- 中文名:Dirty rhythm
- 職業:樂隊
- 風格:重金屬
- 成立時間:1988年
Dirty Rhythm,看到這個樂隊名千萬別以為它是Vinnie Vincent Invasion的致敬樂隊。Dirty Rhythm,一隻來自於美國的portland的流金樂隊,成立於1988年,樂隊最初出道被冠以skid row和cry wolf樂隊的cover band,個人感覺這么說,也許是因為主唱嘹亮高亢的嗓音以及他們那種重金屬味道十足的曲風吧。
樂隊最初由Jeffrey Michael Bonds (vocals), Brian Harrison (guitar,keyboard)和Samuel Zern (drums)組成。經過短暫的磨合,樂隊製作了他們的demo,經由Loverboy的吉他手Paul Dean介紹,並在他的合作下在加拿大的一個廠牌準備著他們的第一張同名專輯。期間,Brian Greenham 作為bass手加入了樂隊,而鼓手則由Troy Miller代替。之後的過了一年,專輯Hard As A Rock出版了,就像任何一隻流金樂隊一樣,首張專輯都是最讓人期待最讓人熱血沸騰的,專輯中好歌連連,個人最為喜歡專輯的第一首,Feel The Fire。值得一提的是這張專輯中的一首慢歌,I Can't Wait,開曲優美的木吉他開曲,伴著鍵盤的加入,主唱開始吟唱Seems like a long time since i went away...流金中這種回憶類的抒情曲不少,但是這首絕對是INVINCIBLE聽過的佼佼者,個人認為跟Danger Danger的I still think about you有著異曲同工之妙。這也是為什麼推薦這個樂隊的原因,每個樂隊總有那么靈光一閃的時候,總會有那么一首讓人過耳不忘的曲子。喜歡這類曲子的朋友不妨去聽聽。
回到正文,其實在說完他們的第一張專輯之後,本文也差不多就告一段落了,樂隊在出完首張專輯之後就銷聲匿跡了,不過在06年又出了一張專輯,Never Cleaned Up,如同大部分一張死的樂隊一樣,這張也是他們早期作品的再版。Over,Dirty Rhythm的故事到這裡就結束了。 

附上I Cant Wait的歌曲:
Seems like a long time since i went away
Time it passes by so slow
I'm realizing i will never be the same
And now i'm here to let you know
Nothing will ever change my mind
About the way i feel inside
Baby i'm coming home
And i can't wait to hold you in my arms again
And i can't wait to hold you close to me
And i can't wait 'cause forever it's just too long to wait to say
I love you
Seems like a long time since i went away
Memories of you still remain
And i remember all those nights we shared alone
Walking in the april rains
And now the time has passed me by
Gotta need to by my side
Each and every day
And i can't wait to hold you in my arms again
And i can't wait to hold you close to me
And i can't wait 'cause forever it's just too long to wait to say
To say
Nothing will ever change my mind
About the way i feel inside
Baby i'm coming home
And now the time has passed me by
Gotta need to by my side
Each and every day
And i can't wait to hold you in my arms again
And i can't wait to hold you close to me
And i can't wait 'cause forever it's just too long to wait to say
To say
Yeah, oohhh...
I love you
I love you
And i can't wait 'cause forever it's just too long to wait to say
I love you
I love you
You know i love you

Released 1991 (JRS/BFE Records)
Track List:
01. Feel The Fire
02. I Can't Wait
03. Blinded
04. Hot N' Cold
05. Hard As A Rock
06. Backside Of Love
07. Reach Out
08. One Summer Night
09. Hold On (Forever Tonight)
10. Waiting For The Money
11. Burn Out The Night
12. Bad Girls
Jeffrey Michael Bonds - vocals
Brian Harrison - guitar and keyboards
Anthony Brian Greenham - bass
Troy Miller - drums
Additional Musicians:
Dave Pickell - keyboards
Bruce Short - bass (2)
Matt Fernette - percussion
Samuel Zern - all drums
Produced by Paul Dean.

NEVER CLEANED UPReleased 2006 (Suncity Records)
Track List:
01. Funky Little Sister
02. Addicted To Ya
03. Bad Blood
04. Top Feul
05. What's Your Problem?
06. Wild Child
07. Feel The Fire (video)
Jeffrey Michael Bonds - vocals
Brian Harrison - guitar and keyboards
Anthony Brian Greenham - bass
Troy Miller - drums
Produced and mastered by Dirty Rhythm.