Brian Douglas Wilson(1942年1月20日- )是一位美國音樂家、歌手、作詞家、唱片製作人。他作為th Beach Boys的創始人之一而為人熟知。自從1962年與Capitol唱片公司簽約後,Wilson為沙灘男孩創作或共同創作了超過兩打Top 40歌曲。因為他非正統的作曲和編曲方式,以及對錄音技術的精通,他被評論家和音樂家廣泛的認為是世界流行史上其中一股最創新和最有影響力的革新力量。
- 外文名:Brian Wilson
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:美國加州
- 出生日期:1942年1月20日
- 經紀公司:Capito/EMI
- 代表作品:That Lucky Old Sun
- 主要成就:獲得第47屆葛萊美獎最佳搖滾樂器演奏獎
- 職務:前 The Beach Boys 樂隊的隊長

- 音樂專輯共1張
- That Lucky Old Sun英語 歌曲18首發布於 2008-09音樂線上收聽
時間 | 唱片名稱 |
1988-07-12 | Brian Wilson |
1995-08-15 | I Just Wasn't Made for These Times |
1995-10-24 | Orange Crate Art(with Van Dyke Parks) |
1998-06-16 | Imagination |
2000-06 | Live at the Roxy Theatre |
2002-06-11 | Pet Sounds Live |
2004-06-22 | Gettin' in Over My Head |
2004-09-28 | Smile |
2005-10-18 | What I Really Want for Christmas |
2008-09-02 | That Lucky Old Sun |
2010-08-17 | Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin |
2011-10-25 | In The Key Of Disney |
序號 | 歌詞(英文) | 歌詞(中文) |
01 | Wouldn't it be nice if we were older | 如果我們都能更老一些,那該有多好 |
02 | Then we wouldn't have to wait so long | 那樣我們就不必非要等這么久 |
03 | And wouldn't it be nice to live together | 如果我們能在一起生活,那該有多好 |
04 | In the kind of world where we belong | 在這世界某處只屬於我們的地方 |
05 | You know its gonna make it that much better | 你知道那一切都將會更美好 |
06 | When we can say goodnight and stay together | 如果我們能互道晚安並相守在一起 |
07 | Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up | 如果我們能一起睜開雙眼 |
08 | In the morning when the day is new | 在每一個新的早晨,那該有多好 |
09 | And after having spent the day together | 在共度了一整天后 |
10 | Hold each other close the whole night through | 我們仍能一整夜都緊緊擁著彼此 |
11 | Happy times together we've been spending | 如果快樂的時光我們總是一起度過 |
12 | I wish that every kiss was neverending | 如果我們的每一次接吻都永不結束 |
13 | Wouldn't it be nice | 那該有多好 |
14 | Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true | 如果我們想的希望的祈禱的這一切都會實現 |
15 | Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do | 那么寶貝,這個世界上就沒有了我們不能夠辦到的事 |
16 | We could be married | 或許我們都已結婚 |
17 | And then we'd be happy | 有著擁有彼此的快樂 |
18 | Wouldn't it be nice | 那該有多好 |
19 | You know it seems the more we talk about it | 你知道當我們更多的談論這些美好的願望 |
20 | It only makes it worse to live without it | 就會更加難以忍受它還未實現時的生活 |
21 | But lets talk about it | 但是就讓我們談論它吧 |
22 | Wouldn't it be nice | 那該有多好~ |