《Above the River》是Farrar Straus & Giroux出版的圖書,作者是James Wright
- ISBN:9780374522827
- 作者:James Wright
- 出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux
- 頁數:432
- 定價:$20.00
- 裝幀:Pap
《Above the River》是Farrar Straus & Giroux出版的圖書,作者是James Wright
名稱取自詩人Walt Whitman作品"I Sing the Body Electric",專輯精選了辛迪出道二十年以來最佳人氣的10首作品的全新版本,和2首全新的作品。專輯曲目 備註:"Above the Clouds"與"I'll Be Your River"為專輯新錄製曲目。榜單成績 ...
But nothin' that shined like the big sky at night Some mornings will find me up above the timberline Lonesome don't seem like much once you're this high When it's all said and done I usually...
And I can hardly touch the ground 感覺自己無依無靠 I am deep in a river 深沉於河底 Waves above my head 頭頂波濤洶湧 Held with no spirit 我如同一具沒有靈魂的驅殼 We descend, we reach the end 不斷下沉,終點已...
① above 指在……上方,不強調是否垂直,與 below相對;例句:The bird is flying above my head.② over指垂直的上方,與under相對,但over與物體有一定的空間,不直接接觸。例句:There is a bridge over the river.③ on表示某...
Above the trees are the mountains, whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.在樹林的高處是山,其壯麗的景色完全映照在河面上。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.這劇本...
《廷騰寺》為一首詩歌,又譯作《丁登寺》,原詩題目為《廷騰寺上游幾英里處的詩行--記重遊懷河河岸》(LINES COMPOSED A FEW MILES ABOVE TINTERN ABBEY, ON REVISITING THE BANKS OF THE WYE DURING A TOUR),一般簡記為《廷騰寺》...
奧斯卡評審,戲劇作家,托尼獎和普利茲獎獲得者,The Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment聯合創始人 Maya Ibrahim 黎巴嫩慈善家 Kevin James 奧斯卡評審,導演,洛杉磯影視製作市長辦公室 Mario Kassar 奧斯卡評審,電影製片人、Carolos ...
The river rises we rise above It may not look that way right now But Trust me baby this is love Love isn't easy I'm torn I confess When a heart is uncertain It's bound to second guess So hold me close ...