《CET6 710分·大學英語六級考試模擬試題集(最新版)》嚴格按照全國大學英語四、六級考試委員會公布的《大學英語六級考試大綱》的標準和要求編寫。全套產品共包括:10套模擬試卷、一本試題解析和一張聽力試題MP3錄音光碟。 試題解析部分包括所有答案、作文範文以及聽力原文。解析簡潔準確,一語中的,方便解惑和提高。聽力試題MP3光碟由外籍專家朗讀,語音標準,聲音清晰。停頓和語速完全符合六級考試要求。
- 書名:CET6 710分•大學英語六級考試模擬試題集
- 出版社:高等教育出版社
- 頁數:320頁
- 開本:16
- 定價:40.00
- 作者:時真妹 齊麗霞
- 出版日期:2011年3月1日
- 語種:英語, 簡體中文
- ISBN:9787040230765
- 品牌:高等教育出版社
Model Test 2
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Model Test 10
While it can't yet be said that every mouthful of food has been changed through geneticengineering, it is likely that almost every American has had a mouthful of engineered food. Take the soybean, for example. About 55 percent of last year's crop was genetically engineeredin some fashion, reports the American Soybean Association. And though few Americans sit downto a plate of soybeans for dinner, these soybeans arrive through the back door as an additive toscores of foods like cooking oils, salad dressings, coffee creamers, beer, cereals and candy. America is on the verge of a second green revolution. The first tripled world food output overthe course of a mere three decades during the late 20th century. Scientists boosted crop yieldsby crossbreeding related plants that add desirable traits. Then farmers added fertilizer,pesticide, and irrigation in order to make the high-yield crops thrive. Now that those gains are leveling off, scientists are looking to biotechnology to increase foodproduction even more. This time, instead of breeding plants with their closest relatives, scientistsare inserting genes. For example, genes from flounders can help ordinary plants like tomatoesand strawberries fight the cold.