- 中文名:李發東
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 性別:男
2002-09--2005-07 中國科學院研究生院,地理科學與資源研究所 博士
1999-09--2002-07 中國科學院研究生院,石家莊農業現代化研究所 碩士
1992-09--1996-06 中國農業大學資環學院農業氣象系 學士
2002-09--2005-07 中國科學院研究生院,地理科學與資源研究所 研究生
1999-09--2002-07 中國科學院研究生院,石家莊農業現代化研究所 研究生
1992-09--1996-06 中國農業大學資環學院農業氣象系 大學
2002-09--2005-07 中國科學院研究生院,地理科學與資源研究所,自然地理學, 理學博士
1999-09--2002-07 中國科學院研究生院,石家莊農業現代化研究所,生態學,生態學碩士
1992-09--1996-06 中國農業大學資環學院農業氣象系,理學學士
2010-01~現在, 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,禹城綜合試驗站, 研究員,博導,執行站長
2005-10~2009-12,日本千葉大學, 合作研究
1996-07~2005-09,中國科學院石家莊農業現代化研究所(現遺傳與發育生物學研究所農業資源研究中心), 助研
2019-12-31-今,《人民珠江》, 編委
2017-01-01-今,《南水北調與水利科技》, 編委
2015-01-01-今,《資源科學》, 編委
2014-12-31-2022-12-31,《農業資源與環境學報》, 編委
2014-01-01-今,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所技術委員會, 委員
2014-01-01-今,《中國生態農業學報》, 編委
2013-01-01-今,American Society of Agronomy,
2013-01-01-今,Crop Science Society of America,
2013-01-01-今,Soil Science Society of America,
2012-01-01-今,中國可持續發展研究會, 會員
2012-01-01-今,中國可持續發展研究會生態環境專業委員會, 委員
2011-01-01-今,中國地理學會, 會員
2010-01-01-今,中國自然資源學會, 會員
2006-01-01-今,International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), member
2006-01-01-今,International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), member
學術指導:劉昌明院士; 謝賢群研究員; 程維新研究員; 張興權研究員
研究員:李發東 博士
高級工程師: 喬雲峰(兼);朱農(兼)
助 研:田超;李靜(兼);李煒;王健祺
博士生:古叢珂;郝帥;冷佩芳;杜錕;李兆;劉山寶;Hirwa Hubert;栗照鑫
曾經工作/合作人員: 鈴木款教授(日本靜岡大學);馬剛博士; 陳力博士(吳紹洪教授); 白鵬博士(劉昌明院士); 冷國勇博士;李倩博士;葛曉穎博士(楊林生教授);孫偵博士(賈紹鳳);
( 1 ) 一種自動進樣裝置, 實用新型, 2019, 第 2 作者, 專利號: ZL 2018 2 1414934.1
( 2 ) 一種地下水年齡的測定系統, 實用新型, 2019, 第 1 作者, 專利號: ZL 2018 2 1452090.8
( 3 ) 一種封閉式雙層進樣針, 實用新型, 2019, 第 2 作者, 專利號: ZL 2018 2 0506425.3
( 4 ) 一種原狀土取土裝置, 實用新型, 2018, 第 2 作者, 專利號: ZL 2018 2 0810449.8
1. 華北農田生態系統水、物質遷移機制及環境效應(中國科學院“百人計畫”,2010-2012,項目負責人)
( 1 ) 華北農田土壤固碳潛力與速率研究, 參與, 部委級, 2010-01--2015-12
( 2 ) 華北農田生態系統水、物質遷移機制及環境效應, 主持, 部委級, 2011-01--2014-12
( 3 ) 增溫條件下華北長期免耕農田溫室氣體排放機制(31170414), 主持, 國家級, 2012-01--2015-12
( 4 ) 非洲生態系統監測、研究和管理能力評估(31161140355), 主持, 國家級, 2011-09--2014-08
( 5 ) 禹城農業生態系統地下水硝態氮雙同位素示蹤技術研究, 主持, 部委級, 2011-01--2013-12
( 6 ) 黃淮海平原乾旱鹽化和粘板漬中低產田改良技術集成示範(2012BAD05B02), 主持, 國家級, 2012-01--2016-12
( 7 ) 中國科學院“特聘外國研究員”項目, 主持, 部委級, 2012-09--2012-11
( 8 ) 黃河下游引黃灌區硝酸鹽來源與地下水年齡示蹤, 主持, 國家級, 2012-01--2015-12
( 9 ) 農村分散型污水治理技術示範--華北平原養牛場污水生態治理技術示範, 主持, 部委級, 2014-10--2016-12
( 10 ) 地下水—農田生態系統關鍵過程模擬裝置(GAS)研發, 參與, 部委級, 2016-01--2018-12
( 11 ) 農田生態系統科研樣地建設, 參與, 部委級, 2016-01--2016-12
( 12 ) 全國主要農區重金屬污染時空變化規律和重點污染區域識別, 主持, 國家級, 2016-01--2020-12
( 13 ) 東非農田生態系統時空格局及其對糧食安全的影響評估 ——以衣索比亞為例, 主持, 國家級, 2018-01--2022-12
