shaybah oil field turns the Saudi Arabian sky purple as a man dances atop a nearby sand dune.輝光從遙遠的沙巴油田轉向沙烏地阿拉伯附近紫色天空,一個男子在沙丘頂上跳舞。
  • 27Captured during the region's dry season, the picture shows a mixture of brown and green in the dune-free areas.圖片是在該地區的旱季拍攝的,在無沙地區呈現出混合的棕色和綠色。


