



  • 中文名:遲莉娜
  • 畢業院校:東華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境工程
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學


出國訪學經歷如下:2008年6月~9月曾赴美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校(UCSD)短期交流;2013年6月~12月在美國史丹福大學“可持續發展與全球競爭力研究中心”短期交流;2014年6月-2015年4月,獲歐盟瑪麗居里IRSES項目ECOFUEL(Grant agreement No.246772)資助,在英國南安普頓大學工程與環境學部環境生物技術課題組進行合作研究;2015年8月-2016年6月,獲得英國皇家工程院Newton Research Collaboration Award,作為中方項目負責人,在英國南安普頓大學工程與環境學部能源材料課題組開展合作研究。




  1. Ruiting Liu, Lina Chi*, Jimeng Feng, Xinze Wang*. MOFs-derived conductive structure for high-performance removal/release of phosphate as electrode material. Water Research, DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116198
  2. Lina Chi*, Yingjia Qian, Junqiu Guo, Tingting Xie, Xinze Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Zheng Jiang*. Novel g-C3N4/TiO2/PAA/PTFE Ultrafiltration Membrane Enabling Enhanced Antifouling and Exceptional Visible-light Photocatalytic Self-cleaning. Catalysis Today, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.02.027
  3. 解婷婷,遲莉娜*,劉瑞婷,王欣澤.金屬有機框架固定化酶及其在環境中的套用.化工進展,2019, 38(6): 2892-2900.
  4. Dan Li,Xinze Wang*, Lina Chi*, Jie Wang, The Design and Operation of Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration Systems for Domestic Sewage, Water Environment Research, 2019 DOI:10.1002/wer.1098
  5. Ruiting Liu, Lina Chi*, Xinze Wang*, Yuan Wang, Yanming Sui, Tingting Xie, Hamidreza Arandiyan*. Effective and Selective Adsorption of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution via Trivalent-Metals-Based Amino-MIL-101 MOFs. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 357(1): 159-168.
  6. Ruiting Liu, Lina Chi* , Xinze Wang , Yanming Sui , Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan*. Review of metal (hydr)oxide and other adsorptive materials for phosphate removal from water. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, 6(4): 5269-5286
  7. Chen Su, Lina Chi*, Yingjia Qian , Siwei Sun, Zheng Jiang. Fabrication of solvent-resistant nanofiltration membrane via interfacial polymerization based on cellulose acetate membrane. Journal of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, 2018, 6: 1-15.
  8. Salma Tabassum, Qinhong Ji, Chunjie Li, Lina Chi, et al..Treatment of centrifugal mother liquid of polyvinyl chloride by internal circulation aerobic biofilm reactor: Lab to plant scale system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 200:568-577
  9. 賈思齊,蔣政,遲莉娜,葉瑛,胡雙雙. 從天然輝銻礦中製備硫化銻納米棒及其性能探究.無機材料學報,2018,33(11): 12134-1218
  10. Lina C, Xiaofeng Y, Jun L, Zhirong L, Zheng J, Zhenjia Z*. Partial Nitrification to Nitrite using Activated Sludge Entrapped Polymerized Gel: Continuous and Batch Operation in an Airlifting Reactor. Recent Adv Petrochem Sci., 2017,4(1):55562
  11. Salma Tabassum, Yao Li, Lina Chi, Chunjie Li, Zhenjia Zhang. Efficient nitrification treatment of comprehensive industrial wastewater by using Novel Mass Bio System. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 172: 368-384
  12. Lina Chi*, Jie Wang, Tianshu Chu, Yingjia Qian,Zhenjiang Yu, Deyi Wu, Zhenjia Zhang, Zheng Jiang, James.O.Leckie. Modeling and Optimizing Performances of PVC/PVB Ultrafiltration Membranes Using Supervised Learning Approaches, RSC Advances,2016,6, 28038-28046
  13. Lina Chi*, Yingjia Qian, Boyu Zhang, Zhenjia Zhang, Zheng Jiang*,Surface engineering and self-cleaning properties of the novel TiO2/PAA/PTFE ultrafiltration membranes, Applied Petrochemical Research, 2016,6(3):225-233
  14. Zhang, K., Zhou, W., Chi, L., Zhang, X., Hu, W., Jiang, B., et al. (2016). Black N/H-TiO2 Nanoplates with a Flower-Like Hierarchical Architecture for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ChemSusChem. 2016, 9(19): 2841–2848
  15. X Liao, R Gerdts, S Parker, LN Chi, Y Zhao, M Hill, J Guo, Martin Jones, Zheng Jiang. In-depth understanding of the bimetallic effects and coked carbon species on an active bimetallic Ni (Co)/Al2O3 dry reforming catalyst, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 9(19): 2841–2848
  16. Yingjia Qian, Lina Chi *, Weili Zhou, Zhenjiang Yu, Zhongzhi Zhang, Zhenjia Zhang, Zheng Jiang*, Fabrication of TiO2-modified Polytetrafluoroethylene Ultrafiltration Membranes via Plasma-enhanced Surface Graft Pretreatment, Applied Surface Science, 2016,360: 749-757
  17. 錢穎佳,遲莉娜*,周偉麗,張振家.聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)微濾膜親水化改性工藝最佳化. 淨水技術,2016, 35(5):42-46,51
  18. Lai L, Xie Q, Chi L, Gu W, Wu D, Adsorption of phosphate from water by easily separable Fe3O4@SiO2 core/shell magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with hydrous lanthanum oxide,J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 (465): 76-82
  19. Ahmad S. Alshammari, Lina Chi, Xiaoping Chen, Abdulaziz Bagabas, Denis Kramer, Zheng Jiang, Visible-light photocatalysis on C-doped ZnO derived from polymer-assisted pyrolysis, RSC Adv., 2015,5: 27690-27698|
  20. Xiaoping Chen, Zhixiang Zhang, Lina Chi, Aathira Krishnadas Nair, Wenfeng Shangguan,Zheng Jiang, Recent Advances in Visible-Light-Driven Photoelectro-chemical Water Splitting:Catalyst Nanostructures and Reaction Systems, Nano-Micro Letters, 2016, Volume 8, Issue 1: 1- 12
  21. 鄭敏,吳唯民,遲莉娜等.矽氧烷在環境中的遷移轉化及其對生物氣套用的影響.環境科學學報,35(10):3050-3056
  22. Jin Wang, Qaisar Mahmood, Jiang-Ping Qiu, Yin-Sheng Li, Yoon-Seong Chang, Li-Na Chi, and Xu-Dong Li, Zero Discharge Performance of an Industrial Pilot-Scale Plant Treating Palm Oil Mill Effluent, BioMed Research International Volume 2015(2015): 1-9