( 14 ) 原位觀測13C同位素解析土壤有機碳穩定性的研究, 主持, 國家級, 2018-01--2021-12
( 15 ) 中亞地區土地資源及開發利用潛力, 參與, 部委級, 2018-01--2022-12
(1)黃河三角洲水環境研究 第一屆國際三角洲論壇暨黃河三角洲生態環境與區域發展研討會 2018-11-22
(2)東非尼羅河上游農業用水與糧食安全研究 2018第16屆中國水論壇暨第二屆新安江綠色發展論壇 2018-11-09
(3)東非尼羅河上游農業用水與糧食安全研究 2018第16屆中國水論壇暨第二屆新安江綠色發展論壇 2018-11-09
(4)新疆乾旱區艾比湖降水-地表水-地下水關係的穩定同位素研究 2018 年中國水文地理學術年會 2018-08-30
(5)Evaporation in situ observation with multi-closed-chambers in agro-ecosystem in the North China Plain 2018-07-31
(6)Water-related cooperation in Africa and its inspiration for China-Tajikistan partnership 2018-06-18
(7)農田生態系統過程與環境研究進展 京津冀水資源需求管理與環境保護學術論壇 2018-05-19
(8)China experiences for East Africa agriculture ecosystem management and food production 2017-09-03
(9)最新溫室氣體及同位素高頻線上觀測進展 乾旱區生態環境要素動態觀測學術研討會 2017-04-23
(10)最新溫室氣體及同位素高頻線上觀測進展 生態系統溫室氣體動態觀測學術研討會 2017-04-07
(11)黃河下游引黃灌區地表水和地下水重金屬分布 首屆農業資源與環境論壇--農業水肥資源高效利用及面源污染控制專題研討會 2016-11-18
(12)Identification of critical zone architecture by using GPR(Ground-Penetrating Radar) in the North China Plain 變化世界中的關鍵帶科學、可持續發展及服務 李發東 2015-10-21
(13)Knowledge share of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network: training and education to Africa and all over the world Fadong LI, Qiuying ZHANG, Jian Liu, Bingfang Wu, Xiubo Yu, Xiaosong LI? 2015-02-23
(14)Water and nutrient movements and their environmental impacts in agro-ecosystem (AE) and costal areas Fadong Li 2015-02-19
(15)引黃灌溉對黃河下游區域水循環結構的影響 中國水科學發展學術論壇 李發東,劉昌明,宋獻方,唐常源,楊永輝,張萬軍,於靜潔 2013-04-29
(16)李發東 西藏 李發東 2012-05-14
International Seminar
Date: June 8th 2013
Time: 09:00 to 17:00
Venue: Room 2421, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, 11a Datun Road, Beijing
United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Ecosystem monitoring and capacity building in the source of Nile Dr. Fandong Li (UNEP-IEMP)
Since China launched the “Go Global” policy in 1999, the level of outward foreign direct investment in Africa has increased greatly, with stocks of $13 billion by 2010 (an eightfold increase since 2005 ). The policy has encouraged many Chinese agencies and companies to work and invest opportunities in Africa and in the meantime attract investments (mainly from S. Africa and N. African countries) to China. In 2011, the total trade volume between Africa and China was $168 billion while that between Africa and US was $128 billion, which marked the importance of South-South Cooperation in China’s “Going Global” movement. Meanwhile, China-Africa cooperation has expanded to new dimensions including the environment, science and technology, culture, health and agriculture.
