Anything Goes(許慧欣演唱歌曲)

《Anything Goes》是許慧欣《欣*進化》中的一首歌曲。


  • 中文名:Anything Goes
  • 歌手:許慧欣
  • 發行時間:2013-01-11
  • 所屬公司:大國翼星


歌手: 許慧欣


Anything Goes
詞曲:Cole Porter
Times have changed
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock
If today
Any snock they should try to stem
Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rock would land on them
In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
But now God knows
Anything goes
Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four letter words
Writing prose
Anything goes
The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
When grandmamas whose age is eighty
In night clubs are getting matey with gigolos
Anything goes
When mothers pack and leave poor father
Because they decide they'd rather be tennis pros
Anything goes
If driving fast cars you like
If low bars you like
If ole hymns you like
If bare limbs you like
Id Mae west you like
Or me undressed you like
Why nobody will oppose
When every night the set that's smart is
Intruding in nudist parties in studios
Anything goes
The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
If saying your prayers you like
If green pears you like
If old chairs you like
If back stairs you like
If love affairs you like
With young bears you like
Why nobody will oppose
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
Anything goes


許慧欣(eVonne)出生於美國德州,華裔美國人,台灣知名女歌手、演員。以精湛唱功、獨特唱腔、白皙雪嫩的肌膚並且擅長芭蕾舞被封有“雪白歌姬”“精靈美人”的稱號。曾憑藉首張個人專輯《快樂為主》獲得第14屆金曲獎最佳新人獎、並和張學友在音樂劇《雪狼湖》中合作,在中國大陸與台灣、香港地區巡迴演出。2011年參演百老匯舞台劇《Anything Goes海上情緣》。2013年1月11日發行最新專輯《欣*進化eVolution》造型大膽突破,歌曲曲風多變,不再做“白雪公主”脫變進化成“黑天鵝”再掀樂壇狂瀾。她的妹妹許嘉凌(Ivy)也開始在娛樂圈發展。


