The three remaining men are now on the third floor. Chieh Yuan (simple minded) has been defeated and James (the devious one) is getting it pretty bad when Lee comes up. Once Bruce (Hai Tien) interupts the Inosanto/Tien fight the two adversaries face off.
Bruce: Do you speak any English?
Dan: Of course I speak English.
Bruce: I hope you don't mind if we move our man so the two of us have more room to groove.
Dan (shrugs): But, have your men stay as far away from the stairway as possible.
James moves to get Chieh and walks with him to Bruce. Dan spins the sticks. Bruce hands James the nunchackus and gestures him back. Dan beats the sticks again. Bruce lifts up his bamboo rod.
Bruce: You know baby, this bamboo is longer, more flexible and very much alive. When your flashy routine cannot keep up with the speed and elusiveness with this thing here, All I can say is you're gonna be in deep trouble.
Dan beats his sticks again.
Dan: That we will have to find out.
Bruce taps his bamboo, smiles. The main fight begins. Bruce stops again.
Bruce: I'm telling you it is difficult to have a rehearsed routine to fit in with (beats whip on his own chest) our own broken rhythm.
The fight continues some more. Bruce is getting the upper hand.
Bruce: See, rehearsed routine lacks the flexibility to adapt.
Bruce gets one of Dan Inosanto's sticks and throws it.
Bruce: Do you understand? This bamboo becomes a sword.
Dan throws his stick and gets his nunchaku. Bruce calls over for James for his nunchakus but gets it from Chieh instead.
He spins the nunchakus.
Bruce: Surprised?
They fight with the nunchakus. Bruce licks the nunchakus and hits Dan. Dan hits Bruce in the mouth.
Dan: How'd you like that?
Bruce hits him back in the mouth.
Bruce: How do you like that?
They fight for a bit, then Bruce kicks him. Dan goes after Bruce while he's on the floor with his nunchakus. Bruce kicks Dan down again and chokes him out. He motions for the other two to go up, but James makes Bruce go up before him.
On the next level, they all see Jae who climbs out of the bed and turns on the red light.
Jae: Those weapons throw them down the stair do not need to use kind of things here.
Chieh charges first and gets tossed around.
Jae: laughs
James jumps in not too long after (Bruce reluctantly gives him the okay) and fairs no better. Bruce steps in and begins to get in the shots. While they fight, James looks up to the next level and gets a devious smile. he moves to Chieh.
James: Chieh I think you better go up and leave him to hurry up huh.
Chieh: (agrees in Chinese)
Chieh moves behind Bruce who tries to stop him.
Chieh: I go first.
Chieh goes up and within 15 seconds comes flying down the stairs. James tries to go up a moment after and gets tossed around again by Jae. There are a couple comical moments with he and Bruce until James moves upstairs.
He spots Kareem in his chair and moves to confront him. Kareem removes the blue robe and throws a kick, hitting the punching bag. The fight is on! We intercut between the two fights. Bruce sees the dust from the fight above and tries harder to defeat Jae.
James upstairs begins say: Help, Help me, HELP MEEEE!!!!!
Below, Bruce here's James screaming and looks up but, then continues to fight Jae. Then defeats Jae.
He comes up just as James hits the ground.
Kareem sits and as Bruce attacks, he kicks him. The two begin fighting, Bruce eventually getting Kareem in an ankle lock.
That he can't finish because of Kareem's strength.
The two fight again for a few moments before Kareem turns to Bruce and speaks.
Kareem: You little runt? Whatever are you trying to prove?
Bruce: I am thinking that I'm a bigger man than you will ever be.
Kareem: Ready to Rumble?
Bruce: What are you waiting for?
They fight on. Bruce gets flipped onto the broken vase, almost ending it right there. But, Bruce begins to take charge, getting in more hits. It is here that he ponders again:
Bruce reavluates Kareem here at one point, light comes through the wall and you can see it distracts Kareem.
Bruce sees that Kareem is hurt by the light and pops open the windows.
He kicks off the glasses where we see Kareem's eyes for the first time. Bruce chases Kareem around the stairwell and then shrugs.
Bruce: What are you going to do? Please let me pass.
Kareem: I can't let you pass I do, even if my eyes are broken in death.
It is at this point that Bruce chokes out Kareem and finishes him. Slowly,Bruce walks over to the window and yells outside.
Bruce: The Game is over!
A voice responds.
Voice: The Game is not over yet. You still have to fight outside.
Bruce: I can't!!
Voice: Hurry up! The enemies are still waiting for you to fight.
Bruce staggers down to Inosantos floor where he punches 2 holes in the wall and yells, "What now!!!"
Voice: The Game is not over, until we die!
This is where Bruce shrugs and goes down the remaining stairs, and the film fades out.
Narrator says: The action scenes of the pagoda is all edited before the day Bruce died. So he can show the world once again, he is the greatest.