A Man's A Man For A' That (無論何時都要保持尊嚴)是著名的蘇格蘭民族詩人羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns )1795年發表的著名詩歌。歌中極力讚美無論貧窮我們都保持做人的尊嚴,不貪錢財,不畏懼權貴,不能丟失洞察真理的睿智,這才是做人值得自豪的品格。
- 中文名:無論何時都要保持尊嚴
- 外文名:A Man's A Man For A' That
- 作品來源:蘇格蘭
- 作者名稱:Robert Burns
- 作品形式:詩歌歌詞
A Man's A Man For A' That (無論何時都要保持尊嚴)是著名的蘇格蘭民族詩人羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns )1795年發表的著名詩歌。歌中極力讚美無論貧窮我們都保持做人的尊嚴,不貪錢財,不畏懼權貴,不能丟失洞察真理的睿智,這才是做人值得自豪的品格。
A Man's A Man For A' That (無論何時都要保持尊嚴)是著名的蘇格蘭民族詩人羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns )1795年發表的著名詩歌。歌中極力讚美無論貧窮我們都...
《It's a Man's Man's Man's World》是歌手James Brown演唱的一首歌,所...You know that man makes money to buy from other man要知道,男人賺錢,從另...
《A Man For All Seasons》是由弗雷德·金尼曼導演,保羅·斯科菲爾德、溫蒂·希勒、萊奧·麥凱恩和羅伯特·肖領銜主演的英國電影。 [1] ...
A MAN是惠州市雅琪商貿有限公司註冊箱包品牌,該品牌商標於2012年02月05日註冊成功。外文名 A MAN 創立時間 2012年 所屬公司 惠州市雅琪商貿有限公司 所屬...
《I'm a Man》是歌手Cee Lo Green演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Sparkle (...I’m a manI’m a manThat’s right I am.I’m a man....
A whole lot of men envy me for what I've gotOw I'm a man & a half; that's what I am a man & a half...
Russell A. Gausman是一名布景師,代表作品有《Hell Bent for Leather》、《...《弗蘭肯斯坦的兒子》,《That Certain Age》,《The Rage of Paris》,《恐怖...
4.There's A Reason For It 5.Time And Again 6.Did Anyone Approach You...the company man 02. i wish i cared 09. the sun never shone that day...
(Sen Dog) How I could just kill a manIt's gonna be a long time before I finishone of the many missions that I have to establish...
By the light of that ship in the sky,which shone all round......and love for the child...A Spaceman Came Travelling歌手信息 編輯 ...
Man made the boat for the waterlike Noah made the arkThis is a man&...You know that man makes moneyto buy from other manThis is a man'...
《It's a Man's World》是美國女藝人雪兒的第21張錄音室專輯,由華納唱片公司發行[1] 。曲號收錄曲名詞曲作者時長 1. "Walking in Memphis" Marc Cohn 4:...
It's a Man's Man's Man's World是一首James Brown在1966年創作的歌曲,...You know that man makes money to buy from other manThis is a man\'s ...
It's A Man's Man's World - Original Live 語言 英語 ...You know that man makes moneyTo buy from other manThis is a man'...
歌曲: A Man In A Trenchcoat詞條標籤: 娛樂 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:2次歷史版本 最近更新: 創建者:姚聰A98...
《A Man For All Seasons》是由英國男歌手Robbie Williams演唱的歌曲,收錄於...That's something I couldn't doThere's that look in your...
It's A Man's Man's Man's World - Live 語言 ...You know that man makes money to buy from other manThis is a man&apos...
When a woman loves a man當一個女人深愛上一個男人(It's the greatest gift of all) (oh)那是天底下最大的禮物Knowing that unconditional...
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within 是由Yony Leyser指導, Fred Aldrich等...The courts eventually overturned their decision in 1966, ruling that the ...
Man followed his every word, time was passing byBut those devil’s great...So he came with a new, dark, secret planDevil called for secret powers,...