The purpose of this seminar/workshop is to present and discuss the results of recent research about China’s role in the African environment and development nexus, including sectors such as agriculture, forestry and mining, as well as efforts of Chinese institutions to partner with their African partners in managing ecosystem services for mutual benefits.
The workshop will bring together Chinese scholars and researchers from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) currently working on understanding the role of China’s investment in African natural resource sectors . It will also bring together experts from UNEP-IEMP and the Chinese Academy of Sciences working on environment and development synergies. UNEP-IEMP is a new global centre of excellence promoting south-south cooperation and influencing science and policy development on issues of ecosystem management in developing countries. UNEP-IEMP will share its views on ecosystem management in the developing world and highlight some of its projects in Africa. The presentations will be followed by comments, Q&A, and discussions. The goal of the workshop is to promote Sino-African cooperation through sharing insights, developing new research partnerships, and identifying future opportunities for international collaboration on ecosystem management.
2013-03-27, 北京, Opening Ceremony of the China-Japan Center on Hydrological Cycle Research Between the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China and the University of Tsukuba, Japan and International Workshop on Hydrologic Cycle and Water Resources in East Asia.
Place: The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS, Room 2209, A11, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P. R. China
Sponsored by:
The China-Japan Center on Hydrological Cycle Research;
The Key-Laboratory on Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, IGSNRR, CAS; and
The Environmental Diplomatic Leader Education Program, University of Tsukuba
Co-Sponsored by:
The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS;
The Department of Global Activities, University of Tsukuba;
The University of Tsukuba China Office; and The UNESCO Office Beijing
Invited Presentation14:30-15:00
Prof. Fadong LI (Deputy Director, Yucheng Comprehensive Experiment Station, Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS): “Study on Water Cycle and Ecological Protection in the Yellow River Delta”
13:30-13:50 李發東 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所, 引黃灌溉農田生態系統對淺層地下水環境的影響
2013-01-06-13, Japan, Shizuoka, China-Korea-Japan Partnership in Science and Technology.
Location, Granship 10F, Shizuoka, Japan
Headquarters for Promotion of Interdisciplinary Domain Research in Shizuoka University
Prof. Yoshimi Suzuki
Invited Presentation13:35
Fadong Li, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Effect of climate change on crop yield and nitrogen movements in the Yellow River Irrigated Area, China
Fadong LI, Qiuying ZHANG, Jing LI, Shuai SONG, Yan ZHANG, Qiang LIU, Guangshuai ZHAO
Irrigation and fertilization support the food security all over the world. Unsuitable management and climate change background have potential influence on groundwater contamination, nitrate excess especially.
The Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station (YCES) (36?57′N, 116?38′E), CAS, a national agriculture station, is located in the Yellow River Irrigated Area in Shandong Province where is in the southern part of the North China Plain (NCP). Winter wheat and summer maize is rotated from Oct. to next Jun. and Jun. to Oct. Using the long-term observation data at YCES and the data of GCMs output for IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)provided by ISI-MIP and PIK, Root Zone Water Quality Management Model (RZWQM) from USDA was used to assess the effect of climate change on crop yield and nitrate storage in soil profile and its flux flowing into the groundwater.
Relative stable trends of wheat yield and precipitation during its growing season;
Decreasing trend of maize yield with slight declining precipitation during its growing season;
For the 0-200cm profile where the maize root can reach, 24% of nitrogen is stored into the 0-40cm soil layer. This result is very high and benefit crop growing. However, it also increased the risk of groundwater contamination by infiltration along the precipitation and irrigation;
long-term results indicate that nitrogen flux from soil into groundwater will increase after 2050. How to improve the fertilizer utilization efficiency should be strengthened.