  • 主持完成國際合作課題3項和企業委託課題6項,參加完成國家自然科學基金項目6項和國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題2項。
  • 在研課題:
  1. 水專項子課題(2017.1-2020.6),項目編號2017ZX07203-005。子課題名稱《河口近岸水體底質最佳化與泥水界面微生態改善技術研究》,所屬項目《梅梁灣濱湖城市水體環境深度改善和生態功能提升技術與工程示範》;
  2. 重點基金子課題(2018.1-2022.12),項目批准號21737002。子課題名稱《預富集多功能膜的製備、表征與性能研究》,所屬課題《預富集功能膜/光催化燃料電池(MPFC)高效廢水深度處理方法研究》;
  3. 國際合作種子基金(2018.3-2019.3), The University of Sydney - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Partnership Collaboration Award(PCA);
  4. 《高性能石墨烯基複合中空纖維膜的工業化生產和套用關鍵技術研究》(2017.12-2020.12),寧波某企業委託;
  5. 《抗體分離用中空纖維膜關鍵製備技術》(2018 .8~2021.8),深圳某企業委託。
  • 專利授權 1項:遲莉娜,錢穎佳,于振江 . 發明專利《聚四氟乙烯膜的親水改性方法》,專利號 CN 104998562B
  • 專利申請 4項:
  1. 遲莉娜,蔣政,王欣澤,解婷婷等. 發明專利《一種原位製備納米酶膜的方法》,專利申請號CN 201710946706.6
  2. 遲莉娜,李高潔. 發明專利《船舶壓載水處理方法》,專利申請號CN 201410242229.6
  3. 於廣欣, 紀欽洪, 王建偉, 張振家, 崔德春, 遲莉娜. 發明專利《一種煤氣化廢水的處理方法》,專利申請號CN 201210007232
  4. 周偉麗, 張振家, 歐陽麗華, 王暉, 遲莉娜. 發明專利《生物自養反硝化脫氮裝置》,專利申請號CN 201010509722


  1. 2008年獲上海市科學技術發明獎3等獎,項目名稱《含高濃度有機物和高濃度氨氮污水的處理新工藝》,排名第二;
  2. 2011-2012年度獲得上海交通大學“教學新秀提名獎”;
  3. 2011-2012年度上海交通大學“燭光獎二等獎”;
  4. 2012年獲上海交通大學年終考核優秀獎;
  5. 2013年上海交通大學-蘇州工業園區優秀教師獎教金三等獎;
  6. 2013-2014年度獲環境學院“優秀導師獎”;
  7. 2012-2014連續三年獲上海交通大學-蘇州工業園區生態環保獎教金專項獎;
  8. 2009年獲“優秀班主任稱號”。
  1. 衛綺騏獲得第三屆全國大學生節能減排社會實踐與科技競賽“科信能環杯”二等獎;
  2. 09級化工學院學生(趙晨等)“松江新城空氣污染源調查”項目獲校社會實踐三等獎;
  3. 09級錢穎佳和孫思唯獲得畢業答辯優秀;
  4. 錢穎佳獲 2013屆“上海交通大學優異學士學位論文(TOP1%)”及2016年“上海交通大學優秀碩士畢業生稱號”。

