澳洲嬰幼兒洗護品牌,介紹,認證機構,產品目錄,產品名稱,輕緩英文歌曲集錦,介紹,CD 1,CD 2,Akon的歌曲,歌曲介紹,歌詞,林一峰演唱歌曲,基本信息,歌手簡介,歌曲歌詞,火影忍者疾風伝 ED20,歌詞及翻譯,
介紹 BY MY SIDE 澳洲本土品牌,生產嬰幼兒有機的洗護用,在澳洲市場屬於價格偏高的高端產品,與澳洲jurlique茱麗的兒童洗護用品價位檔次接近。
認證機構 澳洲ACO(Australian Certified Organic)有機認證機構認證。ACO是澳洲最大的有機認證機構,80%的澳洲有機產品由ACO認證。
產品目錄 By My Side在澳洲市場上見到的主要產品有:嬰幼兒有機的洗髮水、沐浴露、面霜、乳液、護臀霜、爽身粉、驅蚊、防曬等。
產品名稱 By My Side Organic Baby Shampoo
By My Side Organic Baby Bath Wash
By My Side Organic Baby Body Moisturizer
By My Side Organic Baby Cream
By My Side Organic Baby Nappy Lotion
By My Side Organic Insect Repellent
By My Side Organic Baby Massage Oil
By My Side Baby Cornstarch Powder
介紹 小小祝福 霎時感動
簡單純真的聲音 唱出身邊每個故事
CD 1 01. Chet Lam (林一峰) - By My Side
02. A-Mei (張惠妹) - Now & Forever
03. Chen Xi (陳曦) - 2004
04. Gail Blanco - I Won't Last A Day Without You
05. 品冠 - Just When I Needed You Most
06. Ivana Wong (王菀之) - Love Has It All
07. Yao Si Ting - Everytime
08. Juwita Suwito - Why Oh Why
09. Snow Rose - I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing
10. Dew - Lovin' You
11. Freya Lin (林凡) - Close To You
12. Astor Fong - Aubrey / Diary
13. Bonnie Lam - Blue Moon
14. Marilyn Wong - Jeremy (Blue Balloon)
15. Ellen Grey - I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song
16. Eva Cassidy - Imagine
CD 2 - Instrumental Music
01. 霎時感動
02. 向世界出發
03. Prisoner Of Love_Last Friend
04. 因為我太傻_花樣男子
05. 問候歌_轉角遇到愛
06. 半情歌_命中注定我愛你
07. 體驗_這裡發現愛
歌曲介紹 歌手: Akon
所屬專輯:《Stadium-Konvict Muzik-Universal Motown》
歌詞 Konvict
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could leave you
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
How could I tell somebody
what I’ve been feelling
Looking to be and think
that I’ll be tripping
But say what you want
cuz baby that means nothing
I play this game but
now I’m tired of fighting
Who needs your love and I do
Who needs your touch
and your call when you caress and I do
Nobody loves me like you
And when I need and I
fix nobody do it like you
Sometimes I gotta fight,
just to get through it
Think of little me
That I could do (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could leave you
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
I got to stop so I don’t lose it
Remeber bout the stakes
But I am closing (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could
leave you (on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
I’m not your bird without wing,
I’m tryin to get higher
Keep on my everything light this fire
Wanna talk about you
wanna be about you
Oh cuz I get to live without you
Who needs your love and I do
Who needs your touch
and your call when you caress and I do
Nobody loves me like you
And when I need and I fix nobody
do it like you
Sometimes I gotta fight,
just to get through it
Think of little me
That I could do (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could leave you
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
I got to stop so I don’t lose it
Remeber bout the stakes
But I am closing (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could
leave you (on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
Dear God
here’s my letter
Writing to you
coz my life has gotten a lot better
Got heart
