



  • 書名:2016全國職稱英語等級考試用書(綜合類) 
  • 作者:人力資源和社會保障部人事考試中心
    國家外國專家局培訓中心 組編 
  • ISBN:9787512909922 
  • 定價:48 
  • 出版社:中國人事出版社 
  • 出版時間:2015-11 




第一部分 辭彙選項
第二部分 閱讀判斷
第一篇 Taking Pictures of the World
第二篇 “Own”Your Children's Education
第三篇 Across the Desert
第四篇 Smoking
第五篇 Plants and Mankind
*第六篇 Brands
*第七篇 Moderate Earthquake Strikes England
*第八篇 Easy Learning
*第九篇 What Is a Dream?
*第十篇 The Workers' Role in Management
+第十一篇 Stage Fright
+第十二篇 Starting a New Tradition
+第十三篇 A Dog's Dilemma
+第十四篇 The National Trust
+第十五篇 Lower Body Fat Means Better Performance
第三部分 概括大意與完成句子
第一篇 The Making of a Success Story
第二篇 The Paper Chase
第三篇 English and English Community
第四篇 Alaska
第五篇 US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty
*第六篇 How We Form First Impression?
*第七篇 How to Argue with Your Boss?
*第八篇 Screen Test
*第九篇 Transport and Trade
*第十篇 Washoe Learned American Sign Language
+第十一篇 Is There a Way to Keep the Briton's Economy Growing?
+第十二篇 Intelligence:a Changed View
+第十三篇 Ward off Travel Bugs
+第十四篇 Heartbeat of America
+第十五篇 Smoke Gets in Your Mind
第四部分 閱讀理解
第一篇 Telling Tales about People
第二篇 Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference
第三篇 Shark Attack!
第四篇 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving
第五篇 The Travels of Ibn Battuta
第六篇 Native American Popery
第七篇 Modem Sun Worshippers
第八篇 The Changing Middle Class
第九篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best
第漏故嘗十篇 A Letter from Alan
第十一篇 The Development of Ballet
第十二篇 Smuggling
第十三篇 The Barbie Dolls
第十四篇 Sleep
第十五篇 Orbital Space Plane
第十六篇 The Sahara
*第十七篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful
*第十八篇 Goal of American Education
*第項煉嬸十九篇 The Family
*第二十篇 Tales of the Terrible Past
*第二十一篇 Spacing in Animals
*第二十二篇 Some Things We Know about Language
*第二十三篇 The Only way Is Up
*第二十四篇 The Romance of Arthur
*第二十五篇 Income
*第二十六篇 Seeing the World Centuries Ago
*第二十七篇 Importance of Services
*第二十八篇 The National Park Service
*第二十九篇 I’ll Be Bach
*第三十篇 “Lucky”Lord Lucan-Alive or Dead
*第三十一篇 Pool Watch
*第三十二篇 The Cherokee Nation
*第三十三篇 Oseola McCarty
+第三十四篇 To Have and Have Not
+第三十五篇 Going Her Own way
+第三十六篇 Life as a Movie Extra
+第三十七篇 Pop Music in Africa
+第三十八篇 Why So Many Children?
+第三十九篇 Eat to Live
+第四十篇 New US Plan for Disease Prevention
+第四十一篇 The Operation of International Airlines
+第四十二篇 Sauna
+第四十三篇 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack?
+第四十四篇 Americans Get Touchy
+第四十五篇 Women Staying in Mini-skirts for Longer
+第四十六篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed
+第四十七篇 Narrow Escape
+第四十八篇 Finding Enlightenment in Scotland
+第四十九篇 The Beginning of American Literature
+第五十篇 Older Volcanic Eruptions
第五部分 補全短文
第一篇 What We Take from and Give to the Sea
第二篇 Common Questions about Dreams
第三篇 Baby Talk
第四篇 The First Four Minutes
第五篇 Financial Risks
*第六篇 Mobile Phones
*第七篇 The Apgar Test
*第八篇 Ice Cream Taster Has Sweet Job
*第九篇 Style,Not Fashion
*第十篇 Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change
+第十一篇 Virtual Driver
+第十二篇 Men Smell of Cheese and Women of Onions
+第十三篇 The Value of Motherhood
+第十四篇 Primer on Smell
+第十五篇 Einstein Named “Person of the Century”
第六部分 完形填空
第一篇 A Life with Birds
第二篇 A Lucky Break
第三篇 Global Warming
第四篇 A Success Story
第五篇 Traffic in Our Cities
*第六篇 Teaching and Learning
*第七篇 The Difference between Man and Computer
*第八篇 Look on the Bright Side
*第九篇 The First Bicycle
*第十篇 Working Mothers
+第十一篇 School Lunch
+第十二篇 A Powerful Influence
+第十三篇 The Old Gate
+第十四篇 Family History
+第十五篇 Helen and Martin
附錄 參考譯文
第四篇 Alaska
第五篇 US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty
*第六篇 How We Form First Impression?
