1. “Unbalanced China” (cooperative work, the first author) Hebei People’s Publishing House, 1990
2、《前蘇聯農業現代化研究》(譯著第一譯者) 中國經濟出版社 1998年
2. “Research on agricultural modernization of former Russia” (translation work, the first author) China Economic Publishing House, 1998
3、《走向21世紀的中國農業》(合著) 文匯出版社 1998年
3. “Agriculture in China to 21st century” (cooperative work) Wenhui Publishing House, 1998
4、《變遷的中國》 (獨著) 西藏人民出版社2000年
4. “Transitional China” (individual) Tibet People’s Publishing House 2000
5、《產業結構演進與稅收發展》 (合著第一作者) 中國稅務出版社 2004年8月已出版
5. “Evolvement of industrial structure and taxation development” (cooperative work, the first author) China Tax Publishing House August 2004 it has been published.
一、 公開雜誌類(86篇,其中核心刊物CSSCI 63篇)
II. Public magazine kind (86 articles, including 63 articles of central publication)
1. Review record on lixian, Hebei province “Agricultural Economic Review” the forth period of 1984 (it has changed its name to “China rural review”) (central publication)
2、略談社會調查的構思與程式 《學習與探索》1985年第1期
2. Summary on the thought and procedure of social investigation “study and probation” the first period of 1985
3. It should distinguish and grasp measurement to control agricultural credit “Agricultural Economic Review” the forth period of 1984 (its name has been changed into “China Rural Review”) (central publication)
4、關於城市發展方針的幾點淺見 《城市改革理論研究》1986年第5期
4. Several ideas on the guideline of city development “theoretical research on city reformation” the fifth period of 1986
5、我之糧食觀 《農村經濟叢刊》(更名為《中國農村觀察》)1987年第1期 (核心刊物)
5. My opinion on foods “Agricultural Economic Review” the forth period of 1984 (it has changed its name to “China Rural Review”) (central publication)
6、論我國鄉村城市化道路 《中國農村經濟》1987年第9期 (核心刊物)
6. Discussion on the way to Urbanization of country in China “China Rural Economics” the ninth period of 1987 (central publication)
7. Collective economy or cooperative economy “World Economy Forum” the fourth period of 1988 (won the top ten best excellent paper prize of countrywide cooperative economy congress) (central publication)
8. Work out of duality——the only approach to change the irrational relationship of city and country essentially “Agricultural Economy Problems” the fourth period of April, 1988
9、蘇聯農業集體化研究(譯著)(6.5萬字) 《經濟研究參考資料》1988年第58期
9. Research on Russian agriculture collectivization (translation) (about 65000 Chinese words) “E economic Research Reference” the 58th period of 1988
10. Exploration on the way to urbanization of country in China (about 8000 Chinese words) “reality” the seventh period of 1988 (central publication) (won the excellent paper prize of commemorating rural reformation theoretical discussion for decade)
11、中國城市化改造應以中等城市為重點 《財經科學》 1988年第7期
12、農村改革·土地制度·規模經營 《世界經濟文匯》1989年第1期 (核心刊物)
12. country reformation. Land system. Scale operation “World Economy Forum” the first period of 1989(central publication)
13. Dualistic social structure: one though of analysis on country industrialization and urbanization in China (about 120,000 Chinese words) “Economics Research Reference” cooperative publications of the period No. 171 and No. 172 of 1989.
