A Big Hug,中文名“布拉迪”,是一個寵物營養保健品牌,商標註冊號40559627A。品牌理念是“呵護TA成長每一步”。
- 中文名:布拉迪
- 外文名:A Big Hug
- 所屬行業:動物用膳食補充劑
- 註冊號:40559627A
- 品牌理念:呵護TA成長每一步
- 產品理念:堅持人用級產品標準,成為值得信賴的寵物營養品專家

A Big Hug,中文名“布拉迪”,是一個寵物營養保健品牌,商標註冊號40559627A。品牌理念是“呵護TA成長每一步”。
Hug Someone 擁抱 ; 來個擁抱 ; 擁抱某人 ; 擁抱的人 Hug Me 擁抱我 ; 抱緊我 ; 抱抱我 Free Hug 免費的擁抱 ; 免費擁抱 ; 自由擁抱 雙語例句 1、She gave her mother a big hug. 她熱烈地擁抱了她的母親。2、She ...
每天一個大擁抱 A Big Hug Every Day 22 不忘初心 Never Forget Your Puppy Love 24 英國經典童書共讀:《巨人的花園》 27 橙點點滴滴都感恩 社區溫馨如一家 The Cozy Community 30 你永遠受歡迎 You're Always Welcome 32 天使...
One teddy huggybear etoll Hey ho hey You gotta shake hands with your feelings We've got a big hug waiting for you Wicked crew Hey ho hey You gotta shake hands with your feelings In the wicked sensitive crew ...
Little Blue and Little Yellow are best friends, but one day they can’t find each other. When they finally do, they give each other such a big hug that they turn green! How they find their true colors again ...
felt cosy and warm in his heart. However his nose was still blue and his fur was still grey, and they would never return to brown. He was unique amongst teddy bears. The little girl gave him a great big hug. ...
Don’t forget a sign of love. (now you kiss me)不要忘了愛的信號(現在吻我吧)Don’t forger give me a big big hug and smile.不要忘了給我一個大大的擁抱和大大的微笑 ※Going out to watch the movie.出去看電影 ...
Give Bob a big hug(來個大大的擁抱吧!)“‘那好吧 CJive Bob a big hug!抱抱吧!’女孩子們開心地圍著他,一邊跳著一邊嚷著 ‘抱抱!Bob!抱抱!Bob!抱抱!Bob!’”牆角的那朵小花 “就像一朵悄悄開在牆角的小花,雖然沒有...
(n.)The little boy asked his papa to take him outside.小男孩讓爸爸帶他出去。She laughed and gave Papa a big hug.她笑著,擁抱了爸爸一下。相關單詞 媽媽 mama 爺爺grandpa/grandpapa/grandfather 奶奶 nannan/grandma ...
《I Love You You Love Me》是寶寶巴士演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《寶寶巴士英文兒歌》。歌曲歌詞 I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love ...
I didn't even miss a crack uh huh She promised me a kiss And a great big hug Sweep down my stairs now And beat my bedroom rug But I got fooled Sonny Yes you did boy Yes I got fooled buddy Don't you know...