A new era: towards a new world of green prosperity

A new era: towards a new world of green prosperity

《A new era: towards a new world of green prosperity》是2020年中國環境出版集團出版的圖書。


  • 書名:A new era: towards a new world of green prosperity
  • 作者:中國環境與發展國際合作委員會秘書處
  • 出版社:中國環境出版集團
  • 出版時間:2020年9月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787511143884


Established with the approval of the Chinese government in 1992, the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) is a high-level international advisory body. Its core tasks are to conduct policy research on environment and sustainable development problems of domestic, regional or global significance and provide policy recommendations to the Chinese government.
Over the past 28 years, CCICED has witnessed and taken part in China's historic shifts in development philosophy and model. It has opened the door to international experience on sustainable development and built a bridge to promote exchanges between China and the international community on environment and development. It has also provided a valuable platform for two-way dialogues, enabling the international community to improve understanding of Chinese approaches and support the country's engagement with the world.


Review: The Shift to High-Quality, Green Development
0.1 China's Five-Year Plan
0.2 Shifting Lanes: High-Speed to High-Quality Development
0.3 Ecological Civilization and High-Quality Development
0.4 Green Development, Prosperity and Quality Development
0.5 Natural Capital
0.6 Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities
Chapter 1 China's Contribution to Global Climate Governance
1.1 Introduction
1.2 International Experience and Lessons Learnt- Major Types and Characteristics of Climate Governance Structure
1.3 Opportunities and Challenges of Climate Governance in China after the Institutional Reform
1.4 New Expectations for the Governance of Climate Change in China and its Requirement on Strengthening Government Leadership
1.5 Suggestions on Climate Policy Adjustment under China's Institutional Reform
Chapter 2 Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Conservation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Building Momentum
2.3 Political Engagement
2.4 Good Practices for Biodiversity Conservation Related to China
2.5 Policy Recommendations
Chapter 3 Global Ocean Governance and Ecological Civilization
Chapter 4 Green Urbanization Strategy and Pathways Towards Regional Integrated Development
Chapter 5 Ecological Compensation and Green Development Institutional Reform in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)
Chapter 6 Goals and Pathways for Environmental Improvement by 2035
Chapter 7 Green Transition and Sustainable Social Governance
Chapter 8 Green Belt and Road Initiative and 2030 SDGs


