- 外文名:Animosity
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式音標:[ˌænɪˈmɒsəti]
- 美式音標:[ˌænɪˈmɑːsəti]
- There's a long history of animosity between the two nations. 在那兩個國家間存在著歷史悠久的強烈敵意。
- There are fears that the series could rekindle animosity between the two countries. 有人擔心這一系列的事情可能會重新引發兩國之間的敵意。
- She thrust it away again, but with less animosity. 她又把它推開,但敵意沒有那么強了。
- He felt no animosity towards his critics. 他對批評他的人並不心懷怨恨。
- Rowling: hence, his... hence his animosity to Harry? 羅琳:結果,結果引起了他對哈利的敵意?
- His personal animosity towards Mr Thaksin is well-known. 他個人對他信的敵意是眾所皆知的。
- But there was a larger animosity at work in her polemics. 但是她的論戰中潛伏著更大的敵意。
- The main animosity will be between America and China. 最主要的怨憤方是美國和中國。
- As for Pakistan, relations are defined by their animosity. 至於說巴基斯坦,仇恨是兩國的關係的主流。
- Especially if there is animosity between China and US Allies. 尤其是如果有中國和美國的盟友之間的敵意。
- His animosity towards me is growing, but he is not my concern. 他對我的仇恨與日俱增,但這不是我所關心的。
- It's very clear that there is rising animosity toward the financial sector. 非常明顯,對金融界的敵意在上升。
- With the increased contacts will come more understanding and less animosity. 多加交流將可帶來體諒,減少敵意。
- She could not understand the animosity felt towards Bill by her older brother. 她不能理解她哥哥對比爾何以深惡痛絕。
- But it is also because personal animosity can be the grit in the oyster of competition. 壞脾氣能同商業成功並肩同行的另一個原因是個人恩怨無非是競爭這塊璞玉之瑕疵。
- 'There's no animosity, it's a very friendly community of growers who swap tips and seeds. 來這裡的人都非常友好,大家彼此沒有嫌隙,還互相交換蔬菜種子和種植技巧。
- Vanity, egotism, and pride - they all hide a subtle unhappiness, a cleverly disguised animosity. 虛榮、自負、驕傲,這些都暗含著一種微妙的不快,一種巧妙偽裝的敵意。
- Interviews with a number of South Africans shows a deep animosity toward foreigners in their country. 本報對大量南非人的採訪顯示,這個國家存在一股對外國人的深刻仇恨。
- With both sides blaming each other for the animosity, it is often difficult to untangle the truth. 雙方相互指責對方仇視自己,一時讓人不明真相。
- In the UK, too, religion seems to be generating an animosity not seen since the seventeenth century. 在英國也是同樣,似乎自從十七世紀之後,信仰就不再產生憎恨和仇視了一般。
- When I came to have feelings just like those foreigners, I realized that on the inside, it felt more like animosity. 當我也有了其他外國人那樣的感受時,我意識到在自己內心,我的感受更像是憎惡。
- I felt the animosity, believe me it was almost overpowering, but it was like being in the eye of a raging storm. 我感覺到從他身上傳來的很強烈的憤怒感,相信我,那種憤怒的感覺都快將我吞噬了,就像處在暴風雨的中心似的。
- Their supporters aimed to stir up tribal animosity against the court—in vain, since ordinary Kenyans still seem to back it. 他們的支持者們打算煽動國人仇視法庭——這是徒勞的,因為肯亞普通民眾似乎仍然支持指控。