(中英文) 環境科學與生物地球化學
Environmental Science and Biogeochemistry
(中英文) 靜岡大學
Shizuoka University
1972.3 日本靜岡大學工學部,學士學位
1981.7 日本名古屋大學,理學博士
1972.4-1974.9 日本分析化學研究所,研究員
1974.10-1986.3 日本氣象廳氣象研究所,研究員
1986.4-1993.3 日本氣象廳氣象研究所,首席研究員
1993.4-1996.3 日本靜岡大學理學部副教授
1, 總理獎[珊瑚礁和碳循環,2011年,日本政府總理]
2, 海洋化學獎[有機碳循環和生態系統, 2010年,海洋化學學會]
3, 三菱商事株式會社獎[珊瑚白化的澄清機制:微觀視角,2005年,三菱]
4, 教育部文化獎[海水中有機碳的新研究方法,1989年,日本政府]
5, 海洋學協會獎 [硒的地球化學研究-在海洋生態平衡新概念,1981]
6, Sunkei海洋獎[在海水中的有機金屬配合物的新方法的發展,1976年],日本“產經新聞有限公司
List of Major Publications 2002-2011Authors (all,) Year Title, Journal, Vol, No., pp.-
○ 鈴木款編「海洋生物と炭素循環」(1997)東京大學出版會
○ 乾智行編「CO2固定化?隔離の最新技術」(2000)分擔「CO2の鉱物隔離」pp124-138, シーエムシー社
○ 靜岡新聞社編「二十世紀とは何だったの」(1999)分擔「破局の兆しから目をそらしてこなかったか」pp 187-206、靜岡新聞社
○Z. Dubinsky and N. Stambler(eds.), Coral Reefs:An Ecosystem in Transition, DO I 10. 1007//978-94-
007-0114-4-14:207-214. 分擔Yoshimi Suzuki and Beatriz E. Casareto(2011) The Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen(DON)in Coral Biology and Reef Ecology、Springer DO I 10. 1007//978-94-007-0114-4-14:207-214.
○鈴木晃仁編「ゆとりと生命をめぐって」生命の教養學VI 分擔「見えない自然の循環が生命を支える」
(2011)p55-p75, 慶応大學出版會
Original Paper total 147
○Irikawa Akiyuki, Beatrzi E. Casareto, Yoshimi. Suzuki, Sylvane. Agostini, Michio. Hidaka, Robert. Woesik (2011) Growth anomalies on Acropora cytherea corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin (in press)
○Rumi Sohrin, Makishi Isaji, Yoshimi Obara, Sylvain Agostini, Yoshimi Suzuki,Yutaka Hiroe, Tadafumi Ichikawa, and Kiyotaka Hidaka(2011)Distribution of Synechococcus in the dark ocean, Aquatic Microbial Ecology(in press).
○Yoshimi Suzuki and Beatriz E. Casareto(2011) The Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen(DON)in Coral Biology and Reef Ecology, Z. Dubinsky and N. Stambler(eds.), Coral Reefs:An Ecosystem in Transition, DO I 10. 1007//978-94-007-0114-4-14:207-214.
○Mohamed Farook Mohamed Fairoz, Yoshimi Suzuki and Beatriz E. Casareto(2011)Behavior of dissolved organic matter in coral reef waters in relation with biological processes, Modern Applied Science, 5,No.1:3-11.
○鈴木 款(2011)海洋の二酸化炭素の調節と海洋生態系の役割:鍵は有機物循環、Bull. Soc. Sea Water Sci., Jpn. 65, 21-28
○P. Cuet, M. J. Atkinson, J. Blanchot, B. E. Casareto, E. Cordier, J. Falter, P. Frouin, H. Fujimura, C. Pierret, Y. Susuki, C. Tourrand(2010) CNP budgets of a coral-dominated fringing reef at La Re´union,France: coupling of oceanic phosphate and groundwater nitrate, Coral Reefs, DOI 10.1007/s00338-011-0744-4.
○Rumi Sohrin, Manabu Imazawa, Hideki Fukuda, Yoshimi Suzuki (2010)Full-depth profiles of prokaryotes, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and ciliates along a transect from the equatorial to the subarctic central Pacific Ocean, Deep-Sea Research II, 57:1537–1550.
○Tomihiko Higuchi, Hiroyuki Fujimura1, Yuya Hitomi, Takemitsu Arakaki1, Tamotsu Oomori1 and Yoshimi Suzuki(2010) Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radicals in Tissue Extracts of the Coral Galaxea fascicularis, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 86: 1421–1426.
○Kazuyo Shiroma, Yoshimi Suzuki, Beatriz Casareto and Yoshio Ishikawa(2010) Effects of Heat Stress and Nitrate Enrichment on Nitrogen Allocation in Zooxanthellate Corals, Eco-Engineering, 22(3):101-104.
○L.Charpy, K.A.Palinska, B.Casareto, M.J.Langlade, Y.Suzuki, R.M.M.Abrd and S.Golubic(2010)Dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in microbial mats of two shallow coral reef ecosystems, Microbial Ecol. 59:174-186.