but I didnt sweat it
coz I know you’ll be there for me
no matter the weather
I just wanna say thanks
for beeing there for me everyday
And when I got taken
away wanted to get away
You made me stronger
to continue the fight
You made me give up the
life I had on the streets
Gets rough and I’ve been
on the hold on
Never questioned that
you’re the one that I call Lord
And just wanna show you
I appreciate
Thank you for the rest
no matter what it is
Sometimes I gotta fight,
just to get through it
Think of little me
That I could do (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could leave you
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
I got to stop so I don’t lose it
Remeber bout the stakes
But I am closing (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could
leave you (on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
Sometimes I gotta fight,
just to get through it
Think of little me
That I could do (that you on my side)
Sellin se selling me
To think that I could leave you
Sellin se selling me
To think that I don’t need you
I got to stop so I don’t lose it
Remeber bout the stakes
But I am closing
基本信息 歌曲名稱:by my side
歌手簡介 林一峰是
香港 土生土長的創作
歌手 ,未受過正統
音樂 訓練,是靠自學而彈吉他、作曲、寫詞,學生時代已經常參加音樂相關表演,從1993年在
香港商業電台 主持節目出道後,先後作詞、作曲、演唱歌曲百餘首,2003年又憑個人首張專輯“床頭歌”奠定其香港、甚至
中國 城市民謠代表的地位,他是香港本地獨立歌手的佼佼者。2012年4月8日,獲得
第十二屆音樂風雲榜年度盛典 最佳民謠歌手
歌曲歌詞 By My Side
Kiss me, goodbye, gone too soon
I did give you my heart can't deny
Hold on, let go, never sure
Only can make believe all this time
Going out, Getting High, not my style
Pretty faces around but not right
Don't cry won't cry I won't cry
Be with you I just close my eyes
So far awayI can hardly make you mine
So long the day you are always on my mind
But in my dreams never try to hold you tight
Don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side
So far away I can hardly make you mine
So long the day you are always on my mind
But in my dreams never try to hold you tight
Don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side
So far away I can hardly make you mine
So long the day you are always on my mind
But in my dreams never try to hold you tight
Don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side
When I wake up hope you were here by my side
火影忍者疾風伝 ED20 バイマイサイド
譯名:By My Side
火影忍者疾風伝 ED20
作詞:Charm & Toshi / 作曲/ 編曲:Charm
歌詞及翻譯 答えなくてもいいさ 〖就算得不到答案也無妨〗 探し続けるんだよ 〖只要我們仍然在追尋著〗 そう 大人になる時間だね 〖沒錯 這時的我們也該長大了〗 今すぐ告げたいけど 〖雖然現在就想馬上宣告〗 震えが止まらない 〖但我的身體依然顫抖不止〗 心は今更逃げてと叫ぶのさ 〖內心甚至吶喊著說要逃跑〗
バイマイサイド バイマイサイド 〖By My Side By My Side〗
例えばあなたの眼の奧に 〖倘若在你眼眸的深處〗 求める景色があるのなら 〖存在著要追求的景色〗 それを摑んで確かめたいんだ 〖希望你牢牢抓住好好確認〗 もし例えば仆がこの旅路で 〖倘若我在前進的路途上〗 立ちすくむことがあるのなら 〖無法邁步停留在此的話〗 必要なのは確かに感じる その手だから 〖希望能感受到你伸出的雙手 I need you here right by my side 〖我需要你在我身邊〗 バイマイサイド 〖By My Side〗
答え ありがとうね 〖感謝這你給我這份答案〗 君が景色も変えたんだ 〖讓我看到不一樣的景色〗 この星に生まれた意味 〖我生於這個星球的意義〗 解けてゆく気がしたよ 〖我似乎開始逐漸明白了〗
バイマイサイド バイマイサイド 〖By My Side By My Side〗
仆の心の深い場所に 〖其實在我的心靈深處〗 いつも君の場所があるから 〖一直都留有屬於你的位置〗 きっと今もわかるはずなんだ 〖現在你也應該很清楚才對〗 もし君の涙がこの世界を 〖就算你含著淚水〗 君から遠ざけたとしても 〖就算你不斷遠離這個世界〗 仆はその手 離さないんだ 〖我也絕對不會鬆開你的手〗 だから そう 今 〖所以 沒錯 就是現在〗 I need you here right by my side 〖我需要你在我身邊〗 バイマイサイド 〖By My Side〗
仆のそばにいてくれ 〖請陪伴在我身邊吧〗 永遠に手を握って 〖兩人永遠握著手〗 バイマイザイド 〖By My Side〗