CONFIDENCE(2004年Random House US出版社出版的圖書)

CONFIDENCE(2004年Random House US出版社出版的圖書)

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《CONFIDENCE》是2004年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Rosabeth Moss Kanter。


  • 作者:Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  • 出版社:Random House US出版社 
  • ISBN:9781400052905 


From the boardroom to the locker room to the living room—howwinners become winners . . . and stay that way.Is success simply a matter of money and talent? Or is thereanother reason why some people and organizations always land ontheir feet, while others, equally talented, stumble again andagain?There’s a fundamental principle at work—the vital but previouslyunexamined factor called confidence—that permits unexpected peopleto achieve high levels of performance through routines thatactivate talent. Confidence explains


ROSABETH MOSS KANTER is the Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor at Harvard Business School. She is the former editor of Harvard Business Review and is an advisor to prominent corporations, governments, school systems, and community organizations, from IBM to the Girl Scouts. Dr. Kanter is the author of such groundbreaking books as Men and Women of the Corporation (winner of the C. Wright Mills Award for the book that best analyzes a social problem), The Change Masters, When Giants Learn to Dance, and Evolve!


