- 中文名:北京師範大學香港浸會大學聯合國際學院電影電視系
- 英文名:CTV
- 簡稱:CTV
- 創辦時間:2005年
- 所屬地區:廣東珠海

- 具備成立及發展影視傳媒製作公司的能力; 2. 能夠對於電視電影,廣告及相關領域的製作和管理做出高效益的貢獻; 3. 具備媒體製作的各種能力; 掌握基本到高級的製作技術,能靈活運用應市場需求而產生的各種新式儀器和技術,成為螢幕文化的有效傳達者。

Semester 1 上學期 |
Credits | Semester 2 下學期 | Credits |
English I (ENG1011) |
3 | English II (ENG1012) |
3 |
Chinese I (LANG1011) |
3 | Chinese II (LANG1012) |
3 |
Information Technology |
3 | Statistics for Non-Science |
3 |
Physical Education |
3 | Academic Reading and Writing (ENG1020) |
3 |
Mathematics for Non-Science |
3 | Applied Ethics (R.P.2010) |
3 |
General Education Elective |
3 | General Education Elective |
3 | |||
Total 合計 | 18 | Total 合計 | 18 |
Semester 1 上學期 | Credits | Semester 2 下學期 | Credits |
English III (ENG 2011) |
3 | English III (ENG 2012) |
3 |
Aesthetics of Film (CTV 2010) |
3 | Communication Research Methods (CTV 2050) |
3 |
Film and Television History (CTV 2020) |
3 | Television and Chinese Society (CTV 2060) |
3 |
Principles of Photo-imaging (CTV 2030) |
3 | Film and Video Cinematography (CTV 2070) |
3 |
Scriptwriting (CTV 2040) |
3 | Film and Television Directing (CTV 2080) 影視導演 | 3 | |
CTV Elective (see list given above) 影視學選修課 (參看上面的列表) | 3 | CTV Elective (refer to list given above)影視學選修課(參看上面的列表) | 3 |
Total 合計 | 18 | Total合計 | 18 |
Year Three
Semester 1 上學期 | Credits | Semester 2 下學期 | Credits |
Communication Theory |
3 | Sound Recording and Mixing; Lighting (CTV 3020) 錄音與混音 | 3 |
Film and Video Editing |
3 | Documentary Film Production (CTV 3030) 記錄片製作 | 3 |
CTV Elective |
6 | CTV Elective (refer to list given above) 影視學專業選修課 (參看上面的列表) | 6 |
General Education Elective |
6 | General Education Elective |
6 | |||
Total 合計 | 18 | Total合計 | 18 |
Year Four
Semester 1 上學期 | Credits | Semester 2 下學期 | Credits |
Television Programming and Planning (CTV 4010) |
3 | Final Year Project |
6 |
Production and Media Management (CTV 4020) |
3 | CTV Elective (refer to list above) 影視學專業選修課(參看上面的列表) | 3 |
CTV Elective (refer to list above) 影視學專業選修課(參看上面的列表) | 3 | General Education Elective |
6 |
General Education Elective |
6 |
Total 合計 | 15 | Total合計 | 15 |