《Coral Fang》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。
- 外文名:Coral Fang
- 所屬專輯:Coral Fang
- 歌曲原唱:The Distillers
- 歌曲語言:英語
《Coral Fang》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。
《Hall Of Mirrors》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 I come down like a hurricane sucked up inside Now I spit out the suffer yeah You say you want a revelation Revel in this my lover You're free at liberty is this what you want Sometimes I wonder There's...
《Die On A Rope》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Tell me something tell me stupid Will I die will I die on a rope Tell me something tell me stupid Will I die will I die I wish that you didn't love me no more I've been dead for years I wish ...
《Beat Your Heart Out》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Baby you make my heart beat faster Baby you make my heart beat faster I know Let alone to rest alone Yeah you're making me I had to run the damage is done Give it up yeah give it up yeah There...
Blood,呈獻往日最為熟悉獨立廠所帶出的龐克悸動.部分專輯 Coral Fang 1.Drain the Blood 2.Dismantle Me 3.Die on a Rope 4.The Gallow Is God 5.Coral Fang 6.The Hunger 7.Hall of Mirrors 8.Beat Your Heart Out 9.Love Is Paranoid 10.For Tonight You're Only Here to Know 11.Death Sex ...
《The Hunger》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Holy eyes I never knew I'd beg down at your feet Hold on tight I never knew I'd know much more than this Open sky the wave of pain the scent of you is bliss Hungry eyes they stare at me I know I ...
《Love Is Paranoid》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,由Brody Dalle作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Coral Fang (PA Version)》。歌曲歌詞 I step right off the edge Let the blood rush to my head I'm going down to where the lucky ones have bled I lift the veil up to reveal A fascination And if you crave...
《The Gallow Is God》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 The Gallow Is God - The Distillers Oh how my heart it sings suicide Oh how my gallows sinks of black dye Oh how my death march brings a tear to your eye Oh how the noose it swings when you die Wh...
《For Tonight You're Only Here to Know》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,由Brody Dalle作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Coral Fang (PA Version)》。歌曲歌詞 Really want you to sigh Never in tune, sigh I really want you to sigh Never in tune, sigh Just tonight I would I would lay here for you Just ...
《Death Sex》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,由Dalle作曲,收錄於《Coral Fang (Alternate Cover) (pa Version)》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 WOW!Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Do it, oh do it oooooooh!!I came down ...
《Deathsex》是The Distillers演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Coral Fang (PA Version) [Explicit]》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Wow Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Baby I come undone Shoot your gun Do it oh do it oooooooh I came down hard I'd do it and do...
(13)Knowledge share of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network: training and education to Africa and all over the world Fadong LI, Qiuying ZHANG, Jian Liu, Bingfang Wu, Xiubo Yu, Xiaosong LI? 2015-02-23 (14)Water and nutrient movements and their environmental impacts in agro-ecosystem...
89. Wenshuo Zhang#, Yongheng Shi#, Baoshun Wang, Ying Han, Rufan Zhang*, High-Strength Electrospun Polydimethylsiloxane/Polytetrafluoroethylene Hybrid Membranes with Stable and Controllable Coral-like Structures, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 164, 107316.88. Ying ...
死亡珊瑚礁(Deathtrap Coral)向對手釋放死亡珊瑚礁的孢子進行攻擊。迷幻歌聲 以魅惑的歌聲製造幻覺來迷惑對手。簡介:海鬥士之一,使用珊瑚攻擊,實力在青銅聖鬥士和普通海鬥士之上,稍遜於白銀聖鬥士。引導朱利安·梭羅到海底神殿覺醒成海皇波塞冬。在漫畫版中,狄蒂斯可以化身為一條魚,曾被幼年的朱利安救過一命,為了...
(2)Zhiming Ning, Sumei Liu, Guoling Zhang, Xiaoyan Ning, Ruihuan Li, Zengjie Jiang, Jianguang Fang, Jing Zhang. Impacts of an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system on benthic nutrient fluxes: a case study in Sanggou Bay, China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2016, 8: 221-232.(...
