Castle in the Air(2008年Greenwillow Books出版的圖書)

Castle in the Air(2008年Greenwillow Books出版的圖書)

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《Castle in the Air》是2008年Greenwillow Books出版的書籍,作者是Diana Wynne Jones。


  • 書名:Castle in the Air
  • 作者:Diana Wynne Jones
  • 出版社:Greenwillow Books
  • 出版時間:2008年5月1日
  • 頁數:400 頁
  • ISBN:9780061478772
Young merchant Abdullah leads a humble life. Or he did until a stranger sold him a threadbare—and disagreeable—magic carpet. Now Abdullah is caught in the middle of his grand daydreams. Waking one night in a luxurious garden, he meets and falls instantly in love with the beautiful and clever Flower-in-the-Night. But a wicked djinn sweeps the princess away right before Abdullah's eyes, leaving the young man no choice but to follow. This is no ordinary quest, however, for Flower-in-the-Night isn't all the djinn has stolen. Abdullah will have the so-called help of the cantankerous carpet, a cranky genie in a bottle, a dishonest soldier, and a very opinionated black cat. Will this motley crew be able to find the djinn's mysterious dwelling and rescue a castle full of princesses?


