Cold December Night

《Cold December Night》是由加拿大流行爵士樂歌手Michael Bublé演唱的一首聖誕節歌曲,收錄於Michael Bublé2011年10月24日發行的個人首張專輯《溫柔本色》中。


  • 中文名:Cold December Night
  • 語種:英語
  • 專輯:Christmas
  • 藝人:Michael Bublé


這個來自加拿大溫哥華的25歲男歌手天賦異稟,他讓許多當代經典歌曲搖身一變,成為帶有其個人色彩的作品。他的名字就是麥可布雷(Michael Buble /Buble這個字的發音為Boo-blay)。麥可在Reprise/143 Records唱片公司旗下所發行的個人首張專輯「溫柔本色」,將全方位的呈現他非凡卓越的歌唱魅力,這張專輯不僅是對樂史上某些不朽歌曲表示崇敬、不僅是對已逝去的音樂年代致上敬意,更重要的是,「溫柔本色」專輯中的13首歌曲,宣告了一個明日之星的降臨,他就是有本事以新鮮、獨特而饒富創意的自我風格,詮釋大家耳熟能詳的歌曲。


唱片公司:Reprise Records
Stockings are hung with care
As children sleep with one eye open
Well, now there’s more than toys at stake
Cause I’m older now but not done hoping.
The twinkling of the lights
As Santa carols fill the household
Old Saint Nick has taken flight
With a heart on board so please be careful.
Each year I ask for many different things
But now I know what my heart wants you to bring
So please just fall in love with me this Christmas
There’s nothing else that I will need this Christmas
Won’t be wrapped under a tree
I want something that lasts forever
So kiss me on this cold December night.
A tree that smells of pine
A house that’s filled with joy and laughter
The mistletoe says stand in line
Loneliness is what I’ve captured
Oh but this evening can be a holy night
Lets cozy on up the fireplace
And dim those Christmas lights
So please just fall in love with me this Christmas
There’s nothing else that you will need this Christmas
Won’t be wrapped under a tree
I want something that lasts forever
So kiss me on this cold December night.
They call it the season of giving
I’m here, I’m yours for the taking
They call it the season of giving
I’m here, I’m yours
Just fall in love with me this Christmas
There’s nothing else that we will need this Christmas
Won’t be wrapped under a tree
I want something that lasts forever
Cause I don’t wanna be alone tonight
I’ll wear you like a Christmas sweater
Walk proudly to the mistletoe tonight
I want something to last forever
So kiss me on this cold December night.
They call it the season of giving
I’m here, I’m yours for the taking
They call it the season of giving
I’m here, I’m yours
Michael Bublé專輯《Christmas》Michael Bublé專輯《Christmas》