14、鄉鎮企業應該大壓縮還是大發展 (0.6萬字)《鄉鎮經濟研究》1989年第6期
14. Whether the township-village enterprise should be limited or expanded (about 6000 Chinese words) “township-village economy research” the sixth period of 1989
15. Discussion on the dualistic social structure of China- analysis on its hindrance to country industrialization and urbanization (about 12000 Chinese words) “society” the eighth period of 1989 (central publication)
16、二元社會結構的實證分析(上) (1.2萬字) 《社會》1989年第9期 (核心刊物)
16. Empirical analysis on dualistic social structure (the first part) (about 12000 Chinese words) “society” the ninth period of 1989 (central publication)
17、二元社會結構的實證分析(中) (0.97萬字)《社會》1989年第10期 (核心刊物)
17. Empirical analysis on dualistic social structure (the middle part) (about 9700 Chinese words) “society” the tenth period of 1989 (central publication)
18、二元社會結構的實證分析(下) (0.97萬字) 《社會》1989年第11期 (核心刊物)
18. Empirical analysis on dualistic social structure ( the last part) (about 9700 Chinese words) “society” the eleventh period of 1989 (central publication)
19、二元社會結構與工業化 (0.77萬字) 《社會》1989年第12期 (核心刊物)
19. Dualistic social structure and industrialization (about 7700 Chinese words) “society” the twelfth period of 1989 (central publication)
20、中國鄉鎮企業路何在? 《變革時代》1989年創刊號
20. Where is the way for township-village enterprise of China? “Transformation age” starts publication number in 1989
21、土地:中國發展的緊箍咒 《土地經濟研究》1989年創刊號
21. Land: the obstacle of the development of China “Land Economic Research” starts publication number in 1989
22、二元社會結構與城市化(上) (0.48萬字) 《社會》1990年第3期 (核心刊物)
22. Dualistic social structure and urbanization (the first part) (about 4800 Chinese words) “society” the third period of 1990 (central publication)
23、二元社會結構與城市化(下) (0.4萬字) 《社會》1990年第4期 (核心刊物)
23. Dualistic social structure and urbanization (the second part) (about 4000 Chinese words) “society” the fourth period of 1990 (central publication)
25. Report on the transfer and move of rural labor in the four provinces along the sea in China (35000 Chinese words) “World Economy Forum” the fifth period of 1992 (central publication)
26、農村工業化城市化若干重大問題探討 (0.97萬字) 《社會》1994年第10期 (核心刊物)
26. Discussion on several major problems about country industrialization and urbanization (9700 Chinese Words) “society” the tenth period of 1994 (central publication)
27、談談農村社會化服務的若干基本環節 (0.4萬字)《探索與求是》1992年第2期
27. Several basic procedures of country socialization service (4000 Chinese Words) “Exploring and Reality” the second period of 1992
28、關於建立京津冀大行政區的構想 (0.8萬字) 《中國軟科學》1992年第3期 (核心刊物)
28. Ideas on building district of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei “China Soft Science” the third period of 1995 (about 8000 Chinese Words)
29. Several major propositions on the practice of industrialization and urbanization (7000 Chinese Words) “China Soft Science” the third period of 1995(central publication)
30、城鄉14種制度跟蹤調查 (9.2萬字) 《經濟研究參考》1996年118/119兩期合刊
30. Investigation track on the fourteen systems in city and country (about 92000 Chinese Words) “Economics Research Reference” the cooperative publications of the period No. 118 and No.119 of 1996
31、小城鎮——中國戶籍制度改革的切入點 (0.6萬字) 《社會》1997年第1期
31. small village——key point of China household registration system reformation (6000 Chinese words) “society” the first period of 1997
32、廣西國稅發展報告(第一作者)(12萬字) 《經濟研究參考》2003年第8期整期
32. Report on the development of national tax of Guangxi (the first author) (120000 Chinese words) “Economic Research Reference” the whole period of period No.8 of 2003
