


  • 中文名:5G網路規劃與最佳化(英文版)
  • 作者:龐雪蓮
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2023年1月
  • 頁數:244 頁
  • 定價:57.00 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787121445774


本書主要圍繞5G無線網路規劃與最佳化展開介紹和講解,全文共15章,包括緒論;5G無線網路架構;5G空中接口物理層;MIMO原理;5G功率控制與上下行;5G移動性管理;5G信令流程;5G基站勘測;無線傳播模型;5G無線網路覆蓋估算;5G測試及單站點驗證;5G RF最佳化,5G無線網路常用KPI;5G網路最佳化問題分析;人工智慧在5G網路的規劃。每章都安排了多個難度適中的任務,且知識點都在對應的案例中得到解釋說明,可以很好地加強學生對知識點的掌握。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Preface 1
Learning Goals 1
1.1 Architecture of 5G Mobile Communication Network 2
1.1.1 Wireless Access Network 2
1.1.2 Bearer Network 3
1.1.3 Core Network 4
1.2 Evolution of Mobile Communication Networks 6
1.2.1 The First-Generation Mobile Communication System 6
1.2.2 The Second Generation Mobile Communication System 7
1.2.3 The Third Generation Mobile Communication System 7
1.2.4 The Fourth Generation Mobile Communication System 7
1.2.5 The Fifth Generation Mobile Communication System 8
Summary 10
Questions for Thinking 10
Chapter 2 5G Wireless Network Architecture 11
Preface 11
Learning Goals 11
2.1 Traditional Wireless Network Architecture 11
2.1.1 Distributed Radio Access Network (DRAN) 12
2.1.2 Centralized Radio Access Network (CRAN) 13
2.2 CloudRAN Architecture 15
2.2.1 Wireless Access Network Reconstruction 15
2.2.2 CloudRAN Architecture 16
2.2.3 CloudRAN Deployment 18
2.2.4 The Value of CloudRAN 21
2.3 Networking Architecture of SA and NSA 22
2.3.1 Basic SA Architecture 22
2.3.2 NSA Networking Architecture 22
Summary 24
Questions for Thinking 24
Chapter 3 Physical Layer of 5G Air Interface 25
Preface 25
Learning Goals 25
3.1 5G Wireless Air Interface Protocol 25
3.1.1 Radio Resource Control (RRC) Layer 26
3.1.2 PDCP Layer 27
3.1.3 SDAP Layer 30
3.1.4 RLC Layer 31
3.1.5 MAC Layer 33
3.1.6 PHY Layer 33
3.2 Basic Parameters and Frame Structure of 5G Air Interface 33
3.2.1 Multiple Numerologies 33
3.2.2 Frame Structure 34
3.2.3 Time Slot Format 35
3.2.4 Frequency Domain Resources 38
3.2.5 BWP 38
3.3 5G Channel Structure 39
3.3.1 Logical Channel 39
3.3.2 Transmission Channel 40
3.3.3 PHYsical (PHY) Channel 41
3.3.4 Channel Mapping 41
3.4 5G Downlink Physical Channels and Signals 42
3.4.1 SSB 42
3.4.2 Physical Downlink Control Channel 43
3.4.3 Physical Downlink Shared Channel 44
3.4.4 PT-RS 47
3.4.5 CSI-RS 47
3.5 5G Uplink Physical Channels and Signals 48
3.5.1 Physical Random Access CHannel (PRACH) 48
3.5.2 Physical Uplink Shared CHannel (PUSCH) 49
3.5.3 Physical Uplink Control CHannel (PUCCH) 50
3.5.4 Detecting Reference Signal 50
Summary 51
Questions for Thinking 51
Chapter 4 MIMO Functions and Principles 52
Preface 52
Learning Goals 52
4.1 Basic MIMO Functions 52
4.2 MIMO Principles 54
4.2.1 Downlink Beam Forming 54
4.2.2 Uplink Receiving Diversity—Multi-Antenna Receiving 58
4.3 SU-MIMO Principle 59
4.3.1 Downlink User Multi-Stream Transmission 59
4.3.2 Uplink User Multi-Stream Transmission 60
4.4 MU MIMO Principle 61
4.4.1 Downlink MU Space Division Multiplexing 61
4.4.2 MU MIMO-PUSCH Space Division Multiplexing Uplink 62
Summary 63
Questions for Thinking 63
Chapter 5 5G Power Control and Uplink and Downlink 64
Preface 64
Learning Goals 64
5.1 5G Power Control Principle 64
5.1.1 Definition 64
5.1.2 Purpose 65
5.1.3 Advantages 65
5.1.4 Categories 65
5.2 5G Downlink Power Distribution 66
5.2.1 Power Control Categories 66
5.2.2 Cell Reference Power Calculation 67
5.3 5G Uplink Power Control 68
5.3.1 PRACH Power Control 69
5.3.2 PUCCH Power Control 70
5.3.3 PUSCH Power Control 72
5.3.4 SRS Power Control 72
5.3.5 Closed-Loop Power Control Step 73
5.4 5G Uplink and Downlink Decoupling Technology 73
5.4.1 Technical Overview 73
5.4.2 SUL Carrier Parameters 76