○Sylvain AGOSTINI, Yoshimi SUZUKI, Beatriz E. CASARETO, Yoshikatu NAKANO, Michio HIDAKA and Nesa BADRUN (2009) Coral symbiotic complex: Hypothesis through vitamin B12 for a new evaluation, Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies,11:1-11.
○Beatriz E. CASARETO, Mohan P. Nilaula, Hiroyuki Fujimura, Yoshimi Suzuki(2009)Effects of carbon dioxide on the coccolithophorid Pleurochrysis carterae in incubation experiments, AQUATIC BIOLOGY Aquat Biol, 7:59-70.
○Higuchi, T., Fujimura, H., Arakaki, T. & Oomori, T. Y. Suzuki (2008) Activities of antioxidant enzymes ( SOD and CAT ) in the coral Galaxea fascicularis against increased hydrogen peroxide concentrations in seawater. In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 2008:926-930
○ Higuchi, T., Fujimura, H., Arakaki, T. & Oomori, T. Y.Suzuki (2008) The synergistic effects of hydrogen peroxide and elevated seawater temperature on the metabolic activity of the coral Galaxea fascicularis. Marine Biology, 156, 589-596.
○S. Agostini, Y. Suzuki, B.E. Casareto, Y. Nakano, M.F.M. Fairoz, K. Shiroma, K. Daido (2008) New methods to study the coral symbiotic complex: Application to vitamin B12. In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 2008:917-921.
○Fairoz, M., Suzuki, Y., Casareto, B., Agostini, S., Shiroma, S. & Charpy, L. (2008) Role of organic matter in chemical symbiosis at coral reefs: release of organic nitorgen and amino acids under heat stress. In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 2008:895-899.
○Casareto, B.E., L. Charpy, M.J. Langlade, T.Suzuki, H.Oba. M.Niraula, Y.Suzuki (2008) Nitrogen fixation in coral reef environments, In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 2008:890-894.
○K.Daigo, Y. Nakano, B.E. Casareto, Y. Suzuki, Y. Shioi (2008) High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of photosynthetic pigments in coral: an existence of a variety of epizoic, endozoic and endolithic algae, In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 2008:123- 127.
○Shiroma K, Y.Suzuki, K.Daigo, S, Agostini, M.F.M. Fairoz, B. E. Casareto (2008) Nitrogen dynamics in symbiotic relationships in corals, In:Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reefs Symposium.931-934.
○H. Fujimura, T. Higuchi, K. Shiroma, T. Arakaki, A.M. Hamdun, Y. Nakano T. Oomori, Y. Suzuki (2008) Continuous-flow complete-mixing system for assessing the effects of environmental factors on colony-level coral metabolism, Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 70: 865-872.
○Yoshizumi Nakagawa , Yoshimi Suzuki (2008) Production of lower-trophic organisms during incubation of
unaltered deep-sea water, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,362:32–37.
○Kazuyo Shiroma, Yoshimi Suzuki, Beatriz Casareto and Sylvain Agostini (2007)Effective Evaluation of Nutrient Cycles in Coral, Proceeding of International Symposium on Application of a Closed Experimental System to Modeling of 14C Transfer in the Environment, Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan, November 15-16, 2007. pp 202-207.
○Usui, M., Tanaka, S., Miyasaka, H., Suzuki, Y. and Shioi, Y. (2007) Characterization of cysteine protease induced
by oxidative stress in cells of Chlamydomonas sp. Strain W80, Physiologia Plantarum, 131:519-526.
○Mohan P. Nilaura, Beatriz E. Casareto, Lan Smith, Takayuki Hanai, Yoshimi Suzuki (2007) Examining the effects of nutrients on the composition and size of phytoplankton using unaltered deep-sea waters, Jounal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 348:23-32.
○Lan Smith, Beatriz E. Casareto, Mohan P. Nilaura, Yoshimi Suzuki Juli C. Hargreaves, Juan D. Annan and Yasuhiro Yamanaka (2007) Examining the regeneration of nitrogen by assimilating data from incubations into a multi-element ecosystem model, J. Marine Systems, 64:135-152.
○K.Fukami, Y.Tateda, K.Kurosawa, Y.Suzuki, Y.Ikeda, S.Sugioka and G.Wattayakorn (2007) Carbon Flux as Microbial Biomass for Evaluating Potential CO2 Fixation in Mangrove Ecosystems, Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems, 27-31.
