n. 瀑布;斜槽;降落傘;陡坡道
n. (Chute)人名;(法)許特;(英、西)丘特
You can release the chute with either hand, but it is easier to do it with the left. 你可用任意一隻手打開降落傘,但用左手會更容易些。
Conical chute makes the material roll evenly. 圓錐形料槽,使物料翻滾均勻。
My chute didn't open. And you don't land standing up. 我的降落傘就是沒打開,而且不可能站著落地。
You think she accidentally dropped it down the chute ? 你以為她是故意丟到這裡的嗎?
Nick Chute is here tonight with his boss, John Soranno. 今晚尼克克·邱特和他的的老闆約翰·索拉諾都在這裡。
"He pulled the chute, " Pharr said. "It got super quiet". “他拉開了傘”法爾說,“一切變得超級安靜,安靜得有些恐怖”。
Han Solo: Is there a garbage chute... or trash compactor? 漢法·索洛:那裡有沒有垃圾滑梯……或者垃圾夯實機?
To pour, empty out, or discharge down or as if down a chute. 傾瀉,傾倒:沿一個槽或好像沿一個槽那樣倒,倒空或排放。
For it had been a week or more since last a 'chute had failed. 因為有好幾個星期沒人因為跳傘而出事了。
There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the 'chute. 開傘繩上有他的血,傘衣上有他的腦。
She was falling fast, if she did not get her chute open soon she was going to die. 她往下墜的速度很快,如果降落傘不快點打開,她便要一命嗚呼了。
Application: As lining of material transfer pipe and chute, etc. on steel industry. 套用領域:鋼鐵行業物料輸送管道、溜槽等的內襯。
This one process is ceaseless continual at the same time, chute also upstream is mobile. 這一過程不斷繼續的同時,瀑布亦向上游移動。
They can also be front clipped and in this case the back syllable is kept; chute from parachute. 也可以省略前面的單詞,比如chute是parachute的縮略詞。
Rotten cabbage, she thought, as she passed the overflowing chute on her way down the stairs. 腐爛的捲心菜,當她下樓經過垃圾四溢的溝槽時,她心中默念。
The reason they run at such high speeds is that they are being tortured in the holding chute. 它們以如此高的速度奔跑的原因是它們在圍欄中受到了折磨。
I saw cattle held in a squeeze chute while they were waiting to get some veterinary attention. 我看到過在一個擁擠斜道中等候獸醫治療時的牛。
Eventually the packages slide down a chute to be placed into a bag or an air-freight container. 最終,這些貨物沿著傳送帶進入帶子或空運貨櫃。
His teacher did no more than hang a chute on a tree and point out the parts, concluding: “We jump tomorrow.” 他的教官僅僅是把降落傘掛在樹上向他一一指出各個部件,隨後就說:“我們明天就跳。”
Anyone taking part in this sport is basically betting their life on whether a chute opens properly or not. 任何一個參加這項運動的人都把生命壓在降落傘能否正確打開的賭註上。
Edward: you're just afraid your chute won't open and you'll show up at your own funeral as a Denver omelet. 愛德華:你只是怕降落傘打不開,出現在葬禮上時自己成了一塊丹佛煎蛋餅。
After dark, she slipped out of the apartment on the pretense of taking garbage to the chute in the hallway. 天色漸暗後,她以到走廊溝槽倒垃圾為由溜出了公寓。
A playground apparatus for children to slide on, typically consisting of a smooth chute mounted by means of a ladder. 滑梯:供兒童滑行的一種操場器械,通常有一條光滑的斜道,可以用梯子爬上去。
Generate electricity in recent years bring the water with chute many upper reaches, already bring down erodent speed. 近年來發電引走瀑布上游大量的水,已減低了侵蝕的速度。
They burst out of the chute at top speed only to be stopped short — clotheslined — with a choking rope around the neck. 它們以最高的速度衝出圍欄,沒想到會被用一根繩子勒住脖子而突然停止。
Josephine managed to reach and use the chute, whereupon her colleagues rushed her to a doctor, who pumped her stomach. 約瑟芬勉力走到洗衣槽那,滑到下面,由同志緊急送到醫生處洗胃。