33. Several major propositions on the economy development strategy of Nanning in new century (22000 Chinese words) ““Study of Ethnics in Guangxi” the first period of 2004 (central publication)
34、論我國行政區劃改革 (0.4萬字) 《社會》2004年第5期 (核心刊物)
34. Discussion on the reformation of administrative district (4000 Chinese words) “society” the fifth period of 2004 (central publication)
35. History and reality: it pays attention to not only the construction of county town but also the direction adjustment (6000 Chinese words) “country economy” the seventh period of 2004
36、市管縣?還是縣管市?(0.4萬字) 《中國稅務》 2004年第8期
36. City controls county? Or county control city ? (4000 Chinese words) “China tax” the eighth period of 2004
37. Building peasant social security system is the essential way to solve three agricultural problems (7000 Chinese words) “Red Flag Manuscript” the eleventh period of 2004
38、關於縣域經濟發展的思考(0.4萬字) 《求知》2005年第3期
38. Thought on county economy development (4000 Chinese words) “Learning” the third period of 2005
39、再論農民負擔問題-與北京大學潘維商榷 (0.4萬字) 《中國稅務》 2005年第1期
39. Discuss the burden of peasant again—consulting with Panwei in Peking University (4000 Chinese words) “China tax” the first problem of 2005
40、如何解開中國“三農”問題的死結 (0.4萬字) 《中國稅務》2005年第2期
40. How to solve the difficulties of three agricultural problems in China (4000 Chinese words) “China tax” the second problem of 2005
41. Zero custom of farm products: actuality and foreground of China-Asean Free Trade Area (8000 Chinese words) “Tax Research” the sixth period of 2005 (central publication)
42. The economy development strategy in Guangxi and Asean Free Trade Area (16000 Chinese words) (study of Ethnics of Guangxi) the second period of 2005 (the first author) (central publication)
43、縣域工業布局與城鎮體系布局 (0.6萬字) 《農村經濟》2005年第6期
43. County industrial arrangement and town system arrangement (6000 Chinese Words) “rural economics” the sixth period of 2005
44、改善進城務工人員現狀需要解決的若干突出問題 (0.6萬字)《紅旗文稿》2005年第9期
44. Several major problems required to solve for improving the actuality of the personnel entering into city (6000 Chinese Words) “red flag manuscript” the ninth period of 2005
45. How to develop harmoniously the transfer of residual labor and urbanization (14000 Chinese words) “city development research” the fifth period of 2005 (central publication)
46、民工需要解決的10個突出問題 (1.2萬字) 《人口研究》 2005年第5期(核心刊物)
46. Ten main problems required to solve for peasant labor (12000 Chinese words) “Population Research” the fifth period of 2005 (central publication)
47. An Analysis on 582 National Leading Enterprises in the Process of Agricultural Industrialization: Current Situation and Prospect "Taxation Research Journal"the 12th period of 2005 (central publication)
48. Supernormal and Leaping Growth: Analysis on the Economy Development During 2004 to 2005 Year in Nanning "Study of Ethnics in Guangxi"the second period of 2009 (central publication)
49、產業集群的本質特徵與效率基礎 《經濟評論》(核心期刊) 2006年第4期
49. Essential Characteristics and Efficiency Basis of Industrial Cluster "Economic Review"the fourth period of 2006 (central publication)
50、我國貧困人口標準再探討 《人口研究》(核心期刊)2006年第6期
50. A Reexamination on the Poverty Line in China "Population Research"the sixth period of 2006 (central publication)
51、產業集群:稅收增長的一個新基礎 《稅務研究》(核心期刊)2006年第11期
51. On Industrial Clusters: A New Basis for Revenue Growth "Taxation Research Journal"the 11th period of 2006 (central publication)
52、中山市近代百年的經濟發展與演進 《中山社會科學》 2007年第1期
52. The Economic Development and Evolution in Zhongshan City of last hundred years "Zhongshan Sheke"the first period of 2007