○K.Kurosawa, M.Yamaki, T.Hagawa, Y.Suzuki, Y.Tateda and H.Toriumi (2007) Contributions of inorganic and organic nitrogen flux oribinated from the swamp porewater against inorganic and organic nitrogen flux by tidal exchange in Fukido mangrove ecosystem, Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems, 79-91.
○Yuta Natori, Aya Haneda and Yoshimi Suzuki (2006) Vertical and seasonal differences in biogenic silica dissolution in natural seawater in Suruga bay, Japan: Effects of temperature and organic matter, Marine Chemistry, 102:230-241.
○Beatriz E CASARETO, Loic CHARPY, Jean BLANCHOT, Yoshimi SUZUKI, Katsuhiko KUROSAWA, Yoshio ISHIKAWA (2006) Phototrophic prokaryotes in Bora Bay, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan. Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. 844-853.
○Yoshio ISHIKAWA, Yoshimi SUZUKI, Beatriz E CASARETO, Tamotsu OOMORI (2006) Organic production and calcification in coral reef communities in Bora Bay, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan. Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. 913-924.
○Hajime Ishikwa, Matsuura Yuki, Yunokihara Rumi, Mochizuki Ryosuke, Kulkarni Aditya, Suzuki Yoshimi and Etoh Hideo (2005), A diterpene, Sandaracopimarinol, Produced by Japanese Ceder and Founf from the deep seawater pumped up from the Suruga Bay. Deep Ocean Water Research, 6:47-50.
○Michimasa Magi, Beatriz E. Casareto, Tatsuo Sizuki, Yoichi Honda, Yoshimi Suzuki and Mohan P. Niraula (2005) EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ARTIFICIAL MARINE STRUCTURES AS UPWELLING-GENERATORS TO ENHANCE OCEANIC CO2 SINKS, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, VolumeⅠ, E. S. Rubin, D. W. Keith and C. F. Gilboy (Eds.) Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 791-799.
○Yoshiko Shinomura, Tatsuya Iwata and Yoshimi Suzuki (2005) Diel changes in dissolved organic carbon in the upper layer of Suruga Bay, Japan. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 62:699-709.
○Tatsuya Iwata, Yoshiko Shinomura, and Yoshimi Suzuki (2005) Relationship Between Salinity and Nutrients in the Subsurface Layer in the Suruga Bay, Journal of Oceanography. 61:721-732.
○Mohan P. Niraula, Beatriz E. Casareto, Takayuki Hanai, S. Lan Smith and Yoshimi Suzuki (2005)Development of Carbon Biomass using Incubations of Unaltered Deep-sea Water, Eco-Enginrrring. 17(2):121-131.
○Yuta Natori, Aya Hanada, Tatsuya Iwata, Yoshimi Suzuki and Yasumasa Igarashi (2004) Differences of behavior between nitrogen and phosphorus in degradation processes of organic matter in Suruga Bay, Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology. 444-451.
○Katsuhiko Kurosawa, Yoshimi Suzuki, Yutaka Tateda and Haruhiko Toriumi (2004) Fluxes of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen between the Mangrove Ecosystem along Fukido River and the Adjacent Coastal Water, Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology. 452-457.
○Suzuki, Y. and Shioi, Y. (2004) Changes in chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in radish (Raphanus sativus) cotyledons show different time courses during senescence. Physiol. Plant. 122:291-296.
○Yoshikuni Nakajima, Hideki Wada Hiroyuki Matuzaki and Yoshimi Suzuki (2004)Preparation Method and Its Application for Determination of 14C of the Elemental Carbon in the Atmosphere, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. 52(6):339-346.
○Yuka Ohnishi, Minoru Fjii, Shinichiro Murashige, Atsushi Yuzawa, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Yoshimi Suzuki (2004) Microbial Decomposition of Organic Matter Derived from Phytoplankton Cellular Components in Seawater, Microbes Environ, 19(2):128-136.
○Beatriz E. Casareto, Koichi Abe, Yoshio Ishikawa, Keiji Nitta and Yoshimi Suzuki (2004) Bio-aerosols in the Geo-sphere Module of CEEF, Eco-Engineering, 16(1):39-44.
Yutaka Ikeda, Kimio Fukami, Beatriz E. Casareto, and Yoshimi Suzuki (2003) Refractory and Iabile organic carbon in coral reef seawater, Galaxea, JCRS, 5, 11-19.
