All Quiet on the Western Front(1996年Ballantine Books出版的圖書)

All Quiet on the Western Front(1996年Ballantine Books出版的圖書)

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《All Quiet on the Western Front》是Ballantine Books出版的圖書,作者是Remarque, Erich Maria


  • 作者:Remarque, Erich Maria
  • 出版時間:1996年9月
  • 出版社:Ballantine Books
  • 頁數:304 頁
  • ISBN:9780449911495
  • 定價:93.09 元
  • 裝幀:Pap
Considered by many the greatest war novel of all time, All Quiet on the Western Front is Erich Maria Remarque’s masterpiece of the German experience during World War I.I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. . . . This is the testament of Paul Bäumer, who enlists wit...(展開全部) Considered by many the greatest war novel of all time, All Quiet on the Western Front is Erich Maria Remarque’s masterpiece of the German experience during World War I.I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. . . . This is the testament of Paul Bäumer, who enlists with his classmates in the German army during World War I. They become soldiers with youthful enthusiasm. But the world of duty, culture, and progress they had been taught breaks in pieces under the first bombardment in the trenches. Through years of vivid horror, Paul holds fast to a single vow: to fight against the principle of hate that meaninglessly pits young men of the same generation but different uniforms against one another . . . if only he can come out of the war alive. “The world has a great writer in Erich Maria Remarque. He is a craftsman of unquestionably first rank, a man who can bend language to his will. Whether he writes of men or of inanimate nature, his touch is sensitive, firm, and sure.”— The New York Times Book Review 埃里希·瑪麗亞·雷馬克(Erich Maria Remarque,1898 ~ 1970),德裔美籍小說家。出生於德國一個工人家庭,18歲時志願參加第一次世界大戰,在前線負傷,戰後做過教師、記者、編輯等多種工作。1929年,小說《西線無戰事》出版,引起轟動,迅速被翻譯成二十多種語言,使他成為蜚聲世界的作家。因為他的反戰立場,納粹上台後,將他與托馬斯·曼等人的作品公開焚毀。1938年,他被剝奪德國國籍,後流亡美國。1947年,他加入美國國籍,次年返回歐洲並定居瑞士。1970年9月25日,雷馬克在瑞士逝世。1991年,雷馬克的家鄉奧斯納布呂克設立埃里希·瑪麗亞·雷馬克和平獎。 雷馬克的著作大多帶有自傳色彩,用詞精練,抒情的書寫中卻透出客觀、冷峻的氣質,被比作德國的海明威。他一生共著有十五部小說、三部劇本和兩部文集,其中,《西線無戰事》《凱旋門》《三個夥伴》...(展開全部) 埃里希·瑪麗亞·雷馬克(Erich Maria)


