



  • 中文名:更農品企業有限公司
  • 外文名:More agricultural products Enterprises Limited
  • 別稱:食企
  • 出版社: 中國農業出版社
  • 開本: 16


出版社: 中國農業出版社; 第1版 (2006年12月1日)
外文書名: 2006 China Agricultural Development Report
平裝: 183頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7109113663
條形碼: 9787109113664
尺寸: 28.2 x 20.8 x 1.4 cm
重量: 762 g


《中國農業發展報告2006(英文版)》內容簡介:2005 was the last year in the 10th Five-Year Plan for the national economic and social development. Over the past five years, China avoided any serious impact from the Asian financial crisis, prevailed over the SARSoutbreak and overcame major natural disasters. It energetically pushedforward reforms and opening up, brought into further play the basic role of market forces in allocating resources, and strengthened and improvedmacroregulation, thus maintaining fast yet steady growth of China' seconomy. The weak link of agriculture and rural areas has been effectively strengthened in the course of macroeconomic regulation and declining grainproduction and slow growth of farmers' incomes of the past few years have been reversed. We have learned from years of work practices that agricultural and rural development will have an overall impact in China and that only when the issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers are given top priority in the work of our entire Party and truly and effectivelyresolved can we possibly have more leverage in our economic and socialdevelopment.


Agricultural Development in 2005
General Situation
Crop Fanning
Animal Husbandry
Township Enterprises
Land Reclamation Economy
Price and Market
Import and Export of Farm Produce
Income and Distribution in Rural Areas
Farmers' Income and Consumption
Agricultural Investment
Comprehensive Agricultural Development
Poverty Relief and Development
Agricultural Mechanization
Feed Industry
Pastureland Protection and Construction
Fishery Resources and Environmental Protection
Industrialized Management of Agriculture
Farm Produce Processing
Development of Animal Disease Prevention and Control System
Rural Market Information System
Agricultural Products Quality Control and Safety System
Agricultural Science and Technology, Education and Technology Promotion
Development of Talented People in Agricultural Sector
Improving Agricultural Administrative Capacity
Agricultural Disasters
Sustainable Development of Agriculture
International Cooperation and Exchanges on Agriculture
Agriculture and Rural Policy in 2005
Overall Evaluation
"Three Reductions or Exemptions and Three Subsidies"
Rural Land Contract Management
Protection of Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland
Management of Rural Collective Assets and Finances
Lightening Farmers' Burdens
Deepening Experiment on Rural Tax and Fee Reform
Deepening Experiment on the Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives
Reform of the Grain Circulation System
Reform of the Cotton Circulation System
Experiments on the Reform of Agricultural Technique Propagation System
Reform of the Veterinary Management System
WTO and Chinese Agriculture
Strategic Agricultural Restructuring
Rural Small Town Construction
Transfer of Rural Labor Force