○Minoru Fujii, Shinichiro Murashige, Yuka Ohnishi, Atsushi Yuzawa, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Yoshimi Suzuki and Hiroshi Komiyama (2003) Phytoplankton Decomposition Process (PDP) Model Dealing with Carbon and Nitrogen Budget on Particulate Organic Matter, Journal of Chemical Enrineering of Japan, Vol. 36, No. 4, 401-410.
○Koichi Yamada, Yoshimi Suzuki, Beatriz E. Casareto and Hiroshi Komiyama (2003) Possibility of high CO2 fixation Rate by Coral Reef Ecosystems, Greeenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Vol.1, 817-822.
○Yoshimi Suzuki, Minoru Fujii, Beatriz E. Casareto, Akari Furuta and Yoshio Ishikawa(2003)CO2 Sequestration and Fate of Organic Matters within Seagrass (Zostera marina) Ecosystem, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 36, No. 4, 417-427.
○Katsuhiko Kurosawa, Yoshimi Suzuki, Yutaka Tateda and Shunichi Sugito(2003) A model of the cycling and export of nitrogen in Fukido mangrove in Ishigaki Island, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 36, No. 4, 411-416
○Y. Suzuki, B.E. Casareto and K, Kurosawa (2003) Import and export fluxes of HMW-DOC and LMW-DOC on a coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa, Proceedings of 9th ICRS, Bali, 1, 555-559.
○B. E. Casareto, Y. Suzuki, K. Fukami and K. Yoshida(2003) Particulate organic carbon budget and POC flux in a fringing coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan in July 1996, Proceedings of 9th ICRS, Bali , 1, 95-100.
○Dennis A. Hansell, Craig A. Carlson and Yoshimi Suzuki (2002) Dissolved organic carbon export with North Pacific Intermediate Water formation, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol.16, No.1, 10. 1029/2000GB001361.
○Fuji, M. S. Murashige, Y.Onishi , A.Yuzawa,H.Miyasaka, Y. Suzuki and H.Komiyama (2002) Decomposition of Phytoplankton in Sea water. Part1: Kinetic Analysis on the Effect of Organic Matter Concentration, Journal of Oceanography, 58, 433-438.
○Casareto, B. E. K. Yoshida and Y. Suzuki (2002) Particulate organic carbon budget and POC flux in a fringing coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa, Coral Reef, 21, 121-125.
○Y. Suzuki, B.E. Casareto, K, Kurosawa (2002) Import and export fluxes of HMW-DOC and LMW-DOC on a coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa, Coral Reef, 21, 143-148.
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○鈴木 款(2002)生物によるCO2固定、日本エネルギー學會誌、80、818-827
Co-sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and supported by the Government of China, UNEP - International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) was officially launched in November 2011 during a High-Level International Forum on Ecosystem Management and Green Economy. It is UNEP’s first collaborative programme in the South and for the South promoting integration of Ecosystem Management and the Green Economy.
for more:
IEMP Initiatives
UNEP-IEMP’s mandate of synthesizing science findings for decision-making on ecosystem management is supported by three interrelated initiatives:
1. Monitoring and Capacity Building
UNEP-IEMP is undertaking comprehensive stocktaking and assessment of global ecosystem monitoring and research capacity. Meanwhile, it has also started its assessment of ecosystem management and the best ways to increase capacity for ecosystem research and management in Africa..
2. Integrated Knowledge Management
UNEP-IEMP is designing a database to share methods, tools and knowledge of ecosystem management in developing countries for decision making. The database will support key regional assessments of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
3. Science for Policy
UNEP-IEMP has begun synthesizing leading-edge science to support policy setting. By drafting a number of policy papers and organizing high-level fora, UNEP-IEMP advocates the role of ecosystem management in a green economy. In addition, it supports China’s South-South cooperation programmes on ecosystem management and climate change
IEMP publication
Policy Papers
Annual Report 2012
Bulletin - Issue 1
Bulletin - Issue 2
Bulletin - Issue 3
Securing a Green Economy through Ecosystem Management - - Issues Paper for UNEP High Level International Forum, 2011
Restoring the Natural Foundation to Sustain a Green Economy: A Century’s Journey for Ecosystem Management 60 years of paradigm shift in China, change of policies and practices on to Ecosystem Management
China and UN-REDD Programme, what they can do together to move the REDD+ agenda forward?
