《Broken Chair》是Jim Guthrie演唱的英文歌曲。
- 歌曲:Broken Chair
- 語種:英語
- 發行日期:2004年06月14日
- 歌手:Jim Guthrie
- 所屬專輯:Now, More Than Ever
《Broken Chair》是Jim Guthrie演唱的英文歌曲。
In my broken chair, my wings are broken and so is my hair I'm not in the mood for whirling How? Dogs for dogging, hands for clapping Birds for birding and fish for fishing Them for themming and when for whim...
So he rose and dressed and sat in a ladderback chair, putting the gloomy room of beds and their broken occupants behind him.因此他穿好衣服起身,坐在梯式靠椅上,在陰暗的病房中將滿屋的床以及傷員置於身後。
2008 The Broken Window破窗 亞瑟·萊姆因被指控犯下一級謀殺罪而被捕,著名刑事專家林肯·萊姆率隊調查此案。很快,一連串案情極其相似的姦殺案浮出水面。在這幾起案件中,儘管犯罪現場鐵證如山,犯罪嫌疑人卻都宣稱自己清白,而且對罪...
The next day, some farmer boys found Henry at the bottom of the hill. His body was broken. There was a soft happy smile on his face, the same smile he had known when Phoebe was alive.[End]You have just heard...
2011年,12月6日Dia發表了流行/獨立音樂專輯《Red》,從首單《The Broken Ones》可以看出,Dia在打造這張專輯時仍然帶著比賽時清新委婉的風格,而與Blake的合作單曲《I Will》顯而易見Blake在音樂上對Dia的影響,使得Dia曲風明顯帶上...
Bruce: I'm telling you it is difficult to have a rehearsed routine to fit in with (beats whip on his own chest) our own broken rhythm.The fight continues some more. Bruce is getting the upper hand.Bruce: See, ...
the meat. What with his bloody hands, red face and apron, he really looked like a butcher. Mrs. van D. was trying to do everything at once: learn Dutch, cook, watch, sigh, moan--she claims to have broken a...
s been torn apart Now he's a court jester with a broken heart He said- Turn me around and take me back to the start I must be losin' my mind- "Are you blind?"I've seen it all a million times Chorus ...
upon my liar's chair full of broken thoughts I cannot repair beneath the stains of time the feelings disappear you are someone else I am still right here what have I become?my sweetest friend everyone I know goes ...
19:00-19:30 Broken Promises 草莓生活館 14:10-14:50 許宇/策展人 15:10-15:50 Sohrab Golsorkhi-Ainslie/TANK雜誌美術指導 16:10-16:50 大仙兒/詩人作家 17:10-17:50 曹方/民謠唱作人 5月1日 草莓舞台 13:00-13:40...