53、天津市回族外來人口就業與生活狀況調查報告 《廣西民族研究》(核心期刊)2008年第2期
53. Investigation Report on the Situation of the Employment and Life of the Hui Floating Population in Tianjin "Guangxi Ethnic Studies"the second period of 2008 (central publication)
54、天津市維族外來人口就業與生活狀況調查報告 《人口與經濟》(核心期刊)2008年第6期
54. A Report on the Employment and Living Status of Migrant Uigur in Tianjin "Population&Economics" the sixth period of 2008 (central publication)
55、實施農業發展戰略的10個政策探討 《稅務研究》(核心期刊)2008年第8期
55. Ten Suggested Policies to Implement China's Agricultural Development Strategy "Taxation Research Journal" the 8th period of 2008 (central publication)
56、波士華城市群與京津冀城市群的比較研究 《城市觀察》 2009年第1期
56. A Comparative Study on the Urban Agglomerations of BosWash in the U.S. And Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China "Urban Insight"the first period of 2009
57. Determinants About Rural Labour Participating Local Non-agricultural Activities——On the Base of Positive Analysis of Lujiang Country Anhui Province "Research on Development"the first period of 2009 (central publication)
58、資源型城市:綠色轉型與一般經濟轉型比較 《開放導報》(核心期刊)2009年第3期
58. Natural Resource Cities: Green Orientation and Ordinary Transitions "China Opening Herald" the third period of 2009 (central publication)
59. On determinants of Local Non-agricultural Employment of Returned Migrant Workers——Taking the Research Data of Lujiang Country in Anhui as an Example "Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)" the third period of 2009 (central publication)
60、中部較發達地區農戶借貸需求的影響因素研究 《經濟經緯》(核心期刊)2009年第5期
60. A Research of the Factors Influencing Farmers' Borrowing Demand in the More Developed Middle Area "Economic Survey"the fifth period of 2009 (central publication)
61、農村能人大戶融資需求調查報告 《農村經濟》(核心期刊)2009年第5期
61. A Study of Financing Need for Rural Talents "Rural Economy"the fifth period of 2009 (central publication)
62、資源型城市綠色轉型內涵的理論探討 《中國人口資源與環境》(核心期刊)2009年第5期
62. Theoretical Discussion on the Connotation of Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities "China population, Resources and Environment" the fifth period of 2009 (central publication)
63、資源型城市綠色轉型的成本分析與時機選擇 《生態經濟》(核心期刊) 2009年第6期
63. The Cost Analysis and Timing Choice of Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities "Ecological Economy"the sixth edition of 2009 (central publication)
64、產業集群與發展循環經濟:一個內生性分析框架 《南京社會科學》(核心期刊)2009年第7期
64. Industry Cluster and Circular Economy Development: An Endogenous Analysing Outline "Social Sciences in Nanjing"the 7th period of 2009 (central publication)
65. A Preliminary Discussion on Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities: Enlightenment from the Practice of Taiyuan "Urban Studies"the 9th period of 2009 (central publicaiton)
66. Preliminary Study on Green Reorganization of Industry System of Resource-Based Cities: A Case of Green Industry Construction "Qinghai Social Sciences"the first period of 2010 (central publication)
67、中國現代生態農業建設的難點及著力點 廣西民族大學學報(核新期刊)2010年第1期
67. On Problems and Way-out in China's Construction of Modern Eco-agriculture "Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)"the first period of 2010 (central publication)
68、農村金融深化與農村居民消費增長:假說與實證 《江西財經大學學報》(核心期刊)2010年第2期
68. Rural Financial Deepening and the Growth of Rural Residents Consumption: Hypothesis and Empirical Analysis "Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics"the second period of 2010 (central publication)