UNEP Policy Series on Ecosystem Management - Issue No. 9
UNEP Policy Series on Ecosystem Management - Issue No. 8.
UNEP Policy Series on Ecosystem Management - Issue No. 7.
UNEP Policy Series on Ecosystem Management - Issue No. 6
Implementing Green Economy Policies through Ecosystem Management - - Issues Paper for UNEP High Level International Forum, 2012
1. Li F. et al. Denitrifying bacteria and hydrogeochemistry in a natural wetland adjacent to farmlands, Chiba in Japan. Hydrological Processes, in press.
2. Li F., Pan Guoying, Tang, Changyuan et al., 2008. Recharge source and hydrogeochemical evolution of shallow groundwater in a complex alluvial fan system, southwest of North China Plain. Environmental Geology, 55(5): 1109-1122. DOI 10.1007/s00254-007- 1059-1.
3. Li F., Song Xianfang, Tang Changyuan et al., 2007. Tracing infiltration and recharge using stable isotope in Taihang Mt., North China. Environmental Geology, 53:687–696. DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0683-0
4. Li Fadong, Tang Changyuan, Yang Yonghui et al., 2008. Nitrate contamination of groundwater in the alluvial fans of the Taihang Mts. and Yanshan Mts. In: GQ07: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments. IAHS Publ. 324: 79-85.
5. Li Fadong, Tang Changyuan, Zhang Qiuying et al., 2008. Surface water-groundwater interactions in a Yellow River alluvial fan. Surface Water–Groundwater Interactions: Process Understanding, Conceptualization and Modeling. IAHS Publ. 321:189-196.
6. Li, F., Song, X., Tang, C., Kondoh, A. and Zhang, W., 2008. Stable isotopic characterization of precipitation, soil water and groundwater in Taihang Mountain, north China, IAHS-AISH Publication319, pp. 83-90.
7. Li Fadong, Zhang Qiuying, Gao Kechang, Xu Zhongqi, Song Xianfang, 2005. Measurement of evapotranspiration of mixed bush and grass in headwater region of North China Plain. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IEEE International. Volume: 2,1322- 1325.
8. Yi-Zhang Zhang, Chang-Yuan Tang, Xian-Fang Song, Fa-Dong Li, Jun Xia. in press. Behavior and fate of alkylphenols in surface water of the Jialu River, Henan Province, China. Chemsphere.
9. YU Jingjie, YANG Cong, LIU Changming, SONG Xianfang, HU Shanshan, LI Fadong, TANG Changyuan, 2009. Slope runoff study in situ using rainfall simulator in mountainous area of North China. J. Geogr. Sci. 19: 461-470.
10. Lu Y., Tang C., Chen J., Song X., Li Fadong and Sakura, Y., 2008. Spatial characteristics of water quality, stable isotopes and tritium associated with groundwater flow in the Hutuo River alluvial fan plain of the North China Plain. Hydrogeology Journal, 16(5): 1003-1015.
11. Yang Yonghui, Watanabe Masataka, Li Fadong, et al. 2006. Factors affecting forest growth and possible effects of climate change in the Taihang Mountains, Northern China. Forestry, 79(1):7135-147.
12. Zhang, Q., Li, F., Tang, C., Yang, Y. and Zhang, W., 2009. Effects of maize straw and gravel mulches on soil water content, Taihang Mountains, northern China. In: D. Marks (Editor), IAHS-AISH Publication 326. Hydrology in Mountain Regions: Observations, Processes and Dynamics, pp. 41-46.
13. Zhang, Q., Li F. et al. 2008. Physical and chemical soil properties in debris-flow bottomland plots Debris-flow hazards mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment 735-743.
14. Zhang Q., Li F., et al. 2006. Effect of land use on soil properties in debris flow bottomland. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 11(4):870-874.
15. Zhang Qiuying, Li F., Ou Guoqiang, Song Xianfang, Yang Cong, 2005. Effects of land use on soil physical and chemical characters at debris flow bottomland. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IEEE International. Volume: 6, 4469- 4472.
16. Yang Cong, Shi Runhe, Li F., 2005. Effect of Spectral Resolution on Foliage Biochemical Inversion. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE International. Volume: 4, 3006- 3008.