該歌曲收錄於日劇《減肥反彈(Rebound)》的原聲帶《リバウンド オリジナル・サウンドトラック》,作為該日劇中最耳熟能詳的背景音樂,由歌手池頼広演唱。
Cake and Love
Love is like a cake.
Happy ever after.
And when it's love you bake.
Happy ever after.
Bells ring with taste of
Happy ever after.
With honey in his kiss.
Love is what you make.
His arms are warm like an oven.
His smile's as sweet as ice cream.
His heart is mixed in the butter.
So cake and love's what you dream.
Stirring your soul,like cinnamon rolls.
The love in his eyes,like warm apple pie.
Sugar and spice and everything nice.
Chocolate sauce on strawberries.
Melt in your mouth.
Love is like a cake.
Happy ever after.
And when it's love you bake.
Happy ever after.
Bells ring with taste of
Happy ever after.
With honey in his kiss.
Love is what you make.
His arms are warm like an oven.
His smile's as sweet as ice cream.
His heart is mixed in the butter.
So cake and love's what you dream.
Stirring your soul,like cinnamon rolls.
The love in his eyes,like warm apple pie.
Sugar and spice and everything nice.
Chocolate sauce on strawberries.
Melt in your mouth.