*第七篇 How to Argue with Your Boss?
*第八篇 Screen Test
*第九篇 Transport and Trade
*第十篇 Washoe Learned American Sign Language
+第十一篇 Is There a Way to Keep the Briton's Economy Growing?
+第十二篇 Intelligence:a Changed View
+第十三篇 Ward off Travel Bugs
+第十四篇 Heartbeat of America
+第十五篇 Smoke Gets in Your Mind
第四部分 閱讀理解
第一篇 Telling Tales about People
第二篇 Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference
第三篇 Shark Attack!
第四篇 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving
第五篇 The Travels of Ibn Battuta
第六篇 Native American Popery
第七篇 Modem Sun Worshippers
第八篇 The Changing Middle Class
第九篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best
第十篇 A Letter from Alan
第十一篇 The Development of Ballet
第十二篇 Smuggling
第十三篇 The Barbie Dolls
第十四篇 Sleep
第十五篇 Orbital Space Plane
第十六篇 The Sahara
*第十七篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful
*第十八篇 Goal of American Education
*第十九篇 The Family
*第二十篇 Tales of the Terrible Past
*第二十一篇 Spacing in Animals
*第二十二篇 Some Things We Know about Language
*第二十三篇 The Only way Is Up
*第二十四篇 The Romance of Arthur
*第二十五篇 Income
*第二十六篇 Seeing the World Centuries Ago
*第二十七篇 Importance of Services
*第二十八篇 The National Park Service
*第二十九篇 I’ll Be Bach
*第三十篇 “Lucky”Lord Lucan-Alive or Dead
*第三十一篇 Pool Watch
*第三十二篇 The Cherokee Nation
*第三十三篇 Oseola McCarty
+第三十四篇 To Have and Have Not
+第三十五篇 Going Her Own way
+第三十六篇 Life as a Movie Extra
+第三十七篇 Pop Music in Africa
+第三十八篇 Why So Many Children?
+第三十九篇 Eat to Live
+第四十篇 New US Plan for Disease Prevention
+第四十一篇 The Operation of International Airlines
+第四十二篇 Sauna
+第四十三篇 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack?
+第四十四篇 Americans Get Touchy
+第四十五篇 Women Staying in Mini-skirts for Longer
+第四十六篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed
+第四十七篇 Narrow Escape
+第四十八篇 Finding Enlightenment in Scotland
+第四十九篇 The Beginning of American Literature
+第五十篇 Older Volcanic Eruptions
第五部分 補全短文
第一篇 What We Take from and Give to the Sea
第二篇 Common Questions about Dreams
第三篇 Baby Talk
第四篇 The First Four Minutes
第五篇 Financial Risks
*第六篇 Mobile Phones
*第七篇 The Apgar Test
*第八篇 Ice Cream Taster Has Sweet Job
*第九篇 Style,Not Fashion
*第十篇 Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change
+第十一篇 Virtual Driver
+第十二篇 Men Smell of Cheese and Women of Onions
+第十三篇 The Value of Motherhood
+第十四篇 Primer on Smell
+第十五篇 Einstein Named “Person of the Century”
第六部分 完形填空
第一篇 A Life with Birds
第二篇 A Lucky Break
第三篇 Global Warming
第四篇 A Success Story
第五篇 Traffic in Our Cities
*第六篇 Teaching and Learning
*第七篇 The Difference between Man and Computer
*第八篇 Look on the Bright Side
*第九篇 The First Bicycle
*第十篇 Working Mothers
+第十一篇 School Lunch
+第十二篇 A Powerful Influence
+第十三篇 The Old Gate
+第十四篇 Family History
+第十五篇 Helen and Martin
附錄 參考譯文