[27]Fang Qinfang, Zhang Hongwei, Guo Ying. Thermal Decomposition of Dolomite. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 177: 617-619.(國際EI &ISTP)[28]Zhang Hongwei, Fang Qinfang, Guo Ying. Thermal Decomposition of Dolomite Containing Phosphorus. Key Engineering Materials, 2012, 492: 337-340.(...
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9. Yangrui Guo, Wenfeng Deng*, GangjianWei, Hangfang Xiao, Xuefei Chen (2020) Metabolic significance of temperature-dependent changes in annual resolution coral δC from the South China Sea during the mid-Holocene. Regional Studies in Marine Science 33:100950. 10. Wenfeng Deng*, Gangjian ...
24. Xinyuanyuan Sun, Sijun Huang, Lijuan Long*. Characterization, complete genome and proteome of a bacteriophage infecting a coral-derived Vibrio strain. Marine Genomics. 2019, 47, 1874-7787 23. Fangfang Yang, Wenzhou Xiang, Tao Li, Lijuan Long*. Transcriptome analysis for phosphorus starvation...
[8] Renjie Zhou, Yunjie Luo,Mingfang Ba, Zihua Zhang, Jianghua Fang, Chi Sun Poon, Xiaoliang Fang,Value-added recycling of waste concrete fines into alternative aggregates for riversand conservation, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2024, 83: 102802. (SCI,JCR Q1, 中科院2區, IF = 7.7) ...
Chen, Kaicha; Zhao, Hongli*; Wang, Zhenxing; Zhou, Fangfang; Shi, Zehui; Cao, Shida; Lan, Minbo*. Sandwich-type electrochemical aptasensor based on Au-modified conductive octahedral carbon architecture and snowflake-like PtCuNi for the sensitive detection of cardiac troponin I. Biosensors and ...
9. Xin Li, Xiangheng Niu, Wenchi Zhang, Qingang Xiong, Yanfang He, Jianming Pan, Tao Zhang, and Fengxian Qiu. Composition-dependent electrocatalytic activity of coral-Like capping-free PdCo architectures toward methanol oxidation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164:F1241-F1248.1...
[18] Cheng, Z.B.; Deng, Y.L.; Fan, C.Q.; Han, Q.H.; Lin, S.L.; Tang, G.H.; Luo, H.-B.*; Yin, S.* Prostaglandin Derivatives: Nonaromatic Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitors from the Soft Coral Sarcophyton ehrenbergi. J. Nat. Prod. 2014, 77, 1928–1936. PMID: 25075977 [19...
[2] K.F. Yu, J.X. Zhao, Q. Shi, G.J. Price, Recent massive coral mortality events in the South China Sea: was global warming and ENSO variability responsible? Chemical Geology [3] E. St Pierre♥, J.X. Zhao*, Y.X. Feng, E. Reed, U-series dating of soda straw ...
4.She YY, Lin JJ, Su JH, Chang TS, Wu YJ (2022) 4-Carbomethoxyl-10-Epigyrosanoldie E Extracted from Cultured Soft Coral Sinularia sandensis Induced Apoptosis and Autophagy via ROS and Mitochondrial Dysfunction and ER Stress in Oral Cancer Cells. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. ...
Nash, M. C., Opdyke, B. N., Wu Zhongwei, Xu Huifang, and Trafford, J. M., 2013. Simple X-ray diffraction techniques to identify Mg calcite, dolomite, and magnesite in tropical coralline algae and assess peak asymmetry. Journal of Sedimentary Research , 83:1085-1099. 吳仲瑋, 孫曉明,...
匙苞姜(Zingiber cochleariforme D. Fang)是姜科姜屬多年生草本植物,根莖塊狀肥厚,淡黃色,具辛辣味,株高可達2米;葉片橢圓狀披針形,頂端漸尖,基部楔形至圓楔形,葉面無毛,葉背柔毛和腺點;葉舌膜質,無毛或被疏毛。穗狀花序卵形至倒卵形,總花梗柔弱,被長柔毛;苞片紫色或白色,楔狀匙形至長圓形,小苞片...