Better Man is based on the true story of Van Tuong Nguyen, a 25-year-old Vietnamese-Australian man who was arrested in Singapore, convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced with the death penalty in 2005.Van’s lawyer Julian McMahon was a consultant on the miniseries as were Van’s closest confidantes prior to his execution, his best friends Kelly Ng, Bronwyn Lew and Goldgan Ng. All four had been present during Van’s final visit.
The series follows the story of a young man who had a tough but loving upbringing with his twin brother and devoted mother. The story culminates in an extraordinary three-year legal battle to save the life of Nguyen, led by Julian McMahon, a Melbourne lawyer, and Lex Lasry QC, a Melbourne barrister
Better Man was written by Do based on extensive interviews, Van’s personal letters, court transcripts, his arrest statements and his clemency appeal.
better man根據Van Tuong Nguyen的真實故事改編,講訴一位澳籍越南裔毒販在新加坡被逮捕並被判死刑的故事,他死那年只有25歲。該劇的導演也是該劇的編劇Khoa Do 同樣作為澳籍越南裔的移民力求展現底層移民的生活現狀,體現人性的美好以及對司法和人倫的思考。van 的辯護
主演RemyHii憑藉 better man 獲得2014年澳洲電視大獎Logies的最佳新人獎。