5.4.3 SUL Carrier Management Process 76
5.4.4 Wireless Resource Management Algorithm 78
5.4.5 Avoiding Second Harmonic Interference 81
5.4.6 SUL Frequency Acquisition Scheme 82
Summary 83
Questions for Thinking 83
Chapter 6 5G Mobility Management 84
Preface 84
Learning Goals 84
6.1 5G Mobility Management Architecture 84
6.1.1 Mobility Management in the NSA Scenario 84
6.1.2 Mobility Management in the SA Scenario 85
6.2 Mobility Management in the NSA Networking Scenario 85
6.2.1 PSCell Change Procedure 86
6.2.2 Measurement Control Deliver and Report 88
6.2.3 Change Judgment 88
6.2.4 Change Preparation 89
6.2.5 Change Execution 89
6.3 Connection State Mobility Management in the SA Networking Scenario 89
6.3.1 Mobility Basic Procedure 90
6.3.2 Judgment of Switching Function Start 91
6.3.3 Selecting a Processing Mode 91
6.3.4 Measurement Control Delivery 91
6.3.5 Report of Measurement 93
6.3.6 Target Cell Judgment 94
6.3.7 Execute Switching 94
6.4 Idle State Mobility Management in the SA Networking Scenario 95
6.4.1 Cell Search and PLMN Selection 95
6.4.2 Cell Selection 96
6.4.3 Cell Re-Selection 97
6.5 Interoperation Between the 5G and the LTE system 98
6.5.1 Idle State Mobility Management 99
6.5.2 Data Service Mobility Management 100
Summary 101
Questions for Thinking 101
Chapter 7 5G Signaling Process 102
Preface 102
Learning Goals 102
7.1 Basics of 5G Signaling Process 102
7.1.1 Basic Architecture of 5G Network 102
7.1.2 NR User Identifier 104
7.2 NR Access Process 104
7.2.1 Synchronization Process 104
7.2.2 NSA Networking Access Process 105
7.2.3 SA Networking Access Process 107
7.3 NSA Mobility Management Process 110
7.4 SA Mobility Management Process 112
7.4.1 Intra-Station Switching Process 112
7.4.2 SgNB Change Process 113
7.4.3 Switching Process Between Xn Stations 114
7.4.4 NG Inter-Station Switching Process 114
7.5 RRC Status Switching Process 115
Summary 116
Questions for Thinking 116
Chapter 8 5G Base Station Survey 117
Preface 117
Learning Goals 117
8.1 Base Station Survey Process 117
8.2 Survey Preparations 118
8.2.1 Tools and Instruments 118
8.2.2 Preparing Survey-Related Documents 119
8.2.3 Hold Survey Coordination Meetings 119
8.3 Site Detailed Survey 120
8.3.1 Site Environment Survey 120
8.3.2 Antenna Area Survey 123
8.3.3 Survey Records 125
8.4 Survey Report Output 125
Summary 127
Questions for Thinking 127
Chapter 9 Wireless Propagation Model 128
Preface 128
Learning Goals 128
9.1 Radio Wave Propagation Model 128
9.1.1 Free Space Propagation 128
9.1.2 Okumura-Hata Model 129
9.1.3 COST231-Hata Model 130
9.1.4 Keenan-Motley Model 130
9.1.5 Uma Model 131
9.1.6 Umi Model 131
9.1.7 Rma Model 131
9.1.8 InH Model 132
9.1.9 Universal Propagation Model 132
9.2 Anti-Fading Techniques 133
9.2.1 Space Diversity 134
9.2.2 Polarization Diversity 134
9.2.3 Time Diversity 134
9.2.4 Frequency Diversity 135
Summary 135
Questions for Thinking 135
Chapter 10 5G Wireless Network Coverage Estimation 136
Preface 136
Learning Goals 136
10.1 5G Wireless Network Coverage Estimation Process 136
10.2 Budget for Downlink 136
10.2.1 Downlink Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power 137
10.2.2 Maximum Transmission Power of the Base Station 138
10.2.3 Antenna Gain 138
10.2.4 Interference Margin 138
10.2.5 Shadow Fading Margin 138
10.2.6 Losses 138
10.2.7 Receiver Sensitivity 140
10.3 Uplink Budget 141
10.4 Calculation of Cell Coverage Radius 142
10.5 Calculation of the Number of Base Stations 143
10.5.1 Coverage Area of a Single Base Station 143
10.5.2 Calculation of the Number of Base Stations 143
10.6 Wireless Cell Parameter Design 144
10.6.1 Massive MIMO Scene-Based Beam Design. 144
10.6.2 Time Slot Ratio Design 144
10.6.3 PCI Design 145