69. The Timing and the Policy Options for Government Intervention During Development of the Green Economy "On Economics Problems"the third period of 2010 (central publication)
70. Financial Intensification and Increase of People's consumption in the Countryside: An Empirical Analysis Based on Grey Correlation "Consumer Economics"the third period of 2010 (central publication)
71、“公共服務均等化”理論再思考 《未來與發展》(核心期刊) 2010年第6期
71. Rethinking the Theory of "Equalization of Public Services " "Future and Development" the sixth period of 2010 (central publication)
72、農村金融放鬆管制的動力機制 《財經科學》 (核心期刊)2010年10月第10期
72. The Power Mechanism of Rural Finance Deregulation: An Analysis Based on the National Utility Function "Key Economic Journal in China"the 10th period of October, 2010 (central publication)
73、明代華北農業發展的推動因素分析 《農村經濟》(核心期刊)2010年第10期
73. The Analysis of Factors in Promoting Development of Agriculture in Central North China in Min Dynasty "Rural Economy"the 10th period of 2010 (central publication)
74、農村非正規金融:存在基礎、效率機制與演進趨勢 《江漢論壇》(核心期刊) 2010年第12期
74. Rural Informal Finance in China: Existential Foundation, Efficient Mechanism, Evolutionary Trend "Jianghan Luntan"the 12th period of 2010 (central publication)
75、農村金融發展與農村收入分配:理論與證據 《上海經濟研究》(核心期刊) 2010年第12期
75. Rural Financial and Rural Income Distribution in China: Theory and Evidence "Shanghai Journal of Economics"the 12th period of 2010 (central publication)
76. The Decomposition of China's Inter-provincial Income Gap:1996-2008 "Journal of Central University of Finance&Economics"the 12th period of 20';10
77、生產性服務業與製造業融合背景的產業升級 《改革》(核心期刊) 2011年第1期
77.The Industrial Upgrading against the Background of Integration between Productive Service Industry and Manufacturing Industry "Reform" the 1st period of 2011 (central publication)
78、農村金融發展、金融中介效率與農村經濟成長:1978-2008 《產經評論》 2011年第3期
78.Rural Finance Development, Efficiency of Financial Intermediation and Rural Economic Growth:1978-2008 "Industrial Economic Review" the 3rd period of 2011
80. The Factors Influencing the Transforming of Technological Innovation: Partial Equilibrium Analysis Based on Technological Characters and Fixed Assets "Social Sciences in Nanjing"the fifth period of 2011 (central publication)
81、西部民族地區農村勞動力就業狀況調查報告 《農村經濟》(核心期刊) 2011年第6期
81. Investigation Report on the Situation of the Employment of West Autonomous Region "Rural Economy" the 6th period of 2011 (central publication)
82、基於產業融合的我國生產性服務業發展研究 《經濟問題探索》(核心期刊) 2011年第9期
82. "Inquiry into Economic Issues" the 9th period of 2011 (central publication)
83、寧夏回族自治區農村勞動力就業狀況調查報告 《西南民族大學學報》(核心期刊) 2011年第9期
83. Investigation Report on the Situation of the Employment of NinXia Autonomous Region "Journal of Southwest University For Nationalities" the 9th period of 2011 (central publication)
84、我國房地產價格上漲的巨觀結構效應分析 《中央財經大學學報》(核心期刊) 2011年第10期
84. Effects of Real Estate Price Rising on Macroeconomic Structure "Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics" the 10th period of 2011 (central publication)
85、勞動力選擇性流動對農業技術創新的影響 《中南財經政法大學學報》(核心期刊) 2011年第4期
85. "Journal of ZHONGNAN University of Economics and Law"(central publication) the 4th period of 2011
86. Technology Opportunity, Product Demand and Innovation Proprietary— a Analysis of Effect Factors for Technology Innovation of Agriculture in China "Future and Development"(central publication) the 10th period of 2011
II. Articles kind for internal reference (sixteen articles)
1、當前農村金融工作中幾個問題的探討 (810字) 《農村動態》總190期
1. Discussion on several problems of rural finance operation at present (810 Chinese Words) “rural dynamics” totals of 190 periods
