Allan Chochinov,中文名:艾倫·喬奇諾。是《Core77》雜誌主編,多年來一直是設計界的意見領袖。
現年50歲的艾倫·喬奇諾是《Core77》雜誌主編,多年來一直是設計界的意見領袖。但當紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)邀請他創編一項設計課程時,他發現自己不得不解釋,為什麼這不一定是個好主意。“我對他們說,‘現在再編一個傳統工業設計課程沒有意義’。現在這些量產產品已經足夠了!”
Allan Chochinov is the Chair and co-founder of the SVA MFA in Products of Design Program. He writes widely on design education and the impact of design on contemporary culture. He has been a guest critic at various design schools in including Yale, NYU, University of Minnesota, RIT, and RMIT, and is a frequent design competition juror.