China and international anti-terrorism

China and international anti-terrorism

《China and international anti-terrorism》是2019年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:China and international anti-terrorism
  • 作者:李偉,范娟榮,楊溪
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508534251


Terrorism has plagued modern society with countless issues. Ranging from politics to religion, terrorist organizations have used numerous means to manipulate humanity to the point of death and destruction. In 2017 alone, the world saw more than 20,000 incidences of terrorist attacks. With these atrocities fueling widespread fear amongst civilians and weighing heavier on world leaders, international organizations like the United Nations have been urgently developing counter-terrorism measures. In China and International Anti-terrorism, the authors trace the roots and evolution of different types of terrorism, discuss the achievements and challenges in today’s international anti-terrorism cooperation, and present how China has contributed to the fight against terrorism in terms of national and regional security, economic policies, and multilateral cooperation. This book also shares China’s years of experience in preventing terror attacks by carrying out top-level reforms and launching an “All-out People’s War” against terrorism.


Chapter One Development of International Terrorism
1.1 International Terrorism from the Second World War to the End of the Cold War
1.2 International Terrorism from the End of Cold War to the 9/11 Attacks
1.3 The Trend of International Terrorism in the Post 9/11 Era
Chapter Two Current Stages of Anti-terrorism Cooperation
2.1 The UN-Led International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation and Its Subsidiary Bodies
2.2 Regional and Multilateral Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
2.3 Bilateral Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
Chapter Three Challenges to International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
3.1 Development and Challenges of International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation in Different Eras
3.2 The Crux of International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
3.3 UN’s Endeavors and Breakthroughs in International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
Chapter Four China and International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
4.1 China’s Remarkable Achievements in Domestic Counter-Terrorism
4.2 China’s Endeavor to Enhance International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
4.3 China’s Proposal on an Effective Strategy for International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation


李偉,1958 年出生,中國現代國際關係研究院院長特別助理,研究員,博士生導師,享受國務院政府特殊津貼專家。研究方向主要為國家安全、國際安全形勢、國際恐怖主義與反恐怖鬥爭等安全領域。主持編撰10 多本相關專業書籍,如《國際恐怖主義與反恐怖鬥爭》《重大國際恐怖案例分析》《人質解救與特種部隊》《國際恐怖主義與反恐怖鬥爭年鑑(2003-2012)》《“一帶一路”沿線國家安全風險評估》等。
Li Wei, special assistant to the president, doctoral supervisor, and researcher with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR). Li is an expert receiving special government allowance from the State Council of China. His research focuses on national security, international security situation, and international terrorism and anti-terrorism. He is the author of International Terrorism and Anti-terrorism, Analysis of Major International Terrorist Cases, Hostage Rescue and Special Forces, the Yearbook of International Terrorism and Anti-terrorism, and Risk Analysis on Belt-and-Road Countries’ National Security.


