Acetate Zero是一個組合,成員有E (voice, guitar, bass)、F (guitar, voice)、J (guitar, bass, drums)、L (guitar,drums)、S (guitar, bass, voice),代表作有《Crestfallen》。
- 中文名:Acetate Zero
- 國家/地區:法國
- 流派:世界音樂
- 風格:Post Rock/後搖 /獨立搖滾
Acetate Zero是一個組合,成員有E (voice, guitar, bass)、F (guitar, voice)、J (guitar, bass, drums)、L (guitar,drums)、S (guitar, bass, voice),代表作有《Crestfallen》。
Ahmad Ghossein Ahmad Ghossein是一位藝術家。參加展覽 主要作品 Draft Zero(系列:無系列作品), 2017
20. “A “Star” Antiferromagnet: A Polymeric Iron(III) Acetate Exhibiting the Coexistence of Spin-Frustration and Long-Range Magnetic Order”, Zheng, Y.-Z.; Tong, M.-L.; Xie, W.; Zhang, W.-X.; Chen, X.-M...
(17) Pan P, Hong B,Mbadinga SM, Wang L-Y, Liu J-F, Yang S-Z, Gu J-D & MuBZ*. Iron oxides alter methanogenic pathways of acetate in production water ofhigh-temperature petroleum reservoir. ApplMicrobiol ...
1. Li Tan, Qiu-Shi Cheng, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Effects of ammonium and/or sulfide on methane production from acetate or propionate using biochemical methane potential tests. Journal of Bioscience ...
Chen Su, Lina Chi*, Yingjia Qian , Siwei Sun, Zheng Jiang. Fabrication of solvent-resistant nanofiltration membrane via interfacial polymerization based on cellulose acetate membrane. Journal of Material Science and Chemical ...
A new process for producing calcium acetate from vegetable wastes for use as an environmentally friendly deicer. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 7299-7306. (SCI, IF=4.980)Effects of general zero-valent metals power of...
Jianwei Zhao, Dongbo Wang*, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng, Qi Yang*. Improved biological phosphorus removal induced by oxic/extended-idle process using glycerol and acetate at equal fraction. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 86165-...