《Call of Atlantis full》是繼熱門遊戲《亞特蘭蒂斯探秘》和《亞特蘭蒂斯的崛起》之後的第三篇續作,在這款遊戲中,亞特蘭蒂斯呼喚一位真正的英雄,去拯救它並免遭毀滅。該系列遊戲獨特地融入了三種熱門的遊戲玩法。在這款集三連消、隱藏物品和冒險於一身的精彩遊戲中,開始全新刺激的探秘。踏上迷人的全新旅程,穿越古老的羅馬、希臘、特洛伊、腓尼基、巴比倫、埃及和迦太基王國,獲取七塊神秘的能量水晶。平息亞特蘭蒂斯保護神波塞冬的怒氣,拯救傳奇大陸。
- 三連消和冒險遊戲的獨特融合
- 54 道有趣的關卡,無限重玩的價值極高
- 7 個古老王國,由你來探索
- 有關各大勝地的趣聞,等你來了解
- 精彩的過場動畫,推動故事情節發展
- 極致精美的畫質
- 一流的視覺效果和音效
- 優雅的旁白
Embark on an adventurous quest around the ancient lands to save Atlantis!
Heed the сall of Atlantis in the first internally-developed game for Google Play by Playrix!
"This is easily one of the best ports,"
"A polished gem-matcher that combines match-3 gameplay with a little bit of story and adventure,"
"The replay value of this game is pretty amazing,"
"Exceptionally polished and professional,"
Atlantis is calling out to a true hero to save it from deadly peril! Set out on an exciting new quest in this spectacular mix of Match-3 and Adventure. Embark on a fascinating tile-swapping journey around the ancient lands of Rome, Greece, Troy, Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt and Carthage to acquire seven mysterious crystals of power. Once collected and put together, they are able to restore the Altar of Poseidon and save the fabled sunken continent.
Fully optimized for the touch screen with both landscape and portrait display, the game sets new quality standards for Android puzzle games with fantastic graphics and superb sound effects.
Heed the call and return peace and prosperity to the legendary continent!