



  • 軟體名稱:Cantina的金子
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:39.12MB
  • 運行環境:iOS4.3.1及以上
查看軟體商店中的新驚喜! Shufflepuck Cantina是最新的一款遊戲,由最暢銷的1112的創作者開發。 進入到 Athano的宇宙世界! 在充滿西方色彩的空間裡,與那些栩栩如生的角色進行遊戲. 在刺激壯觀的空中曲棍球比賽中面對你的對手! 放鬆並碰碰運氣來贏得獎品吧 特徵 - 數百小時的精彩遊戲! - 100個以上的等級進化 - 無載入時間! - 精緻的retina顯示,可套用於 iPhone, iPod 以及最新的iPad! - 抗鋸齒,運動模糊,動態光影,粒子效果,立體聲音效。 - 是軟體商店中最精彩的遊戲之一! - 高性能的in-house三維引擎! - 夢幻宇宙有三個空間! - 通過3D完美地刻畫了9個對手的形象! - 可收集超過40多個小工具和裝備! - 解鎖所有敵人的故事情節,吸收並且利用他們的功能! - 釋放你的憤怒,攻擊你的對手! - 超精密靈敏的遊戲體驗! - 超過350個任務供你遊戲! - 取得72個成就可解鎖遊戲中心! - 包含即時雙人遊戲模式! View software store in the new surprises ! Shufflepuck Cantina is the latest in a game by the creators of the best-selling 1112 development . Athano universe into the world ! In western color space filled with vivid characters who play the game . Face your opponents in stimulating the spectacular air hockey game ! Relax and take a chance to win a prize it Feature - Hundreds of hours of exciting game ! - The evolution of the level of more than 100 - No loading times ! - Delicate retina display , can be used in iPhone, iPod and the latest iPad! - Anti-aliasing, motion blur, dynamic lighting , particle effects , stereo sound. - Is a software store in one of the most exciting games ! - The in-house high-performance three-dimensional engine ! - Fantasy universe has three spatial ! - Perfectly portrayed the image of nine opponents by 3D! - Can collect more than 40 small tools and equipment ! - Unlock all enemies story, absorb and utilize their capabilities ! - Release your anger, attack your opponent ! - Ultra-precision sensitive gaming experience ! - More than 350 tasks for your game ! - Get 72 Game Center achievements to unlock ! - Includes instant double game modes !


