



  • 中文名:21世紀大學商務英語綜合教程(第4冊)
  • 作者:劉雲騰
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年10月
  • 頁數:253 頁
  • 定價:36 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-309-07571-7/H.1544


商務英語學科在其發展過程中,有三個重大事件是具有里程碑意義的: 1994年搭建了全國性的商務英語研討平台;1998年中國高校國際商務英語研究會成立;2007年國家教育部批准在高校增設商務英語本科專業。近年來,商務英語教學和研究的規模迅速擴大,培養規格、教學內容和教學方法日益規範,學科建設水平逐步提升。據有關單位統計,到目前為止,全國已有近700所高等院校開設了商務英語方向的英語專業或商務英語課程。2006年以來,其中的7所高等院校已先後獲得教育部批准試辦商務英語本科專業。根據相關部門和機構的規劃,今後5年獲準開設商務英語本科專業的院校將增至50所左右。


Unit 1 Establishing Brand Strategy
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Building a Strong Brand
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Nokia — Building a Powerful Technology Brand
Part Four General Learning
Unit 2 Management by Objectives
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Management by Objectives
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Use S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Launch Management by Objectives Plan
Part Four General Learning
Unit 3 The Decision making Process
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Managerial Decision making Under Risk
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B A Manager s Challenge — Decision making Troubles at Nike
Part Four General Learning
Unit 4 Knowledge Management
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Strategic Knowledge Management Technology
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management
Part Four General Learning
Unit 5 Supply Chain and Logistics
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Introducing Logistics Systems
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Inventory Decisions of Dell's Supply Chain
Part Four General Learning
Unit 6 Risk Management
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A What Is Enterprise Risk Management?
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Project Risk Management
Part Four General Learning
Unit 7 Global Strategy
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Marketing Strategy in the Global Information Age
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Global Business Strategy — Expanding Your Business Internationally
Part Four General Learning
Unit 8 Global Warming
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A The Race Against Climate Change
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Why Is Global Warming Good for Business
Part Four General Learning
Unit 9 Financial Management
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Vital Signs to Show Your Company's Financial Health
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B How's Your Company's Financial Health?
Part Four General Learning
Unit 10 Entrepreneurship
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Entrepreneurship Mindset — Do You Have What It Takes?
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Sowing the Seeds — John Scharffenberger Grows His Businesses from the Ground Up
Part Four General Learning