2、農村城鎮化建設的重點應放在哪裡 《農村動態》總212期
2. Where the emphases should be put for the construction of rural urbanization “Rural Dynamics” totals of 212 periods
3. Liu Chunbin of agricultural department puts forward it is the key of going out of dualistic social structure in order to control the relationship of county and city (2000 Chinese Words) Xinhua agency “Domestic Dynamics List” (confidential) April 23 1988 No. 1078
4、二元社會結構·城鄉關係·工業化城市化 《理論內參》專稿1988年第6期
4. Dualistic social structure. Relationship of county and city. Industrialization and urbanization “internal reference of theory” special manuscript the sixth period of 1988
5、四川農村勞動力問題調查報告 《紅旗》(更名為《求是》)內部文稿1988年第6期
5. report on the rural labor of Sichuan province “Red Flag”(it has changed into “Reality”) internal manuscript, the six period of 1988
6、關於發展我國縣城鎮的建議 人民日報《情況彙編》(機密內參)1988年
6. Suggestion on county development in China Peoples Daily “circs compilation” (for internal reference, confidential) 1988
7. Liu Chunbin thought it can’t ignore to father the rural economy environment Peoples Daily “circs compilation” (for internal reference, confidential) November 16, 1988, No. 534
8、建議設立京津冀大行政區 人民日報《情況彙編》(機密內參)1989年11月16日第696期
8. it is suggested to build big district of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Peoples Daily “circs compilation” (for internal reference, confidential) November 16, 1988, No. 696
9、加入WTO後我國增值稅制亟待改革 (0.6萬字) 人民日報《內部參閱》2001年第49期
9. It is necessary for VAT in China to reform after enters into WTO (about 6000 Chinese Words) peoples daily (internal reference) 2001, Period No. 49
10. immigrant is the essential way to solve the living problem of the people living in the area with the altitude higher than 4500m (2600 Chinese words) “ethnics work briefing” “national committee office hall) March 23, 2004 (the first period) (for internal reference, confidential)
11. Thought on adjustment of the stock raising development of Tibet altiplano (2025 Chinese words) Peoples Journal “circs compilation” (for internal reference, confidential) March 26, 2004, period No. 325
12、鄧小平理論與中國農業改革(5000字) 新華社《領導決策參考》2004年15期
12. Dengxiaoping theory and China agricultural reformation (about 5000 Chinese word) Xinhua agency “Leader Decision Reference” 2004, No.15 period.
13、農民負擔重還是市民負擔重(7100字) 《香港傳真》2004年9月
13. Whether the burden of peasant or that of citizen is heavy (about 7100 Chinese word) “Hong Kong Fax” July 7, 2004
14、開徵扶貧稅解決農村貧困人口生活標準過低(6300字) 《香港傳真》2004年7月
14. Levy help-poverty tax to solve the low living standard of poor people in county (6300 Chinese words) “Hong Kong Fax” July 2004
15、 “三農”問題與農村人口(3500字) 人民日報《內部參閱》2004年12月
15. Agricultural problems and rural population (3500 Chinese words) Peoples Daily (for internal reference” December 2004
16、農村勞動力轉移與城鎮化協調發展研究(2.4萬字) 《香港傳真》2005年3月
16. Research on harmonious development of the transfer of rural labor and urbanization (24000 Chinese Words) “Hong Kong Fax” March 2005
III. newspaper and articles (14, including 5 articles recorded in “peasant daily” in series, and three articles recorded in “Asian-Pacific Economic age” in series)
1、這條路走的對不對 《農民日報》1984年6月7日第2版
1. Whether this way is right or wrong “Peasant Daily” June 7, 1984 , the second edition
2、大力建小城鎮,還是發展中等城市? 《農民日報》1986年6月18日
2. Make great efforts to build small town or develop medium city? “Peasant Daily” June 18, 1986
3、億萬農村剩餘勞動力往哪裡去 (0.3萬字) 《農民日報》1986年9月10日第4版
3. Where is the way for millions of rural residual labors (3000 Chinese words) September 10, 1986 , the fourth edition
