



  • 書名:21世紀大學商務英語綜合教程(第三冊)
  • 作者:王燕希
  • 出版社復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年12月
  • 頁數:265 頁
  • 定價:38 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309076455


商務英語教學和研究發軔於20世紀50年代初,其發展始終與國家的經濟社會發展,特別與改革開放的進程緊密相關。商務英語教學和研究人員始終關注經濟社會發展的實際需求,不斷提升商務英語教學和研究水平,多年來為我國融入經濟全球化,為經濟發展和改革開放事業培養了一大批既熟練掌握英語語言技能又通曉商務知識,能在國際商務舞台上開展跨語言、跨文化和跨學科交際活動的複合型英語人才。 商務英語學科在其發展過程中,有三個重大事件是具有里程碑意義的: 1994年搭建了全國性的商務英語研討平台;1998年中國高校國際商務英語研究會成立;




Unit 1 International Trade
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Free Trade Has Enriched the World with More than Diverse Goods
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Contrasting Views on International Trade
Part Four General Learning
Unit 2 Organization Recruitment
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A How Does an Organization Recruit?
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Talent Retention: The Quest for Happiness
Part Four General Learning
Unit 3 Business Leadership
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Leadership: Intentional Influence
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Building the 21st Century Leader
Part Four General Learning
Unit 4 Pricing Products and Services
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Pricing Products and Services
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Methods of Product Pricing
Part Four General Learning
Unit 5 Banking Industry
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Nature of the Banking Industry
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Banking Career: A Loan Officer
Part Four General Learning
Unit 6 Mergers and Acquisitions
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Mergers and Acquisitions
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Daimler Chrysler Merger
Part Four General Learning
Unit 7 Cross cultural Management
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Managing Across Cultures
Part Three Task based Learning
The Culture of Decision making
Part Four General Learning
Unit 8 Managing Multicultural Workforce
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Multicultural Workforce Management
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Workforce Diversity in India and the U.S.
Part Four General Learning
Unit 9 Global Economic Integration
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Global Economic Integration
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Focus on the Benefits, Not Threats, of Regional Integration
Part Four General Learning
Unit 10 Foreign Direct Investment
Part One Lead in Activities
Part Two Knowledge based Learning
Text A Understanding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Part Three Task based Learning
Text B Why Multinational Companies Do FDI?
Part Four General Learning