10.7 Network Simulation Prediction 145
Summary 146
Questions for Thinking 147
Chapter 11 5G Testing and Single-Site Verification 148
Preface 148
Learning Goals 148
11.1 Overview of Single-Site Verification 148
11.1.1 Single-Site Verification Purpose 149
11.1.2 Single-Site Verification Process 149
11.2 Single-site Verification Preparation 149
11.2.1 Hardware and General Tools Preparation 149
11.2.2 Test Tools Preparation and Connection 150
11.2.3 CPE Connection Configuration 151
11.2.4 GPS Connection Configuration 155
11.2.5 Test Route Planning 158
11.2.6 Site Parameters and Status Checking 159
11.2.7 Other Preparations 160
11.3 Single-Site Verification Test 160
11.3.1 5G Access Functions Verification 160
11.3.2 DT Coverage Verification 162
11.3.3 5G Ping Service Verification 163
11.3.4 5G Data Service Function Verification Criteria 164
11.4 Single-Site Verification Report 167
Summary 168
Questions for Thinking 168
Chapter 12 5G RF Optimization 169
Preface 169
Learning Goals 169
12.1 Overview of RF Optimization 169
12.1.1 5G Air Interface Common Problems 169
12.1.2 RF Optimization Life Cycle 170
12.2 RF Optimization Principle 171
12.2.1 Optimization Objectives of 5G Network 171
12.2.2 RF Optimization Differences Under Different 5G Networking
Architectures 173
12.2.3 Data Analysis and Optimization 173
12.3 RF Optimization Process 181
12.3.1 Optimization Objective Determination 181
12.3.2 Cluster Division/Optimization Region Determination 182
12.3.3 Determining the Test Route 183
12.3.4 Preparing Test Tools and Documents 184
12.3.5 Data Collection 185
12.3.6 Verification of Engineering Parameters 186
12.3.7 Overall Principle of RF Optimization 186
12.4 Scenario-based Beam Optimization Based on Massive MIMO 187
12.4.1 5G SSB Beam Optimization 187
12.4.2 Downtilt Angle Adjustment Based on Massive MIMO 189
Summary 189
Questions for Thinking 190
Chapter 13 Common KPI of 5G Wireless Network 191
Preface 191
Learning Goals 191
13.1 5G Access KPIs 191
13.1.1 RRC Establishment Success Rate 191
13.1.2 Success Rate of NG Interface Signaling Connection Establishment 192
13.2 5G Mobility KPI 193
13.2.1 Intra-Frequency Switch-out Success Rate 193
13.2.2 Success Rate of Intra-System Switch-in 194
13.3 KPI of 5G Service Integrity 197
13.4 NSA DC Access and Mobility KPIs 198
13.4.1 Secondary Station Adding Success Rate 198
13.4.2 Success Rate of Secondary Station Cell Switching 199
Summary 200
Questions for Thinking 200
Chapter 14 Analysis of 5G Network Optimization Problems 201
Preface 201
Learning Goals 201
14.1 5G Network Optimization Overview 201
14.1.1 Wireless Performance Problem Categories 202
14.1.2 Network Optimization Data Source 202
14.1.3 Network Optimization Objectives 202
14.2 Analysis of 5G Network Access Problems 203
14.2.1 5G Access Process 203
14.2.2 Analysis of NSA Access Problems 203
14.2.3 NSA Access Case Analysis 207
14.3 Analysis of 5G Network Switching Problems 208
14.3.1 5G Switching Process 209
14.3.2 5G Cell Switching Parameters 210
14.3.3 5G cell Switching Indicators 212
14.3.4 Analysis of 5G Cell Switching Problems 213
14.3.5 Case Analysis 215
14.4 Analysis of 5G Network Speed 216
14.4.1 5G End-to-end Data Transmission Architecture and Overall Processing
Ideas 216
14.4.2 Analysis of 5G Low-speed Air Interface Problems 217
14.4.3 Troubleshooting Other Problems 218
Summary 219
Questions for Thinking 219
Chapter 15 AI in 5G Network Planning 221
Preface 221
Learning Goals 221
15.1 Concept of Artificial Intelligence 221
15.2 Application of Artificial Intelligence 223
15.2.1 Prediction of 5G Antenna Azimuth Angle 223
15.2.2 5G Intelligent Slicing Operation and Maintenance 226
Summary 228
Questions for Thinking 229


