Body Sculpture,是健身美容解決方案國際品牌商,推行多品牌戰略,旗下擁有健身器材、營養美容品和營養保健品等三大品類子品牌。
- 中文名:Body Sculpture
- 註冊號:G1320322
- 經營範圍:營養食品、膳食及營養補充劑

Body Sculpture,是健身美容解決方案國際品牌商,推行多品牌戰略,旗下擁有健身器材、營養美容品和營養保健品等三大品類子品牌。
sculptural,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“雕刻的;雕刻般的”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 sculptural /ˈskʌlptʃərəl/ 1.ADJSculptural means relating to sculpture. 雕塑的; 雕刻的 [usu ADJ n]...
和田惠美 Emi Wada(costume designer),朱麗·泰莫 Julie Taymor(mask/body sculpture designer)俄底浦斯王 Oedipus Rex Outstanding Individual Achievement in Costume Design for a Series 獲獎 星際旅行:下一代 Star Trek: The Next ...
費城當代藝術學院的《First Among Equals: Fruit Machine》( 2012)、紐約The Kitchen的《The Absolutely Other》( 2010)、北邁阿密當代藝術博物館《Convention》(2009)和長島The Sculpture Center《In Practice》(2006)。參加展覽 ...
One of the first examples of a landscape architect creating public sculpture. It set a precedent for the profession and has stood the test of time remarkably well, retaining the full power of the original idea. The ...
Fluid Sculpture Rituals of Body Two Comprehensive Methods of Definition Chapter 2 The Nature of Dance Dispute Between Nature and Feature The Confrontation between Reproduction and Expression Flow of Movements without Consciousness ...
The vibrant ceremonial and religious life of Northern Territory people generated a spectacular array of art forms, including body painting and personal ornamentation, ground sculpture, bark painting, wood carving, and rock ...
Ambitious artist Ashley returns to her hometown for the funeral of her father. Parallel she was hired for special order - a sculpture of ideal man in Full size. A friend asks her to use models of local bodybuilders,...
23Sand sculpture, a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing, construction, and outdoor recreational activities.沙雕融雕塑、繪畫、建築、體育、戶外娛樂為一體,是一門新興的綜合性藝術。24The study found ...
"Source" sculpture, oil painting double exhibition Beijing HuaCui art center "Chinese contemporary art exhibition", Beijing mainland artists gallery 2002 "Yanhuang art center invitational exhibition" Beijing Chinese museum of art...
never tired of feeding her mother-in-law milk; twenty-third, personally scrubbing his mother's chamber-pot; twenty-fourth, abandoning the officer post to find the mother. Being equipped with art sculpture of “conducts ...
My culture, colt ya, sculpture, vultures Who insult the lyrics that Big Ruck wrote ya Bitch ass niggas don't wanna test the skills Word is bond God, I think you best to chill See I splash flesh, money like ...
Rigidness of cat body 轎車車身剛度 limited rigidness outrigger 有限剛度 Flexibility and Rigidness 剛與柔 雙語例句 Imagine in the sculpture the Thinker, the grip of the toes, the rigidness of his back, and the ...
Not only solely due to sculpture but through the power and foresight And magnetism of alexander himself The artist must maintain his swagger he must he must He must be intoxicated by ritual as well as result Look at ...
(Book review for Up in Flames: the Ephemeral Art of Pasted-Paper Sculpture in Taiwan, Ellen Johnston Laing and Helen Hui-ling Liu, Stanford University Press, 2004)。3. 《醫生的身體:中醫知識的“體現”與多樣性》, ...
Robotic dynamic sculpture: Architecture, modeling, and implementation of dynamic sculpture. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2014 10. Wu-bin Cheng, Ki-young Song, Wen-long Luo, Zhi-qin Qian, Michael A. J. Moser,...
14Today we'll look at yet another category of sculpture—made copies of famous Greek sculptures.今天我們要看的是另一類以希臘著名雕塑為原型的雕塑複製品。15In this example, the type of food symbolizes the category of ...
2001年 Get that Balance,愛爾蘭考克National Sculpture Factory國家雕塑工廠 2001年 Ovalen den frie udsillings bygning,丹麥哥本哈根 2001年 100 Selbstporträts,德國圖林根州Freistaat Vertretung柏林代表處 2001年 100 Selbstport...
米托拉吉以大理石和青銅為主要材料,並從可識別的神話主題(如愛神、維納斯和伊卡洛斯)創作了半身像和頭像。主要作品 Male Bust - Original Bronze Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 1991 (以上為部分作品列舉)