4、政治體制改革要解決現實問題 《世界經濟導報》1986年6月21日第2版
4. it should solve the practical problems for the reformation of political system ( world Economic Herald” June 21, 1986, the second edition
5、中國農村城市化道路研究大綱 《農民日報》1987年3月11日
5. Research outline for rural urbanization of China “Peasant Daily” March 11, 1987
6、中國城市化道路之我見 《人民日報》海外版1988年4月26日
6. Opinion on the urbanization way in China “Peasant Daily” foreign edition April 26, 1988
7. where is the origin of various disadvantages in society (4000 Chinese Words) ( World Economic Herald” June 6, 1986, the twelfth edition (recorded by more than ten publications such as Wenzhai newspaper, Wenzhai Weekly, Perspective Journal and social magazine as well as Renmin University newspapers, periodical and copy data etc)
8、劉純彬談治理農村經濟環境整頓農村經濟秩序 《世界經濟導報》 1988年11月7日第2版)
8. Liu Chunbin talks about fathering rural economic environment and adjust rural economic order “world Economic Herald” July 7, 1988, the second edition
9、建立新型工農關係和城鄉關係 《經濟日報》1989年1月7日第2版
9. build new type relationship of industry and agriculture and city and county “Economy Daily” January 7, 1989, the second edition
10、中國農業方針:40年代——80年代 《亞太經濟時報》1989年5月連載(上、中、下3篇)
10. agricultural guideline in China: 40 ages up to 80 ages (recorded in “Asian-Pacific Economic Daily” in series May 1989 (three articles)
11、城鄉差別漫談 《農民日報》1989年6月至12月連載13篇
11. Talks on difference between city and country recorded in “Peasant Daily” in series of 13 articles from June to December 1989.
12、農業社會化服務要注重實效 《人民日報》1992年5月16日
12. it should pay attention to efficiency of agricultural socialization service “Peoples Daily” May 16, 1992
13. two papers on discussion on industrialization and urbanization in 1994 on Economics Daily
14、以養老保障換獨生子女 《中國財經報》2004年12月14日(四分之三版)
14. Change single child with guarantee for the olds “China Finance and Economics Newspaper” December 14, 2003 (three-fourths edition)
15、怎么看美國窮人劇增現象 《國際先驅導報》 2011年9月23日至29日版
15. The view to the phenomenon of the increasing of the poor in America "International Herald Leader" Set.23-Set.29 2011
Ⅳ. newspaper and visit kinds
1、訪青年理論工作者劉純彬 《河北經濟報》1988年3月26日
1. visit young theoretical operator Liu Chunbin “ Hebei Economics” March 26, 1988
2、訪農業部《農村工業化城市化》課題組 《農民日報》1988年8月4日第4版
2. Visit the research team of agricultural department related to “rural industrialization and urbanization” “Peasant Daily” August 4, 1988, the fourth edition
3、訪青年經濟學家劉純彬 《天津日報》1988年8月31日第7版
3. Visit young Economics Liu Chunbin “Tianjin Daily” August 31, 1988, the seventh edition
4、訪農業部《農村工業化城市化》課題組 《農村工作通訊》雜誌1988年第6期
4. Visit the research team of agricultural department related to “rural industrialization and urbanization” “rural work communication” magazine 1988, the sixth period
5. transient from the countryside. dualistic social structure. Rural urbanization——visit young scholar Liu Chunbin “Modern Man Newspaper” April 25, 1989 the third whole edition about ten thousand Chinese words.
6、訪青年專家劉純彬 《農村青年》1989年第1期
6. Visit young expert Liu Chunbin “Rural Youth” the first period of 1989
7、Seminar on Urbanization of Countryside 《中國新聞周刊》(英文版)1994年第47期
7、Seminar on Urbanization of Countryside “China Newspaper Week” (English Edition)period No.47 of 1994
8、加快農村城鎮化進程——訪劉純彬 《人民日報》1994年2月6日專訪
8. Expedite rural urbanization process——visit Liu Chunbin “Peoples Daily” special visit on February 6, 1994
9. Construct county economy according to eight zones——visit professor Liu Chubin of agricultural Economics “Peasant Daily” May 13, 2004, half edition with about 5000 Chinese words