ConDensaation 狀態,typedef struct CvConDensation{ int MP; // 測量向量的維數: Dimension of measurement vector int DP; // 狀態向量的維數: Dimension of state vector float* DynamMatr; // 線性動態系統矩陣:Matrix of the linear Dynamics system float* State; // 狀態向量: Vector of State int SamplesNum; // 粒子數: Number of the Samples float** flSamples; // 粒子向量數組: array of the Sample Vectors float** flNewSamples; // 粒子向量臨時數組: temporary array of the Sample Vectors float* flConfidence; // 每個粒子的置信度(譯者註:也就是粒子的權值):Confidence for each Sample float* flCumulative; // 權值的累計: Cumulative confidence float* Temp; // 臨時向量:Temporary vector float* RandomSample; // 用來更新粒子集的隨機向量: RandomVector to update sample set CvRandState* RandS; // 產生隨機向量的結構數組: Array of structures to generate random vectors} CvConDensation;
結構 CvConDensation中條件機率密度傳播(譯者註:粒子濾波的一種特例)(Con-Dens-Ation: 單詞 CONditional DENSity propagATION 的縮寫)跟蹤器的狀態。