Beautiful Tomorrow

Blue Six的《Beautiful Tomorrow》,包括了美妙主打歌”Music And Wine”、”Let’s do it together”等,靈魂人物Jay Denes肆意揮灑的Club舞曲剪影,加上Catherine Russell、Ada Dyer以及Lisa Shaw等六位女伶的甜美嗓音一起浮現在優美琴鍵之上時,真令你我陶醉不已;每個有Blue Six的城市Club night,當你感受到沙發的慵懶、紅酒的微醺之時,絢麗的音樂畫像已躍現眼前


  • 外文名:《Beautiful Tomorrow》
  • 專輯語言:歐美
  • 專輯歌手:Blue Six
  • 音樂風格:電子樂
  • 發行地區:歐美
  • 專輯:《Beautiful Tomorrow》
  • 流派:電子樂


Blue Six的《Beautiful Tomorrow》,包括了美妙主打歌”Music And Wine”、”Let’s do it together”等,靈魂人物Jay Denes肆意揮灑的Club舞曲剪影,加上Catherine Russell、Ada Dyer以及Lisa Shaw等六位女伶的甜美嗓音一起浮現在優美琴鍵之上時,真令你我陶醉不已;每個有Blue Six的城市Club night,當你感受到沙發的慵懶、紅酒的微醺之時,絢麗的音樂畫像已躍現眼前。
Naked Music從音樂本身到唱片封套的設計都多少顯現出這是一個「重質不重量」的廠牌。一個個美若名模的女性寫真裸體在鮮明亮麗的色塊與線條構成的POP背景中或坐或臥、或袒胸或露背地擺出各式優雅姿態,設計師Stuart Paterson為Naked Music設計的25款封面均是會令人不禁讚嘆的「人間尤物」。圓潤豐盈的胴體曲線,溫暖舒爽的飽和色調,Naked Music即使有情慾,也只是暗暗浮動在那些層次分明的旋律節奏的音符微渺空間中。
從靈魂樂製作組合的Naked Music NYC到Deep House發行廠牌的Naked Music,對於音樂產品精緻品質的要求,「裸體音樂」似乎就將續Chill Out、Lounge Music之後成為另一波新興的雅痞音樂風潮,不知本地的流行時尚電視節目何時將開始以此作為襯底配樂?
千呼萬喚始出來,2002年1月22日,Naked-Music的鎮山之寶Blue Six終於推出第一張完整的專輯《Beautiful Tomorrow》,單是唱片封面設計,已然從視覺上攻陷你的聽覺神經,藍色的調子,窗前一個裸體的女人,是深宵?是破曉?是美麗的明天!專輯內絕對沒有參薺不齊的作品,從開首篇Let's do it together 到結尾點題作Beautiful Tomorrow,所有的音樂都是經過精雕細嚼,唯美而統一,感覺一氣呵成!無論是前期的詞曲,還是後期的混音製作都是由Blue Six的主腦Jay Denes一手包辦,其中所來了的已經不只只是音樂,亦是滲透了Jay Denes的生活點滴,就像作品Close To Home中所唱到“Five O'clock,I don't know what to do,It's much to late to call and it's too soon to go and see you if I arrived with a suitcase at your door...”,通過音樂,Denes真實表達了他的真情實感,這是令Blue Six的跳舞音樂與別不同耐人尋味的地方。而Mark Anthony Jones、Dave Boonshoft與Lisa Shaw分別在Guitar、Bass與Vocal上的出色表現,令只是單純的電子音樂布滿了騷靈與爵士的氣息,對此,我們不得不讚嘆能夠將節奏反覆的Deep House渲染成一張靈幻感性的藝術作品的。


Songs Title:beautiful tomorrow
i look up at the sky
and see the distant lights there
and pray we all will make it through this life
there's trouble in our hearts
so much crying in the dark
and nobody's religion sets it right
tell me when you think you've had enough
tell me and we'll all just swear right now
to make it stop
you'll have a
beautiful tomorrow
a beautiful tomorrow yea
a beautiful tomorrow
if you just can stop the things
you'll do today
it's like some old cliche
that boy still cries wolf, everyday
and none will come to help him when it's time
it's me who's closed my eyes
it's just too hard to sympathize
and feel the hurt so many feel on waking everyday
you'll have a
beautiful tomorrow
a beautiful tomorrow yea
a beautiful tomorrow
if you just pretend
the world has gone away
tell me when you think you've had enough
tell me and we'll all just swear right now
to make it stop


