Chinese agriculture and international cooperation

Chinese agriculture and international cooperation

《chinese agriculture and international cooperation》是2015年10月中國農業科學技術出版社出版的圖書,作者是楊易,本書系統總結了農業部對外經濟合作中心對中國農業“引進來”和“走出去”的研究。


  • 中文名:chinese agriculture and international cooperation
  • 作者:楊易 主編
  • 出版社:中國農業科學技術出版社
  • ISBN:9787511622341




Chapter 1 General Review of China
Section One Geographical Environment and Administrative Division
Section Two Political and Administrative Systems
Section Three Reform, Opening up and Economic Development
Section Four Social and Cultural Life
Section Five Language, Literature, Arts, Culture and Customs
Section Six Science, Technology and Intellectual Property
Section Seven Harmonious China and Harmonious World
Chapter 2 China's Agricultural Development
Section One China's Agricultural and Rural Development
Section Two China's Agricultural Resources and Production
Section Three Agricultural Production, Circulation and Trade in China
Section Four The Science and Technology of China's Agriculture
Section Five China's Food Security
Chapter 3 China's Agricultural Policy
Section One Food Security Policy
Section Two Agricultural Policies in Rural Area
Section Three Agricultural Subsidies Policy
Section Four Rural Financial Policies
Section Five Agricultural Cooperative Organizations Policy
Section Six Agricultural Product Price Policy
Section Seven Rural Labor Force Policy (179)
Section Eight Agricultural Trade Policy(181)
Chapter 4 International Agricultural Exchange and Cooperation of China (185)
Section One Opening up and International Agricultural Cooperation has advanced the Development of Agricultural Economy (185)
Section Two Promoting Agricultural Economic Cooperation,Eliminating Rural Poverty, Optimizing the Structure to Develop Agriculture
Section Three Promoting Agricultural Science and Technology industrial Upgrading by International Cooperation (198)
Section Four Steadily Promoting Agricultural "Going Global" and Carrying Out Overseas Agricultural Cooperation
Section Five Actively Participating in Negotiation of Agricultural Trade and Promoting Foreign Trade in Agriculture
Section Six Following the Guidance of the Outlook on Scientific Development and Promoting International Agricultural Cooperation in the New Era (224)
Section Seven Implementing "One belt and One Road" Strategy Under the New Circumst


楊易,農業部對外經濟合作中心主任 。自2004年以來,先後主持和指導完成一系列重大農業國際合作領域發展規劃和課題研究。涉及外資利用、農業走出去、農業科技國際交流、南南合作、境外農業試驗示範、農業對外援助、農業國際合作項目管理等農業對外開放絕大部分重點領域。戰略規劃類主要包括:農業走出去發展規劃、農業國際合作發展“十二五”規劃、農業利用國外貸贈款五年規劃(2011-2015)、境外農業資源合作規劃(2009-2015)、亞洲糧食安全規劃等。課題研究類包括外資進入對中國農業發展影響研究、農業利用外資戰略研究、中非糧食安全合作資金研究、中國與中亞區域經濟合作機製成員國農業合作研究、中非農業合作的現狀、問題和對策研究、農業“走出去”戰略研究、農機“走出去”基礎研究、日本海外農業開發合作現狀及支撐體系研究、擴大向東南亞、南亞開放特色農業發展研究、外資併購涉農企業綜合研究報告、政府間農業國際合作機制研究、對外農業合作政策研究、金磚國家農業合作研究、對非農業合作新模式研究、援非農業可持續發展研究、農業對外經濟合作專家隊伍研究等。


